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Lara in Colo

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Everything posted by Lara in Colo

  1. There are 23 states that have a town called NewCastle---
  2. I don't think I would hire THAT Jenny--- LOL
  3. next best thing to robert redford---- sub the cool whip for real whipping cream and don't add any sugar to the cream before whipping http://www.food.com/recipe/next-best-thing-to-robert-redford-dessert-208745
  4. so here is the deal--- I have to squeeze the "cherries" and it really destroys the cloth. I tried using a metal thing with a pointy stick to mash the jelly but it too "mealy" and people complained. So-- if I do the mash thing, will the re-usable strainer filter out a lot of the pulp?
  5. Where is the best/cheapest place to buy cheesecloth? I use it to make chokecherry jelly and I usually get it at Walmart but it is expensive to buy little packages. Is there a better method for straining the juice or a better place to buy cheesecloth? Lara
  6. I cannot stand herbal tea or decaffinated tea-- I drink strong, black, unsweetened tea. My children have been drinking out of my glass since they were old enough to use a straw. As for you child, having had little to no caffeine, I would allow it, but slowly to see if the caffeine bothers her
  7. There is that "resentment" factor and the "what do I do with him" when he is here factor-- he came home early (around 9) last night I I didn't know what to do with him--- all the work was done and I was ready for my "me" time but he blew that out of the water by wanting to talk to the children do his paper work on my desk. I don't want him to feel like he cannot come home, but really-- he messes everything up. I also think that (like has been discussed re: the "single dad" title) that people give you more... sympathy? slack?........ when you are truly single. I live in a forgiving neighborhood but I KNOW that if we lived elsewhere I would be in trouble for my lack of yardwork, but a single mom would maybe be given some help or forgiveness
  8. Dinner?? DINNER!!! Crap--- *** runs off to the freezer***
  9. I children *finally* remembered to put their names on their papers-- but with the suck up-- "love you mama" next to it--- I wonder what a PS teacher would do with that!!!!
  10. I agree with this and although I am tempted to call myself a "single mother" since DH works 6 days a week and is never home at night until after the children are in bed. Still I don't work. I have to do all the house stuff (mowing, maint., upkeep, etc...) and the child stuff (baths, teaching, arguments punishments, chores, cooking cleaning etc...) but still I don't go to work--- I get tired and I complain that is hard being a single mother (mostly when I need to move something heavy or bang my finger with a hammer or the lawn isn't mowed as often as my neighbors might want)-- but I would never state that I am a single mother--- because I "get " to do all of this stuff over the course of a 12ish hour day-- not squeezed into evenings and weekends. --- Of course next week I have to work 2 days a week and still handle all the other stuff too-- I might just change my mind about things (LOL)
  11. I hate water waste-- 5 min unless you are washing hair (girls with long hair only) then 7. I usually do 3 minutes or 5- with hair and shaving. Mostly I shave in the tub and make at least one person share my water afterwards.
  12. Denver is a VERY tough market right now-- there are no rentals to be had. There are LOTS of people moving here and not enough housing. Apts are going up like weeds. I don't know everything-- but I would suppose you would have to be at least 40 minutes from Denver to get something for less than 1400 (depending on the place)
  13. Just go and get a second opinion--- I would not speak poorly of the first doctor-- just say you want a fresh look/new opinion. I would go to a different hospital/ part of town from the first Dr. to avoid any one being overly defensive of the first Dr
  14. I prefer to brew it like tea-- (with a little salt added) I find that it takes the bitterness away to brew it this way. So a french press, with a medium roast, 1 teaspoon per measuring cup, and s sprinkle of salt (kosher or sea), pour the water in and let it sit for three minutes. I used to hate coffee, now I like with without cream or sugar when I brew it this way.
  15. You have to use the card and the cash card at the pump. I think you can add a card for her and you get her points. (I added my mother to our executive account and her purchases were added to our account I believe) I have no idea if gas gets you points
  16. Well-- I don't think a smoothy made with all fruit to be much of an improvement. What is the reason you are juicing?? To lose weight? To replace desserts? to kill yeast? there would be different types of foods to use for different goals
  17. juicing does help, but be careful about what you juice--- avoid sugary things (like smoothies with lots of fruits) Eating yogurt is helpful (but unsweetened)
  18. Coconut oil will help with the cravings--- it will kill the yeast growing in your intestinal tract and give you healthy oils for energy thus reducing the craving in that manner as well
  19. And where does it stop??? If I have 12 items and you have 2 do I let you go first? If I have 50 items and you have 42? What is the ratio of politely being able to judge another person and butt in line?
  20. It might have something to do with the Bookshark thing--- instead of making another forum or answering a lot of calls, they open the forums to everyone and let the Bookshark people get advice and possibly "evangelized"
  21. I did this once. I was a new driver and I remember something being an "emergency"?? Anyways-- once was all it took. But I can see me doing this again if I was stressed (child going to the ER) or really distracted (children all talking at once or me and DH argueing)
  22. I got curly hair after I hit puberty. It went bone straight while I was pregnant and returned to curly after nursing. This make total sense to me since all the changes where caused by hormones Yours? I donno
  23. They opposite happened here last week-- My DD14 got glasses that she only needs to wear when she needs distance and the Dr recommended that NOT wear them in the house or very much since it would make her eyes work harder to see things up close. A neighbor boy said that he was the same but he wears his all the time anyway. We (dd and I) had a talk about taking the advice that we paid an expert (someone who went to medical school for years) for.
  24. I had this when I was a teen (after a car accident). It got worse - to the point where I had to manipulate my jaw in order to eat. I had surgery-- it was corrected, and I was normal after about 3 months of no chewing food (lots of soups) and a couple of months of jaw "therapy". All in all a pretty easy recovery and it never returned.-- Tiny scar under my ear
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