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Everything posted by ThreeBlessings

  1. I've used WWE for Writing exclusively in the past and I am using it occasionally this year. I like WWE, but sometimes we use History, Lit, or Science reading instead for narration and dictation. We are using this approach a lot less this year because we are using Writing Strands, Sentence Composing, Outlining, Writing Quick Practice, and random writing assignments, so lots of writing already. I have not used FLL, although I have owned 1/2 and 3. I opted to use Simply Grammar instead of FLL 1/2 because I preferred less scripting/reciting/memorization for Grammar. I thought I would use FLL 3, but decided to use a workbook for Grammar instead mainly because of the scripted approach. We have a lot going on this year and I needed to make some decisions based on time. How much they'll retain I won't know until we are further along in the year. There is very little in our curricula they can open and go and do pretty much on their own so using the workbook is great for right now.
  2. I noticed a lot of people put their current curricula in their signatures. I love to see what others are using for various reasons, not the least of which is gaining ideas. I decided to start putting our current read aloud(s) in my signature as well, and would like to invite others to do so. This may be too much a hassle for some people to change frequently, but I would love to be able to see current read alouds alongside the curricula you are using so join in if you want to share. :)
  3. Thanks, I will take a look at the book rec. Amazon has the 7th edition used cheap. Does it matter which edition and would you suggest the Solutions Manual?
  4. I have no intention to push her faster than she is currently going. She is doing very well and progressing right along in the materials I have. I want to be prepared for what to do with her next. As long as she is relatively happily scooting right along I want to help her by having materials available to use. I really think she could be 'caught up' by the end of this year or mid next year. Math before last year she just wasn't getting easily. We spent a lot of time grounding her in the basics last year and she really gets a lot now she didn't before. I purchased a lot of manipulatives we didn't have before and they really helped.
  5. Ds is 9 and in 4th grade. His handwriting has always been poor. Last year we worked on it during copywork and he also learned cursive, which looks poor as well. I know he rushes a lot. When he takes the time to slow down it is somewhat better. When I am hovering over his shoulder like in WWE it is a somewhat better. I really think he would benefit from some type of remedial printing as he isn't forming all of the letters properly. For example his a is not a ball and stick, he makes a line first, then brings a curve down around from the top that doesn't always even reach the bottom line. Most of his letters are formed properly. I have shown him numerous times how to do this correctly. I'm not sure what to do to help him now. He also runs his words together a lot. Sohiswrittensentence might looklike this. Ack. I've corrected this I don't know how many times. If we are doing WWE I can spend that short amount of time correcting him as he begins to make the mistakes, but I do not have the time to hang over his shoulder and do that for every assignment. I told him today that he will need to begin rewriting assignments if I cannot read them easily. Any suggestions?
  6. Dd is 11 and in 6th grade. She has always been a bit 'behind' in Math, whereas her brother has always been a bit 'ahead' in Math, so they are using the same curriculum. She doesn't like Math and gets easily frustrated trying to understand concepts. That said, she has been making lots of progress this year and last. She is understanding a lot of things better now. I would like to get her as 'caught up' as possible this year, without stressing her out. We are currently using Singapore 4A and 5A simultaneously, as well as MEP level 3 for supplemental review. We will then do 4B/5B. I don't currently own Singapore 6A and 6B, should I buy it? They just finished Math Mammoth multiplication and can either start the division or fractions materials next. We also have Life of Fred Fractions to use this year. What else should I be using, doing? I have went and looked at 6th grade standards for Math, but I'm still not sure exactly what materials I could/should be using to get her 'caught up'. She has been plugging right along and making a lot of progress positively and I'd like to keep it that way. If she is caught up at the end of this school year what curriculum/materials should she be able to start next year? Pre-Algebra?
  7. Dd is 11 and in 6th grade. She has always been a bit 'behind' in Math, whereas her brother has always been a bit 'ahead' in Math, so they are using the same curriculum. She doesn't like Math and gets easily frustrated trying to understand concepts. That said, she has been making lots of progress this year and last. She is understanding a lot of things better now. I would like to get her as 'caught up' as possible this year, without stressing her out. We are currently using Singapore 4A and 5A simultaneously, as well as MEP level 3 for supplemental review. We will then do 4B/5B. I don't currently own Singapore 6A and 6B, should I buy it? They just finished Math Mammoth multiplication and can either start the division or fractions materials next. We also have Life of Fred Fractions to use this year. What else should I be using, doing? I have went and looked at 6th grade standards for Math, but I'm still not sure exactly what materials I could/should be using to get her 'caught up'. She has been plugging right along and making a lot of progress positively and I'd like to keep it that way. If she is caught up at the end of this school year what curriculum/materials should she be able to start next year? Pre-Algebra?
  8. For fun- Scratch (my kids have loved this) and Pixia are FREE. There are lots of tutorials on youtube about using Pixia, though we haven't watched them. Pixia is neat because it allows you to draw and add in layers, very cool. There used to be a Pixia website, but google isn't spitting it out for me if it still exists. It had tutorial manuals for download.
  9. Vodka mixed in Welch's grape juice and a small amount of cranberry juice. I can't taste the vodka at all like this. I do not enjoy the taste of most alcohol at all. I do however LOVE Mike's Hard Lemonades (can no longer drink because of gluten issues, boohoo) and Carolan's Creme Liquor. I would fill up half a coffee cup with Carolan's and the other half with water. Smooth, yummy even. :) Watch that cream stuff though it can pack on the weight if you drink it often. That stuff has ALOT of calories. I don't drink that anymore either though.
  10. Finally completed my order, took some things away, added some things, here's my order: Math Instant & Interactive Math Picture Pages With Activities Logic Posters, Problems, & Puzzles PreK-K various Turn to Learn Reading-for-Meaning Mini-Books: Early Concepts Munch & Learn Math Story Mats 15 Easy & Irresistible Math Mini-Books Math Riddles & Mini-Posters that Build Early Problem-Solving Skills Turn-to-Learn : Early Math 15 Reproducible Cut & Paste Mini-Dictionaries Toss & Learn Games: Science Literacy-Building Booklets Pre-Writing Practice Pages Follow the Directions . . . and Learn! Grade: PreK Toss & Learn Games: Around the Year Toss & Learn Games: Math Reading Success Mini-Books: Sight Words Reading Success Mini-Books: Short and Long Vowels 15 Fun and Easy Games for Young Learners: Reading 15 Fun and Easy Games for Young Learners: Math 15 Fun & Easy Games for Young Learners: Favorite Themes Writing Paragraph Power Quick Practice: Writing Skills: Grades 4-5 Spanish All About Me Spanish Write & Read Books Write & Read Books Month-by-Month Spanish Learning Sight Words is Easy—Spanish! 25 Spanish Science Mini-Books For Emergent Readers 25 Spanish Plays for Emergent Readers 25 Spanish Emergent Reader Mini-Books Science Easy Make & Learn Projects: Human Body
  11. S-U-P-E-R S-L-O-W I'm going to try to order some of the mini book collections and Spanish emergent readers. Some others- Toss and Learn Games: Math & Around the Year Mother Goose Phonics Word Family File Folder Word Walls Itty Bitty Teeny Tiny Word Books Pre-Writing Practice Pages Munch and Learn Math Story Mats First Word Problems Time & Money Play & Learn Language Arts Bingo Write & Learn Word Family Practice Pages Follow the Directions and Learn Grade preK
  12. HUGS. I feel you. I do enjoy reading Lit out loud when the kids sit still and listen. Mine are dd 11, ds 9, and dd 3. The big kids do well with Lit, but I dislike reading aloud History and Science because they can't get it through their heads not to interrupt with questions. I can't tell you how many times I've explained to them questions are to be asked after the reading is done. The three year old generally gets antsy and disruptive when I read aloud for any length. So between the three of them I want to pull my hair out. I do try to interest her in activities, but this worked better last year. I'm actually going to start assigning Science and History as read alones and hope for the best because it is a source of unnecessary stress for me.
  13. There is so much in this post that bothers me. I'm not naive when it comes to the beliefs and attitudes of others, but it is amazing to me how other people think sometimes. I'm sure they would be just as baffled by me. Doctors are wrong sometimes just the same as the rest of us. Any doctor that has gone past the point of believing patients should give informed consent and into a state where they believe a patient should do as they say just because they say is dangerous, in my opinion. Science changes from day to day. It is Science, that is the nature of Science. Recommendations change frequently. Drugs can and do hurt people. Doctors have caused many, many deaths and injuries. This is a fact. Do doctors help people? Yes. Do drugs help people? Yes. Are doctors always right in their advice or recommendations? No. Do the benefits of a drug always outweigh the risks for an individual patient? No. The patient and their family have to live with the consequences of whatever medical decision is made, NOT the doctor. It is not a doctors job to make decisions for their patients. It is their job to inform patients of available treatments and prophylactics, their risks and benefits, and to educate them about any existing conditions they have. It is the patients job to decide and weigh the risks and benefits to the individual and give informed consent. Regarding the medicaid children, you nor any single doctor is 'effectively paying for their medical care'. Every working citizen taxed by the US pays taxes, including the majority of parents who have children on medicaid. You are talking about hard working Americans who pay taxes but are not paid a living wage who need help paying increasingly ridiculous insurance and medical bills for their children. Their taxes also pay for medicaid. That parent raises their child, reads to them, feeds them, bathes them, rocks them, cleans their wounds, etc, etc, etc. It is their child, not the doctors! Just because a doctor pays taxes does not mean they have the right to make medical decisions for someone's child. Will they be the ones to deal with any negative consequences the medical care may have? No. Will they be the one to provide daily care for the child should harm come to him? No. If this argument held real weight then I suppose all of us tax paying citizens who pay for public school should feel we have the right to decide what the public school children are learning and using as curriculum each day. I highly doubt every doctor can afford to send their children to private school. What about aid for college? How many doctors would have been able to afford their college education which allowed them to be doctors without financial aid provided by others' tax dollars? Think about all of the things our tax money goes towards. Can and should each tax paying citizen have equal say and control in the minute details of how it is being spent? Or perhaps just the citizens in a certain tax bracket? Surely if one is paying more taxes they should have more say, more control? No matter doctors are in a higher tax bracket because of the ridiculously high prices for medical care in the US. No matter it is all of the citizens paying for insurance and paying taxes that allow medicaid insurance that fund the doctors being in that tax bracket. The money doesn't just materialize in their pockets. It comes from the hands of hard working Americans.
  14. Yes, it is a hot button topic. Likely due to the current climate surrounding the issue in my area. There's no room for discussion or debate here. I likewise appreciate your respectful conversation and willingness to answer questions. It is refreshing.
  15. From what I've been told by medical professionals working in a hospital setting, if you're going to be dealing with blood Hep B is required. Honestly I haven't entered the 'vaccine debate' for about three years now, so I'm obviously out of the loop when it comes to what doctor's offices are requiring of their workers these days. If they are now requiring more vaccines for employees I only think its right given their requirements on children. I just hope the doctors themselves are keeping up with their boosters as well. I've always thought most didn't. Still they will not be getting all of the shots the children are supposed to get. Do you work with the elderly?
  16. Alice- I did want to say that while I understand you don't feel you are being coercive, I disagree. You only kicked one patient out of the practice, but allowed parents who agreed to stay. I wonder what they would say if you asked them whether or not they felt coerced to comply lest they be kicked out as well. I'm guessing from your post that you will not allow selective vaccinating, just delayed? While you may not have meant your new policy as coercion I think it is.
  17. Thank you for replying and answering. :) I understand, to an extent, your decision. I am glad that you are currently accepting patients with delayed scheduling and hope you continue doing so. Parents deserve the right to choose. This isn't the case at all in my area. It is all precisely to schedule or catch up schedule if a child misses, or you will not be seen. Even family doctors are taking this road. You and I both know the kids are getting vaccines you and I and the general adult population will never get and for us it is OKAY. We would not be refused a place as patient in a medical practice because of it. I can't help but shake my head at refusing a child medical care. eta: Also I'd speculate that in two years time you will see other doctors in your area following your precedence, possibly even taking a harder line with it like doctors in my area.
  18. I think this is a very important thing for people to discuss. I think it is important whether or not children are being denied medical care for any reason. I do think unvaccinated/undervaccinated children are being targeted regardless that they represent no more real threat to any other person's health than any other person. The value of an insurance card to a child who doctors refuse to care for certainly goes way down. At least it would pay for emergencies and urgent care, but hospitals can not refuse emergency care anyway, insurance or no. I have to ask, how far is this going to be taken? To what length are doctors and the powers that be going to go? eta-I am talking exclusively about the population and risks in the US. My children and the children being discussed and the doctors, etc, in the US.
  19. Your practice sounds nice. I have literally never had a doctor spend more than 10 minutes with one of my children, well visit or sick. :) However, I don't agree with your decision, though I know you are within your rights to make it, and I wish you would rethink. Please think of all of the adults in your employ, in your waiting room, and if you are not a pediatrician-all of your adult patients. Why target children seeking medical care? Have you had all of these vaccines? Are you refusing to have any adults in your employ, in your waiting area, in your office as patients unless they have had every single shot young children are supposed to have? What about all the children who do have the DTaP series and still get pertussis? Do you refuse them care at your office? What about a child who receives the Varicella shot and has breakthrough Chickenpox? Will you refuse them care if a concerned, well meaning parent brings them in your office? Someone who is immuno-comprised could possibly catch a disease from so many scenarios. If you are willing to work with those on delayed schedules how is that not also taking on risk as you see it? I'm sorry, but it sounds more like a political decision to me. You would like to assure the parents with concerns over those not vaccinating that you are doing something, etc. I know I do not know you, nor your specifics, and perhaps I am wrong.
  20. Hep B, yes, in hospital and certain settings. Other vaccines? No. And I wasn't just talking about health care professionals, but also their adult patients.
  21. it is not speculation to say that adults have not had many of these vaccines. They were not on the recommended schedule when adults over 30 were children. These vaccines are not advised for adults nor given routinely to adults. Might there be a rare few who have had them anyway for one reason or another, possibly. As a matter of course? No. Not speculation, but fact.
  22. Considering all of their adult patients and the doctors and nurses themselves have not had all of the vaccinations they want the children to have, I disagree. They are not coercing their adult patients to have these same vaccines. They continue to see adult patients who have not been vaccinated for Hep B, Hep A, varicella (there are some adults who haven't had it), Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, HPV, flu, Rotavirus, and possibly others. Where is the concern for other patients there? I bet many doctors themselves are not up to date on boosters nor had all of these vaccines. Are they a threat to their patients? I understand each of these diseases needs to be looked at individually- so do children.
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