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Everything posted by ThreeBlessings

  1. You're quite welcome! I really fell in love with the way Spelling is presented as manipulating the words in this book. I wanted to build on it and use it as a base. You really get to use the rules like this, yk?
  2. I'm definitely doing next year on the cheap, out of necessity. Luckily I have collected a good amount of materials over the years. The only thing I might buy at some point is Story of the World Early Modern History books, which I'll likely need mid-year. I'm hoping to find them used at a good price. I'll purchase the tests as pdfs through Peace Hill Press. I really don't have to do this though as we have several good History books to use, so I'm not set on this. I bought Lial's PreAlgebra used cheap, Killgallon's Middle School Grammar new, a used Harcourt Science text cheap, already have several Writing Strands books I bought used at a good price, will continue with KISS and some MEP. I did buy a book on summarizing new that I wish I hadn't, even though it will probably prove useful. I'd just rather I had spent that money better. I will probably buy GSWL as an ebook too. I love GSWS and I think ds would really enjoy GSWL.
  3. I posted another thread which links to the first four completed weeks here. I'll put up more soon. :) If anyone has any ideas for improvement let me know!
  4. I'm really hoping to publish the finished pdf, which would include both books, for sale. I'm putting a lot of time into this and would love to be able to make a few bucks to put towards homeschool materials. I'll probably post some more weeks as I finish them, at least 2-4 more weeks worth. I'd like to provide a large sample for people to peruse anyhow. :) Btw, thanks! :) I think it is coming out rather nice. It may be awhile before it is complete though. It'll likely take longer to proofread than to make.
  5. Ha! Sometimes it is so good to homeschool and follow those rabbit holes to hearts content, sometimes not. :)
  6. I have to say I have very fond memories of reading R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike books as a kid. :)
  7. We are using Getting Started With Spanish. I assume they are very similar. :) We haven't found it boring at all. My dd loves it! We love that the lessons are short and to the point. We also do the translations orally. It takes less than 10 minutes for a lesson, which helps us actually get to it every day. The short lessons keep it from being boring and doing it every day really does help her recall of the material.
  8. Will it have an art project or two for each region? My kids really enjoyed when we did world geography, incorporating some art projects and a recipe or two for each continent. Sorry I can't rememeber the title of the cookbook we used, but there are several for kids that have recipes from around the world. I mostly picked art projects off the internet.
  9. Thanks! I would think grade 4 and up, but I'm sure it would depend on the student. I haven't found an easy way to check what grade level the words are, but I should at least compare them to some grade level lists. My kids I'm using this with are 10 and 12, 4th grade and 6th grade.
  10. Your welcome and enjoy! It has actually been fun for me to make them, lol. I'm a nerd like that. We got an old version of a desktop publishing software for super cheap and it is fun playing with it. :)
  11. In order. I tried History Odyssey and wanted to like it. I did like it, just wasn't as easy as open and go. So yeah, I ended up doing SOTW in order.
  12. I did this with my dd when she was in K. She had fun. As we studied each continent I basically just printed out a map, made the dough, she shaped the dough to the map outline, added major mountains and rivers by lumping the dough up and tracing a toothpick along the rivers. She painted it and we left it to dry. :)
  13. I've completed four weeks of our new Spelling worksheets so far and wanted to share. Feel free to print for personal use and point others to the link, but please respect copyright as these were created by me. :) There is a student workbook and a necessary teacher guide. Both are pdfs. Enjoy! I'll post the next two weeks after I finish them if anyone is interested. I'd be happy to hear any feedback or ideas for improvement. If you find any mistakes please be kind and let me know.
  14. 1. Give others the respect you would like to get. 2. Keep your hands to yourself. 3. Silence during quiet, independent study time. 4. Listen attentively when others are speaking. Hold questions or comments until the speaker is finished. 5. Stay focused on your work. 6. Respond politely and helpfully if your actions are disrupting or bothering another student.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to look. :) I hadn't thought of using the words outside of the spelling list. Not sure how I would go about that? Any ideas? I have totally changed the way the vintage book does the exercises and added lots of exercises and review for what I've completed so far. It is a four day program that repeats the same lessons day 1- day 4 again and again. Basically days 1 is a new rule with exercises to complete, day 2 is exercises for the same rule, day 3 tests words that follow the rule and recall of the rule, and day 4 is a review test that will test words from any rule learned so far, as well as any misspelled words. In detail- Day 1- introduce the rule, the student will copy the rule, the student will complete at least one exercise to practice using the rule Day 2- the student will again copy the rule and complete at least one exercise to practice using the rule Day 3- the teacher will read words to the student to spell that review the current rule, the teacher will prompt the student to correct any mistakes right away, before moving onto the next word, the student will try to remember the rule and discuss the rule out loud with the teacher, with the teacher guiding the student to recall if necessary, student will then write the rule Day 4- the teacher will read words to the student from the previous rules plus any misspelled words from past exercises and reviews, the teacher will prompt the student to correct any mistakes right away, before moving onto the next word, the teacher can review past rules with the student orally if a student makes a mistake as they prompt them to correct a word, but students does not need to write the rule down
  16. After much research and thinking I've begun to make my own Spelling to use with my kids. I don't have the $ to put into an expensive program, but I want something open and go that teaches the rules. I have completed the first two weeks! I put them up on google docs as free pdfs if anyone is interested in checking them out. I'd really love feedback before I progress. There is a student workbook and a teacher book. It is based off a vintage, public domain Spelling book with lots of changes. Please let me know what you think! *I posted this is on the K-8 board, but would love some feedback from people teaching the logic stage crowd. :) I plan to use this with my 6th grader through the rest of this year and into 7th grade as well. She's never been taught spelling rules. She is a good speller. After much thought I became convinced it would still be a good idea to teach her the rules for spelling. I'd love opinions on the Spelling workbook I'm creating for her to use. Do you think it will do a good job helping her to understand and memorize the rules?
  17. Okay, I understand what you are saying. I think my kids probably do this too, focus on remembering when I dictate instead of focusing on the meaning. I think this is really what I want from dictating though. I want to help them remember the rule. The exercises should help them actually get the rule, kwim? They won't be able to do the most of the exercises correctly without actually getting the rule. Some they would because they may already know how to spell the word. I will definitely be watching them do the first couple or helping them through the first couple to be sure they get it. This is what we've been doing already. Any mistakes made are a chance to reinforce the meaning of the rule.
  18. You could definitely use a whiteboard. It would be especially easy with the exercises in the vintage book. I'm adding quite a few types of exercises which would still be doable with a whiteboard, but would just be easier and quicker to do on a daily basis with the student pages. Example (something like this, not sure if this will keep the formatting!)- abridge + ment ______________ judge + ment _______________ argue + ment _______________ etc. Example- Break the words into root and suffix. argument ________________ + _________________ abridgment ________________ + _________________ judgment ________________ + _________________ etc. So you could still definitely do this on a whiteboard, just faster and easier with the student pages. I *think* in the long run, getting to use it with 3 kids, I'll be saving myself time, lol. I have a four year old, so every 5 minutes I can cut from our daily school routine helps. :) She's totally occupied playing with the big kids while I'm making the worksheets. During school there's a good chance she won't be otherwise occupied without my help, kwim?
  19. I consider each individually, but with an eye to combine whenever possible. My two big kids are very close in age and abilities. I'm lucky to be able to combine almost everything. I also have a PK 3/4 to plan for. I definitely need to plan for her separately, and will no doubt continue to need to. I've put some thought into whether or not to even try to match up her History cycles in the future, but I doubt I will as the materials will all be different anyway.
  20. Wow! Awesome and way to go! I just finished planning for the rest of this year. Though I have to admit with next year's materials here I'm itching to get ahead and start laying out plans. You've inspired me!
  21. I think writing out the rule should help them remember. Also on the third day they are to try to recall it on their own, first orally, with prompting if necessary, and then write it down. I've found copywork useful in the past for memorizing, as well as oral recitation. It really helped the kids with their multiplication facts. :)
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