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Everything posted by Leav97

  1. I don't plan. :) I open the book to the next lesson/project/page... I'll look at the copies/extra books/projects for history 1 week in advance. I glanced through the list of supplies needed for the 10 science projects and will pick them up ~ 1 week in advanced.
  2. M&M's, starburst, skittles, change, and beans Any multicolor candy can be used for counting, patterns, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, ... change is good for counting, patterns, addition, subtraction, and learning about money beans can be used for place value if you take the time to glue them to craft sticks to make a base 10 set. We have a set of C-rods. DD doesn't get the concept of the white one being = 1 and the red one = 2.
  3. I'm in. I've been thinking about doing this for a while.
  4. I'm all in favor of the local policy being overturned by the locals. I do wonder how many of the calls were from the locals and how many were from the rest of the country. I don't think the rest of the country should get a say in the policy. From what little I've seen (I only watched the CNN video) my impression is that they created a policy to have condoms available for anyone who requests it and didn't put an age limit. I think the whole "handing condoms to 1st graders" is an example of how the media intentionally influences opinions. My bet, based on very limited knowledge is the school board created the policy without considering how the media would report. I doubt they were intending K-4's to be receiving condoms and didn't think the people would declare "free condoms provided for elementary kids".
  5. :) If there is a way to say something that requires 50 words with 5, I can usually find it. I personally found it to be a very bad pro-life argument. And a really cute play.
  6. If I understand the OP correctly, they were there to see the Seussical Musical. Not a recital. The Suessical Musical is a pro-life musical. Something I didn't realize until I'd already seen it. The wrong platform for a speech but, it was at least on topic.
  7. I just downloaded the e-book for pre-level 1 Biology on Wed for my k/1st grader(DD is going to be 6 is mid-June). I was thinking the same thing. I think if we really focused it could be completed in ~3 weeks. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm thinking about making it a summer of science and going through all 3 RS4Ks book and then starting something else in Fall.
  8. out of curiosity what do you plan to use for Buddhism?
  9. They only part that would bother me is using the word witch. Talk to them about what bothered you. Find out what they have to say. I would guess they don't have a problem with it. And now you know where they stand.
  10. There is a page in the middle of the book that has all of the capital letters. I made a couple of copies and we are using it for extra practice before we start on the lower case. I didn't see a page that has all of the lowercase so I'll probably buy some extra paper for that.
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