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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. For me, I was a little worried until after our first annual report (we have yearly testing or portfolio review in my state). That went well and it was smooth sailing until the High School years and I began to stress about college, dual college enrollment, college entrance tests and HS transcripts. My oldest is officially done, he's in college and his transcript is complete and everything was pretty easy! Just keep good records!
  2. I get where you're coming from but it seems to be the thing to do at the YMCA pool these days. I personally like the one-pieces that suck everything back where it sorta used to be. There are lots of...ahem...larger women...that wear very revealing suits. I figure 'more power to them'. I don't think the little kids are too worried either-they're having too much fun splashing around to notice all the cellulite and saggy flesh. Hey..I'm all for a revolution...lets all go to the pool and be proud of our mass and contribution to gravity!
  3. Yes, she will be eligible from the date she actually applied (signed the application) so that may even be prior to her interview. Getting retroactive coverage isn't the problem though. She will need to get the case approved ASAP so that she can have the physician or pharmacy verify her coverage via computer so that she isn't faced with trying to come up with the money for an extended period of time. Once eligibility is approved, that information is transmitted by the worker into the system and her life will be a lot easier. Until that eligibility can be readily verified, dr's can be very reluctant to treat and pharmacies are stubborn about getting the full rx $$$ unless they can easily charge medicaid.
  4. I actually have something similar but had a problem with the shelves. They can be unstable and mine tended to collapse if they held unequally weighted items. Be sure to look at the average height of the section too because on mine they fit approx a ream of paper so notebooks and thick texts might be too big if you plan to use all 15 slots. If you don't need all 15 then you would have more room. On mine, the shelves sit on pegs but if they slide in on a groove it would be much better and you could avoid the tipping problem that I have with unequally weighted items. Mine kept collapsing so I have this now: http://www.1st-quality-school-supplies.com/12-drawer-mobile-organizer.html?zmam=5908402&zmas=4&zmac=28&zmap=12-drawer-mobile-organizer I never really did the workbox system. I just separate their subject areas into each drawer and they pull from the drawer. 2 girls = 6 drawers. Drawers: Math, Science, History, Language Arts, Language, Misc.
  5. My 12 yr old did Tinkerbell Green (HomeDepot Disney color) and then put on the Wallies flowers. It is like this picture except we didn't do the border. Then we found this design bed-in-a-bag from Domestications and the curtains. It matched the Wallies almost exactly.
  6. If he doesn't have a fever and if the pain doesn't get worse, I'd watch him but hold off until Monday. Don't be thinking that the Medicaid will definately be ready in a few days either. I was a Service Worker eons ago and I saw people waiting for a looooong time. You might have to get mean and nag if they don't get it going in a timely manner. Don't be timid about that either. I saw far to many very lazy Service Workers in my day. Have you explored using the Minute Clinic that some pharmacies offer? They may be able to check via computer the status of your pending/approved case. They also interface pretty well with Medicaid because they are very familiar with it. You don't need to wait for the actual card to prove eligibility. As long as the physician can call the worker or tap into the Medicaid computer then you are good to go. Good luck and I hope your son feels better soon.
  7. I think that if they help folks get the work done they are a great thing. They are probably one of those methods that work really well for some but others just wouldn't relate. Personally, I'm in the 'wouldn't relate' category. That is probably because my children are older and know what they need to do based on a chart I keep. The chart is probably the 'evolved for older students' workbox system. When mine were younger I think I did something very similar to workboxes yet without as many boxes. To do it now with my kids as old as they are wouldn't be very helpful and since I'm in my minimalist phase (lol), the boxes I'd need for two kids would create serious internal conflict requiring LOTS of chocolate. Hummm...chocolate..maybe I need to rethink those boxes afterall. :)
  8. I earned my college degree after I turned 30 so I know how people judge those without it. I never doubted my ability but what made me choose to get it was that I saw people at work being promoted based only on having that degree while I was passed up with way more experience. It really seemed unfair when I was also expected to train the college person to do the job I didn't get promoted to. I also went for the degree because the Feds & State paid for it since I was a govt employee at the time...free tuition was a real motivator. :) Honestly, the main thing a degree changed for me was that it helped me compete with those that had one in the work environment. It also proved to certain people in my family that I could do it . I was proud that I did it but it hasn't really made much difference in my homeschooling because we all learn as we go. I feel my real education began with homeschooling. ;)
  9. Is it this perhaps? http://www.eequalsmcq.com/
  10. I'm glad when people post their experiences with curriculum sellers. I had a unpleasant experience with WinterPromise and I think it is good to have forewarning about what to look out for. I ordered from Sonlight once and was underwhelmed with the quality of the material for what they charged. I also noticed that the packaging was not as careful as I've experienced with other sellers. Between Sonlight's 'purchase driven' forums and the prices they charge for their products, I found alternatives that worked better for us elsewhere. I appreciate hearing the good the bad and the ugly and try to avoid trying to liking something just because it is a popular opinion. :) I think Carolyn should pursue a full refund if she has grounds and it sounds like Sonlight needs to pay more attention to their customer service. Word of mouth spreads like a wildfire in the homeschool community.
  11. I've been going back and forth but I finally have my plans for my 7th grader: Grammar/Comp/Lit: Hake Grammar, Classical Wriitng, Lightening Lit, Pentime Cursive & Wordly Wise 5 Math: A Beka 7, and combo of LOF Beginning Alg. and Dolciani Pre-Alg. Science: Florida Virtual School Science 8th Grade and Museum of Science and Industry Technology Programs for Homeschool Middle School. History: All-American History Foreign Language Irrashai Japanese
  12. That is so sad that she has such a toxic family atmosphere. She needs people like you and your family to help her keep her confidence up. There is absolutely no reason she can't raise a child because of her deafness. Her family needs a reality check.
  13. Mine is taking video design summer classes and he is showing us some fantastic artwork! It is so cool to watch him evolve as an artist and technology student. :)
  14. Mixed together they are great for drain cleaning. Vinegar in water makes a great streak free window wash. Tie a vinegar/baking soda paste in a nylon around a faucet and leave an hour or so to remove scale. Shake baking soda and a few drops of lavender or vanilla or whatever scent you like in a ziplock bag, shake well, then put in a shaker bottle and use as a deodorizer for the carpet before you vacuum. I also use baking soda at the bottom of the cat litter box and some in the fridge to absorb odors. If a pet has an accident in the house, put vinegar right on it to get rid of the scent so that the pet doesn't reoffend in that spot. I buy my vinegar and baking soda at Costco too. :D
  15. That is good that they have it on the website now but when I ordered it wasn't and in April they weren't even close to being done. Hopefully they are closer now but I would want a guarantee before I considered ordering. They really have to work on those issues.
  16. I ordered in March. I never knew anything about it not being ready until April. I wish they had put that on their website. They told me via email about 2 weeks after ordering that it would be ready mid April. I waited. At that point I still didn't have it so I called and they told me they could give me the first two lessons and more later. That wasn't going to work for me since I plan a year in advance. They can't use outsourcing the website as an excuse because if they take money (and the product isn't cheap!) without fully disclosing the product is incomplete then it could be a consumer fraud. They need to work on their service because I consistently hear that they fall short in filling orders timely. They have been around long enough that 'growing pains' no longer can explain the problems they have. The cultures program looked really good but upon reflection, I could easily come up with a fantastic plan that would sound great too, but putting it into a marketable package is another thing. I would never consider selling my 'idea' as a full and complete package. I was just glad to get my refund. :)
  17. I wanted so much to give the American Culture program a try. The site had it available, took my money, and then I found out it wasn't even close to being finished yet (written). I didn't want to get it in pieces so I took a refund. They never indicated on their website that it was not available. I thought that was really misleading and soured me on any further business with that company. I would be more inclined to give them another chance if they had been upfront about the status of that product. Even after I complained, the status never changed. I wonder how many people are waiting on their curriculum? That is my experience.
  18. I like the way you think! This would nip it in the bud! I'd also charge them the Adult Babysitting Rate for the extra hours too. :D
  19. i've always pronounced it like: doo lair (I don't know if that is right or not though).
  20. I just started this last Friday. I waited for the induction headache but it never happened. :) I am allowing myself an Adkins snack once a day and that little bit of chocolate/candy helps me a lot. I also drink a lot of water and try to keep busy to get mind off of snacking. So far it is working and cravings are almost all gone. Today was the first day I felt like I had more energy and it felt really good! :)
  21. Aaaah now I get it. The blue is a funky fun thing. That is cool! Tell her that a 'road trip' with an auntie can be very cool too! :auto:
  22. I'm kinda :confused: too. Is the blue hair so she matches grandma's hair? :D
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