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Everything posted by ThreeBlessings

  1. How do you know what condition the book is in? Is there a way to tell from the listing? Also does it matter what condition the books your listing is in? I have some well loved, cover worn books, also some with dog ears. Would these be acceptable or do they need to meet certain requirements? TIA!
  2. I've scheduled my children to read one chapter a day, sometimes two if the chapters are really short, five days a week. So the amount of books will vary slightly because some books have 12 chapters, some 30.
  3. Anybody? :) I'm trying to type up my plans and I'm stuck on this! TIA!
  4. I'm switching to Singapore 3A/B and I'm considering supplementing with MEP as well. I'm new to both. I'm wondering how others schedule both. Also how long does a Singapore lesson usually take? It seems like a lot of work in each lesson as I'm writing out our plans. Singapore would need to be scheduled five days a week to complete both an A and B of a level, correct? So would you double up and do two Math lessons some days or how else do you supplement? How long do the MEP lessons usually take? I think I'm going to start out using MEP level 2 for review, but may end up bumping up to the next level.
  5. For those of you who didn't enjoy Noeo, may I ask why? Also do you have any alternative secular suggestions? TIA!
  6. I'm considering using Noeo Chemistry 2 for Science next year. I'm wondering if anyone has used this curriculum without using the Young Scientist Club Kits? It looks like each kit is only scheduled for one week. I'm ordering from Rainbow Resource and I would need to buy three sets of kits for $20 each to have the scheduled kits, that's $60 and I'd only be using 5 of the 9 kits I'd be buying. They look very simplistic and don't appear to contain much. If, for example air experiments are scheduled for one week and water experiments for one week, how feasible would it be to supplement my own water and air related experiments for those weeks? The only kit I'm thinking of not leaving out is the Polymers one because I'm not sure I could easily find experiments to replace it. The Air, Water, and Surface Tension ones I think I could manage, and probably the Acids and Bases as well. Would we be missing something vital if I supplemented with my own materials? I would like to hear opinions from those who've done without, but also those who've used the kits as well. :)
  7. I'm looking for chapter book suggestions to go along with studying Ancient History for my 3rd and 5th graders. Some will be read alouds, others for them to read alone. I already plan to read The Golden Goblet, Bronze Bow, and Mara Daughter of the Nile. Any other suggestions?
  8. My dd will be going into fifth grade. I've read that Shakespeare can be introduced this year. Anyone have a recommendation as to were to start? Which Shakespeare would you recommend a fifth grader read? I have a book I found at the thrift store which has ten Shakespeare stories- The Tempest, A Midsummer's Night Dream, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, King Lear, Macbeth, The Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello. I'm only familiar with a couple of these myself. Is there one that would be most appropriate for a fifth grader?
  9. If you do all lessons will you have read all of the chapters in SOTW? Also the chapters are presented out of order sometimes within a lesson, do you read them out of order? TIA! :)
  10. The title say it all. :) I'm looking for literature recommendations for a 3rd grade boy. He reads above level but is somewhat reluctant if it isn't a comic book, lol. He is reading chapter books though and I'm not sure if I should have him reading some classics this year or more fun books that boys his age are enjoying. :)
  11. Thanks for the reassurance. :) I bought 3A/3B so I'm glad to hear someone with experience with Singapore recommending this level! Because she is '5th grade' level 3A/3B sounds like a step back, yk? But I really do think this will be best, I'm just having little nagging doubts and lingering guilt. Aubrey I do think you're spot on. :)
  12. I have three children, daughter 2, son 8, and daughter 10. My son has always been pretty quick to catch on to Math concepts and has been enthusiastic and self led in this subject in the past. My daughter who is 10 has just this past school year started to dislike Math. I feel as though she doesn't have enough confidence in Math. I also feel partly responsible because I was assigning workbook pages alot without actually having Math class. I've learned from this mistake and it won't happen again. I would wait for questions, then answer them and explain anything they didn't understand. We did do some hands on Math and played games as well, but not often enough. I had a baby so I guess it really slipped my notice that what I was doing wasn't enough for too long. Anyway, I'm wondering if it would be a good idea for my daughter to go back a level or so in Math so that they are both on the same level. I'm also switching to Singapore and MEP, as well as taking ideas from Miquon for supplementing. Part of me feels like going back will give her confidence, give her insight I failed to give already, and be good review for what she did learn. Another small part of me is thinking won't this set her back? She won't be 'on level'. Yadda yadda. Any opinions?
  13. I'm not Christian, nor creationist, and their reviews don't bother me at all. Its made obvious they are Christian and they hold certain beliefs. I see nothing wrong with them stating if something is secular or isn't, creationist or has evolutionary content. It is what it is and it takes all kinds. I'd rather know personally as well, because I too veer away from materials that aren't in line with my beliefs. Now if they refused to carry any secular or evolutionary content materials then I would take offense and not order from them. :)
  14. At least $300 a year. :) I have had an order with a backordered item once. My order was shipped timely with a notice the item was on backorder. I could have asked for a refund, but chose to wait on the item and they did ship it separately at their own cost. No biggie to me! What exactly would one expect the policy to be? I'm curious because they are the only company, aside from Dick Blick, that I have mail ordered from.
  15. I notice a lot of people use Wordly Wise for vocabulary. I'm wondering if anyone has used or is using Roots and Fruits? It sounds as though it covers vocabulary by Greek and Latin root words. Altogether, 673 roots and prefixes and 1716 vocabulary words are included. It can be used for K-12 and is non-consumable, which is awesome to me as I have three to buy for. Any opinions? :)
  16. Has anyone used Climbing to Good English? During 2nd and 3rd grade respelling is introduced to familiarize the student with using the dictionary pronunciation. I'm finding the concept interesting, though its completely new to me. I'm just not sure what to think about it, lol. Anyone else?
  17. Megawords- do you need the Teacher's guide? TIA :)
  18. Has anyone used any Young Scientist Club kits? Did your kids enjoy it? Were they easy to include in your Science plans? Do you have one in particular you'd recommend? Thanks!
  19. I plan for us to do the exercises orally, not written. And I agree 42 is ALOT, lol. I also have two students and plan for both to participate and do roughly half of each lesson. But I figure they'll both benefit from hearing the other student's responses as well. I'll be chiming in with some responses as well for guidance and comedy. You could play that role and take turns making sentences with him. It may be funner that way. :)
  20. Help a newbie please :) What is GTG? TIA!
  21. I recommend checking your local library if you haven't already. Mine has some and after looking at them I saved myself a rather large purchase. Also if you watch the sale board here you may be able to pick up one or two to peruse for cheaper. I just saw one today. Someone is selling Book 1 with the activity guide for $15 postage included. You could buy it and resell the book if you already own a copy, or keep it as a student copy, or PM the seller and ask them if they'd break up the set. Good luck!
  22. I haven't used Simply Grammar yet, but I did buy it and have been looking it over. In the Introduction one of the questions is How many exercises should my child complete in one sitting? The answer summed up is only what they can accomplish in 10-15 minutes. Then stop and pick up there next time. Another question is How many lessons should I do a week? The answer summed up is one lesson a week or even one every two weeks. If you follow these guidelines the exercises should seem much less intimidating. :)
  23. I just printed off 1 1/2 years of student pages for two children along with 6 sets of the number cards, a set of the number lines, and a set of the sign cards. All of this from one ink cartridge which is still not empty and is still printing darkly. I wanted to see how much I could get with one cartridge. The paper I always buy when it is super cheap on sales or even free or for a penny sometimes from Staples. Its the only time I buy paper and I stock up on it almost to the point of ridiculousness because my children use it for drawing paper and projects constantly. I have no plans to print the lessons plans as I don't mind to read off the computer at all. All of this for under $20. I just spent twice that amount buying Singapore materials for a year for one student used. Granted there is no textbook for the student with MEP. This will be my first year using MEP so we'll see how it goes. :) After looking it over I think we're going to like it.
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