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  1. They've officially started the excavation for our addition. Since we ended up going with our next door neighbors as contractors, they just removed a section of fence (that was actually already half bent over due to a tree that came down years and years ago) and will drive their equipment through the opening instead of going around to the street. They started by removing the back porch, which is evidently really really good strong old concrete. It's giving them some trouble. And our house evidently had a name - River Breeze - build in 1946.
  2. I've never heard the term "personal" shower. Around here they are called lingerie showers if they are specifically for lingerie and similar items. I don't find them icky but I have known of times when the idea was definitely to be very risqué. Usually in those cases it seems like it's just the friends of the bride (who is usually fairly young) that attend and not mother/MIL/grandmothers. A separate normal/household items shower was held in those cases where everyone was invited.
  3. We used to do this when tent camping so nobody would have to walk to the bathrooms in the middle of the night. We had the seat that sits on a bucket and we would put a garbage bag inside and then add a small amount of kitty litter. It clumps the liquids and makes it less likely to leak, and definitely helps with smells.
  4. A couple weeks ago we ordered take out for dinner and were sick of pizza so ended up getting Moe's. Not sure if they are national but they are similar to Chipotle or Qdoba. I usually order a burrito bowl with chicken, black beans, brown rice, pico di gallo, cheese, lettuce, tomato. I never eat the whole thing in one sitting. Usually I have it with the chips the first day and then heat up leftovers and eat without chips the second day. So in this case, I brought my leftovers into work and had it over two days. The calories in the entire version of the bowl I get was about 600, so divided in three about 200 each serving. And it was a super easy, tasty, filling lunch that was quick enough for me to have between classes at work. So I mentioned it to dh that I was considering getting one every few weeks, picking it up on a Sunday and then having it for lunch three days that week (I don't mind eating the same thing over and over again, I hate thinking about it and hate cooking). Well, last night dh made amazing home-made burrito bowls for dinner. Very tasty and I have my leftovers for lunch for two days. I don't know if he'll do it often because it was a lot of work and Moe's isn't that expensive and doesn't add a lot of crap to their stuff, but I appreciate it anyway. And it turns out I like cilantro. I was having trouble figuring out what that flavor was in things that I really liked but never seemed to get at home. It's cilantro. So now dh knows I like cilantro and will use it more, where appropriate.
  5. Morning, Happy Humph Day. This week isn't too bad. I have almost everything planned out for most of this session (next 4 weeks) and then I have a week off to do the next 8 weeks. Between better planning (since most classes are repeats I've done a bunch of times and I finally don't feel the need to tweak constantly), TWO cleaning people so I don't have to do much, an admin handling phone calls, emails and paperwork, this should be a pretty relaxed-ish year for me now that things are getting into a groove. I hope.
  6. I've seen a couple of these from other National Parks. They are pretty funny and certainly getting a lot of attention.
  7. I just realized I didn't type up the minutes from my last 4H meeting. It's the last time I have to do them since I'm now the president and we finally elected a new secretary. It should only take me about 5 minutes, but I need to do it. After I run into work to melt styrofoam (for 4H), I'll come home and do that and finish up the laundry. I actually cleaned house Friday. The bathroom and vacuumed most of the house before my vacuum died. We ordered a new cordless one but it won't be here until late in the week.
  8. Smartest thing I ever did was hire my admin. She's working 10 hours a week, mostly from home but doing so much work that's now off my plate. Just the answering phone calls and sending payment reminders is making such a huge difference for my level of stress. It's great. ETA: A Sunday morning booya
  9. Looks like we are breaking ground on the addition to our house next week. We warned the kids that things were going to be different for a couple months. Noise in the mornings (they both sleep on a vampire schedule), people around, dog can't just go into the yard (fence has to come down) and needs to be walked. They aren't thrilled but it should just be a couple months. Exciting that it's finally happening.
  10. Morning Happy Sunday. I'm actually getting ahead on my planning work and I won't have to do anything next weekend except adjust math if anyone needs it. It took me 8 years but I may finally actually be there. At least for the next two weeks. Then I have at least one class I have to make more plans for.
  11. Math Mammoth was pretty easy to print in Adobe using the poster setting that will split one page into two pages. I also used to just cross out problems with a marker.
  12. We don't name our snakes food. She eats 3 a week and we have about 40 in our freezer so that would be a lot of names.
  13. I could see this and figure he put it in so he knows not to mention the possibility of moving south again. I had a pediatrician (just recently retired) that I knew for 30 years but we generally only went once a year. I'm sure there were all kinds of notes in our files because she would bring up things all the time that I seriously doubt she just remembered given the number of patients she had.
  14. I don't know if I missed something but was there something about the car itself that was off? I'm not sure what a "vehicle that screamed violence" would mean.
  15. Happy Monday! I stayed up too late last night but I have 80% of my lab sheets done and printed for this entire session. I have 2 classes that need some finalizing, and my math classes that seem to need constant adjustment but that's the only class plans I'll have to deal with for the next 6 weeks.
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