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Everything posted by ThreeBlessings

  1. I'm not totally set on the white. Dd loves Rainbow Brite and the colors together reminded me of her, that's all. :)
  2. Thanks for the other link, I didn't realize. It would be a lot of weaving in ends, wouldn't it? With #2 the white could be carried up through the hat because it would only needed twisted up two rows. I suppose the distance between stripes would prevent the rest of the colors from being twisted round and carried up?
  3. Hugs mama. I'd guess she probably doesn't know she is hurting your feelings. To her it may seem like no big deal where she stays.
  4. Please help me pick which pattern for this hat. This is driving me batty! I just can't decide. #1 white ribbing with repeated rainbow pattern #2 white ribbing with repeated rainbow pattern with white stripes between each color or #3 neither!
  5. We're making quite a few changes here. We had a school meeting and decided we would do Math as our first subject everyday and read alouds last, no specific order for the in-between subjects. We also decided to change the consequences posted for breaking rules. It will now be reminder, reminder, gain a chore which is pretty much what it was before I posted rules/consequences anyway. Makes sense to me that if they are taking up a hunk of my time with unnecessary behavior instead of being productive during school they can make it up after by taking on some of my work. We took a vote to switch from Core 100 American History to Story of the World Middle Ages. I've been using Singapore, Math Mammoth, and Basic College Math. I plan to use only Basic College Math for the remainder of the year. I purchased Getting Started With Spanish and I'm excited to start this with dd. We've been using Spanish For Children. I'm hoping the short, easy lessons in GSWS will help us get Spanish done. We both really want to learn the language. We're going to use the Young Scientist Club Kits I have. They read from a Foresman Science textbook almost daily, but we just aren't doing the experiments I had planned. Hopefully the kits will help. It will be random and not related to what they're reading, but I'm okay with that.
  6. I recently cut my long hair into shoulder length myself. I sectioned the hair by thirds and dealt with the bottom layer first, top layer last. The bottom layer I separated at the nape of my neck into two sections bringing forward the right half to my right shoulder and left half to my left shoulder. I then carefully cut to the same desired length. I use an upwards tilt to the scissors, but you could easily just cut straight across. Repeat this with the middle layer, then top layer, cutting the subsequent layers to match the bottom layer. Is it professional? No, but I don't care and if you don't care either you can certainly do it yourself.
  7. I'm interested in making pdfs that won't cost me any money. I'd like to be able to share knitting patterns and preschool worksheets I've created, but I don't know how to do this. I would need simple, easy to follow directions and a decent free program(I assume). Can anyone help?
  8. Not a program, but I wanted to share an activity my three year old loves. I've gotten several flannel board storytelling books from the library. I copy the blackline pictures on paper and cut them out. I read the story, then using the picture pieces she retells the story to me and then we play the story together. I've also been able to find pictures online to print and use for retelling stories. We've done The Gingerbread Man, The Three Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Frog Prince and Little Red Riding Hood so far. This is by far her favorite 'school' activity we do together. There was one book in particular that I copied most of the above stories out of, but I can't recall the title, sorry. I searched the library site and amazon to no avail. I will post it if I remember. All of the books I found at the library had reproducible patterns. We have a felt board, but the paper retelling is easier and she just loves it. You could color the pieces or have your child color them, use cardstock or laminate if you wanted. I just use regular printer paper and leave them black and white, then store the pieces in a sheet protector when not in use. BBC website has some blackline pictures for fairy tales and other stories. I printed out The Frog Prince and dd enjoyed it, but if I print another story from there I won't print the entire story and backgrounds, but be selective and only print the minimum necessary for a good retelling.
  9. Ha! Yeah I'd probably need a drink or two for bravery. Do you think the tattoo artist would be cool with that? :)
  10. Thanks for the info. :) I'm not a really wuss about pain. I think it is more the needle thing that is getting to me. I've given birth three times without meds on purpose, lol, but get near me with a needle to draw blood and I'm feeling lightheaded and nauseous. Maybe getting a tattoo wouldn't have the same affect? It is probably more the taking my blood out of my body thing. $50 would definitely make the price right. I wonder if I could talk dh into it? He doesn't have any tattoos either. Hmmmm.
  11. Oh! Sorry! I just assumed. I do like it and you're right it would certainly meet my criteria. :) I'll think on it more, but so far when I think about the needle jabbing me I feel more than a little nauseous.
  12. I'm not sure if this applies when using it in a bath, but I do know it is recommended to ask a doctor first if taking it orally if you have a kidney problem, diabetes or are pregnant. I gave my dd who was 2 nice, warm epsom baths a couple times a week when she was constipated. I think as with anything else it can be over done so I wouldn't go soaking kids in it nightly. :)
  13. Thank goodness! My heart was in my throat and now I have happy tears. :)
  14. That is really awful! I'm so sorry someone did that to you. Do you think it was random? Definitely change any other passwords you have that are same/similar just in case. I'm sure I'd feel the same way. Not cool.
  15. KungFuPanda- I'm really curious how bad the tattoo on the finger would hurt? Also if you don't mind sharing, how long did it take and how much $? Thanks :)
  16. Thanks so much everyone for all of the ideas! :) I'm going to look at all the links.
  17. Seems like the wood rings can't be worn in water. Bah! I like them and I'll have to consider how much a pain I'd want to endure taking one off twenty times a day. I'm just not seeing it.
  18. helena- thanks for the idea to look at wood rings. There are some cheaper ones on etsy that have no metal. I wonder how comfortable they are, how much abuse they could take? Hmmm.
  19. The sterling silver rings, how sturdy are those? Would they withstand a bit of abuse? I bent the heck out of my gold band regularly until it finally cracked.
  20. Very nice! But, um, how bad did that hurt? I've never gotten a tattoo. Wouldn't it hurt badly in so bony a place?
  21. I'm not into gold or diamonds. I don't wear usually jewelry. I did have a simple, cheap white gold band at one time that withstood quite a bit of abuse before breaking. I would like a new wedding band, but I really don't want anything gold and certainly no diamonds. I also don't want anything that will turn my finger green, bend or break easily, or be uncomfortable to wear. I'd like something I don't need to take off in the shower, to work, to do dishes, or to sleep if such a ring exists. I'm open to any ideas, especially if someone has a non-metal alternative, but really need it to be fairly cheap. Any ideas?
  22. I have a hard time answering this question. There is a large gap in what *I* consider providing for an adequate education and what I feel would constitute neglect. For me to ever consider reporting another family I feel it would have to be pretty severe and I would feel seriously worried and disturbed by the situation of the child. In other words I would know it if I saw it. Anything less than that? Not my business.
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