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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. If you want to stick with a "boxed" curriculum, you could try MFW Adventures. It covers more of American History than just Pilgrims. There is also Beautiful Feet. I haven't used either, so I can't offer a valid opinion except to say that a. I have always wanted to use MFW Adv. and b. our neighbors used BF and LOVED it. :D There is also a fabulous FREE curriculum through http://www.guesthollow.com that was designed specifically for that age range. HTH
  2. I'm in the same boat with my ds9 (just turned 9). He is reading on "maybe" a 2nd grade level (plodding slowly through the HOD Emerging Reader set, using ETC, WRTR, The Reading Lesson, etc....anything to improve his reading). I've always been concerned, only b/c he is the only one of my school aged children who ever had this much trouble reading. We have contemplated having him tested for dyslexia b/c he does show "some" signs (like not remembering words he just read). But, he IS progressing. This time last year he was barely reading CVC words (having trouble with CAT) and now he is reading 2nd grade material. For him, this is major progress. I've seen huge strides forward. If he were NOT progressing, I would be more concerned. As for your dd...I wish I knew what to tell you. I'm very leary of any sort of study or whatever that says if the child isn't reading at grade level by such and such a grade there will be problems? Says who? Ever since "No Child Left Behind" and "reading by 9", we have been made to fear that our children will be scarred for life if they are not reading at a certain level by a certain age. People can throw tomatoes if they want...yes there is a time for testing and a time for concern. I wish I could tell you what that "time" was. ;) I just know that one of the reason's I homeschool is b/c I will not force my child/ren to "fit" into some government-created, cookie-cutter, "mold" that was created to make our schools look like they are doing a better job than they are. Others will disagree. ANd that's ok. :D
  3. But ladies, just wait until they are around 13. Sometimes older...but around there. My ds13 takes a shower EVERY DAY...sometimes twice a day if we let him. And he is in there FOR.E.VER! :glare: The steam from the hot shower is enough to set off the smoke alarm! And regular soap isn't good enough anymore. Nope. Has to have MAN soap. Axe. Only Axe. Or something that smells similarly manly enough. And lets not even get started on the deodorant. The child has a room in the basement of our home....which we affectionately call the "man cave". I kid you not...2 steps down the stairs and you need a mask. :001_huh: The kid must have some serious BO or the nozzle of the deodorant spray can got stuck...while it was spraying. *cough* *cough* I guess I should be grateful, b/c I have a 10yo boy exactly as you all have described. He has to be reminded to change clothes every day...not just underwear. But if the child does smell, one might never know. B/c his room is in the basement as well. All things odorous down there are covered by the smell of Axe deodorant (aka multi-room deodorant).
  4. We've been using Apologia (Physical Science in 9th and now Biology in 10th). I could continue with Apologia Chemistry for 11th but wondered what else was out there for high school level chemistry for a child you really isn't interested in science beyond the high school level. She doesn't "mind" Apologia", but it is getting rather tiresome. Lots of reading...not a lot of doing. :) Just curious as to what everyone has used or is using for high school Chem. I would rather not outsource this one or do a dual-enrollment unless I have to. There are other subjects I will be doing that for (foreign language for one). Thanks!
  5. EXACTLY! To the PP whose state intervenes when test results are poor...I would be on the phone to HSLDA. Scads of public school students are falling below certain stanines but b/c we are HOMESCHOOLERS, obviously we must not be teaching didly if our students fall below the 4th stanine. One of the main reasons I homeschool (besides religious reasons) is that I do not believe that all students should fit into this cookie-cutter mold that our illustrious govt. deems the "standard" for performance at certain grade levels. My children are INDIVIDUALS (as are yours). Each is unique and gifted in different ways. Some, as I have posted, read far above grade level, do math above grade level and write above grade level. Some, struggle with reading, but are progressing, but perform at "grade level" in math. 2 of my children will not test well this year. My struggling reader and my "I could care less about this stupid test" kid. And I will tell you right now, if the district gives me grief about the test scores I will call HSLDA in a heartbeat. I don't agree at all with any state telling me how and what I should be teaching my child. They are MY children. PDE approves each and every evaluator. So basically what PDE is saying is they don't trust their own people! LOL!
  6. Thanks for the sympathy everyone. :) It's not a TON of extra work to just turn in the stupid portfolio...but it IS the principle of the situation. I'm thinking of having the district sign a paper stating when they will give back the portfolio and have a paper with some sort of Privacy statement on it. I don't want just "anyone" looking at my portfolio. And if it is the secretary. :confused: What sort of blessed credentialing does SHE have to approve or disapprove my portfolio? Grrrr.....just getting more and more angry by the moment. :glare:
  7. I watched this today. It was so funny, I was almost crying! My dd thought I had gone insane. :lol:
  8. We live in PA. One of the most instrusive states re: homeschooling. Up until now, I've tolerated it. I do my job. I get the affidavits notarized ($$), turn in my proof of physical/dental exam forms, do the standardized testing, teach the mandatory subjects, keep records, put together a portfolio of work samples, have our evaluator look at them and turn in her "form" stating that adequate education is taking place. This year, our district is requiring that we turn in the actual portfolios. I know this is nothing new for some in PA. It's new for us. We've always just turned in the evaluator's statement. I'm ticked. I'm ticked b/c this is yet another "hoop" I have to jump through to "earn" the "right" to homeschool my children. And the thing that has me so :cursing::cursing: right now is that our high school students are not issued a state diploma if they are homeschool graduates. We have to go through a "diploma program" (more $$) in order to get one. So, let me get this straight? You want to SEE that adequate education is taking place but won't issue my graduate a diploma based on that work? Really? So...public school teachers don't have to keep work samples. They just turn in grade reports. End of story. I have to turn in samples...yet still can't get a state issued diploma. Really? :confused::glare: I feel like fighting this. I think I'll actually have my 10th grader write a letter to the PDE explaining why this is so completely unfair and disrespectful. Sorry to vent...I'm just beyond angry right now.
  9. while others have such difficulty? I was just pondering this tonight while reading with dd6. She is reading through the Emerging Readers set that HOD schedules in Beyond. Those books, are in fact, very easy for her. She reads with fluency and expression. Even words she has never read before, she just seems to "know" them. We have never done formal phonics with her, with the exception of ETC that we just started a few weeks ago...and she is flying through those books. I just don't really "get" how some kids can just READ while others struggle (like my ds9). Both children have been read to since birth...frequently. Dd6 has always like books a bit more...asking for more and more stories while ds9 was content with just one or sometimes none. Preferred to be running around..typical boy. With the exception of a known disability or delay, what would make the difference? I know that God gifts us in different ways. But besides that? I guess I just want to know what I am doing wrong that ds9 has such difficulty while dd6 doesn't. And fwiw, my ds10 was an early reader as well...just sort of "knew" the words w/out any other phonics instruction. His spelling...:glare: Not so great. :( Ah well...
  10. Ladies...I certainly did not mean to start such a heated debate about BJU vs. AAH. I've read the first chapter of BJU and was impressed. But that is 1 chapter...certainly not enough to make a valid decision. I have AAH in my hands now and have read the first couple chapters. I am impressed with AAH as well. I think one of the factors for me is that I've used MFW for the past 2 years and have been very impressed with the book choices. I trust Marie's judgement (not knowing her personally but based on the previous 2 years experience with the high school programs). AND, knowing Maggie Hogan personally, I trust her judgement that she would not be publishing and selling a History text with which she had issues. Make sense? :D Isn't it fabulous that there are so many wonderful book choices out there? And, to me, any History text which teaches GOD as the center of history is better than the texts my children would be reading in public school...completely void of any mention of God at all.
  11. That statement/s just really popped out at me and made me scream...EXACTLY!. My children (except for one) NEVER obediently, diligently, quietly go about ANYTHING much less schoolwork! My ds13 HATES the "boxes". He says, "Why can't they just make one box and call it "History" instead of having a zillion separate ones?". :) Running multiple guides around here is tough. I tried combing multiple ages into Beyond as Carrie had suggested on the HOD board, but I found myself just spending more time finding extra resources for ds10. Ugh. I do so LOVE HOD, but it just doesn't work for ALL my dc. Ds12...sure. He is my "box checker". Loves the little boxes. He is a mini-me. :D It makes my ds13 crazy...as I said. Ds10 doesn't mind and my littles don't either. They like the crafts, activities, etc. But it is FULL and running multiple guides is hard work. But MFW didn't work for us either. :glare:
  12. I quit watching when Jillian left. Just wasn't the same anymore.
  13. Well, I haven't heard from Maggie, yet and I haven't received my AAH in the mail either. I'm grateful for the discussion in this thread as it's giving me some more things to think about. MFW has been a really good fit for my dd the past 2 years. I've seen her grow spiritually by leaps and bounds (to which I credit the Bible portion of MFW). She loves the independence of the guide and how everything is laid out for her. She is a reader. She loves to read...and LOVES Bible. :D When I mentioned possibly going a different route for next year and using AAH and Lightning Lit, her face fell and her eyes got wide. She was NOT happy. So, I went back to MFW and looked at samples of the books...loved what I saw...talked to me dh and decided that if MFW was still a good fit, and it would save me time in planning, that we should go for it. :D Now, I haven't looked at samples of BJU...that might sway my opinion. Not sure. And I haven't got AAH. I might just LOVE that and want to use just that. :lol: It is rather certain, however, that I will use AAH with my 9th grade son. He is not quite the reader that his sister is, is no where NEAR as independent in completing his work, prefers a more straightforward schedule...Do A, now B, next C, and D and whala...Done. :tongue_smilie: He has NOT covered American History AT ALL yet and so AAH will be the perfect fit, along with Lightning Lit American and some components of HOD's Rev to Rev guide (which his brother will be using). I really like the Bible component that Carrie has scheduled as well as the Science. He can read through Under God with dd, complete the Presidential Election Lapbook we have already and call it his 1/2 credit in Government. Anyway, thanks again for all the thoughtful discussion. I so appreciate the wisdom of this Hive. :D
  14. I know you don't need anymore, but our vote here is Bibleman!
  15. I just wanted to pop in and reiterate what Crystal said...MFW high school is def. rigorous enough and IMHO a 6th grader would be LOST. At least my 6th grader would be. :D My dd15 did AHL last year as a young 9th grader and it was FULL. It certainly kept her busy and her brain challenged. I wouldn't consider the material basic by any stretch of the imagination. Dd is using WHL this year and I feel the same way about that. I cannot speak for the younger guides in the 5 year cycle (except ECC but we did ditch it after 12 weeks so I can't give an honest evaluation of that). In fact, I have a son who will be in 9th grade next year and I do not think he is ready for the material in AHL. :) He is a different kid than his sister and reading is not his "forte". There is a lot of reading in AHL. I'm going a different route with him. Anyway, I don't think you are poking a sacred cow...everyone has their own opinion of different programs based on personal preference and how well said program works for their child/children. I'm not sold out to MFW or HOD or Peace Hill Press material or...fill in the blank. Each of my dc are DIFFERENT. HOD works beautifully for some and not for others. MFW high school worked very well for my dd but I couldn't see it "fitting" my upcoming 9th grade son well at all. I think your question is valid and I'm glad you have gotten some thoughtful responses!
  16. :grouphug: and lots of empathy. My dd15 about pushed me over the edge this afternoon over...can you guess...MATH! Ugh. She whines and complains and cops the NASTIEST attitude with ME when I am only trying to help her. :glare: She raises her voice...at me..and wonders why I get so angry? I am NOT the problem! I tell her she needs to get her "head in the game" and she dissolves into a puddle of tears and accusations that I don't understand and that she IS trying her best and putting forth her best effort. Ummm...really? Nope. Not buying it. I've seen her best effort...this isn't even close. And let's not even get started on writing. We've been working on her research paper since October. We don't have the option to enroll her in school and I honestly don't WANT to. I just wish she would start caring about her work more than I do. my husband said he was in 10th grade when he finally started taking ownership of his education and realizing it was HIS education and not his parents. :001_huh: I guess I was a freak b/c I feel like I always "owned" my education. So, anyway, no answers, just :grouphug:
  17. I believe that MFW US1 uses the BJU text as the "spine". I totally agree with the "fact cram". I'm afraid it will go in one ear (eye) and then fall right back out again after test time. I haven't received my AAH yet, but I am looking forward to looking it over and seeing for myself if I think it would be "enough". I have also emailed Maggie Hogan of BIP (she is a good friend of mine) to ask her advice and am waiting on her response. I will post it when I do...I'm sure she will have great ideas. I would much rather my children learn a LOT about fewer people/events in American History (depth) than cram a lot of facts into their heads just to say we did (breadth). That's just my opinion for what works best for us. I do like how Lightning Lit American corresponds very nicely with AAH and I think that will complement it very well.
  18. Thanks, Susan. My plan is to use each volume for 1 year. AAH 1 for one year and AAH2 for the next, pairing it with Under God for government the first year and an economics course the second year. My dd is an excellent and avid reader. It doesn't bother her at all. She enjoys it. History, however, isn't her "thing" and she really hated American History specifically...don't ask me why. In 5th grade, she used Hakim's books as part of K12's History. Ds13, otoh, doesn't like to read at all. I think AAH will be a good fit for him.
  19. I think that a sport's team/league can schedule games for whatever day they want. It is true, Sunday is not the "sabbath" for everyone. However, we, as a family will NOT participate in a sports league that schedules Sunday games. Church comes first. Period. We actually play for the next town over (and hence in MD and not PA) for some sports b/c of this issue. Personal choice. The only conflict we've ever had was with Tournaments for soccer. The tournament was held on ONE weekend, meaning that the advancing teams had to play on Sunday. It was ONE Sunday...so we compromised.
  20. We adopted 2 of our bunnies from a shelter (same shelter...Lancaster, PA). Shelters are overrun with bunnies, too, b/c people usually buy them as babies as "Easter gifts" for their little children but dump them when they begin behaving like...well...like bunnies. :D
  21. After much thought and prayer, we have decided NOT to use MFW US1 next year for dd15. It's not that we don't LOVE MFW, but we had to cut costs somewhere. It was just too much. Ds13 will be in 9th grade next year and is finishing up HOD RtR. He does not want to continue with HOD...just not a good "fit" for him. I am considering using AAH1 for him and dd15 next year and using the suggestions in the book to "beef it up" for high school. I wondered if anyone here has done this? I posted on the AAH Yahoo group but didn't get a decent response. I plan to add either Lightning Literature American or LLATL American (most likely LL for dd15 and LLATL for ds13) and continue for R&S English to make up the English component. I just wonder if the History will be enough in AAH...and the assignments, etc. I see that there is a test/quiz supplement available for high school students. I guess I'm just wondering if others have used this successfully with high school students? Thanks.
  22. Go to the HOD board and search for "Missions to Modern Marvels Sneak Peak #5" I THINK it's under that one. There are several of those threads started by Carrie letting us know about different aspects of the new Guide. Sounds awesome! I can't wait to use it! :D
  23. I actually liked the Science in RtR. Carrie chose Apologia Astronomy to use for the first few month. I am not familiar with Queen's science so I don't know how involved it is to say whether or not you could do both. Fridays are "free" days in HOD so you "might" be able to use both. OR...you could omit the experiments (usually day 4) in HOD science and use Queen's on those days. OR...if she really enjoys Queen's...do it over the summer and then use HOD during the year? I wanted to add also that in the newest guide coming out in the summer (Missions to Modern Marvels) Carrie is using Barry Stebbing's NEW Nature Study art proram. I am SOOOOO excited. :D
  24. Part of Diana's "charm" is her extreme passion for the subject and her knack for telling the story. But I have found that you either love it or hate it! Some just adore her storytelling (like me!) and some find it very annoying. As the PP said, HOD schedules her CDs from CtC on. I am keeping them to use with my oldest who will be studying American History...using her CDs to "fill in the gaps" as to what is going on in the REST of the world. I just have this pet peeve about studying American History in isolation. ;)
  25. I haven't used it yet, but The Exciting World of Creative Writing is scheduled with HOD's RevtoRev guide that we will be using next year. Carrie's selections for writing have typically been very good. :) HTH Bonus..it's only $8!
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