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Everything posted by Karis

  1. Can someone point me to a good book? ugh!!! (ages 8-12) Has anyone ever facilitated a gathering where the girls discussed HOW to be a friend? I feel strongly that "friend" is a special word bestowed upon a select few.
  2. It's nominal Christianity that gives Christians a bad name. Always has been. (But it's really not just found in Christianity.) Salt and Light. Some salt has lost it's saltiness and is good for nothing. Some lights are very dim so that people are unable to see.
  3. This is the age old... "Did God really say...?" Uh, yeah... He did. So... you disagree / don't believe He said it/ don't believe He exists/ believe He is really a "She"/ believe others got it wrong/ it's not fair...whatever? None of that matters. To Him. What we each say here doesn't even matter. Whether we agree with His Word or not His Word stands. Whatever protests people have or create as being valid in their own minds really is a moot point. We are all given the ability to decide for ourselves what we will or will not base our lives upon.
  4. Can we still expect Christ-like behavior from those who call themselves Christians? Or devout Muslims or faithful Jews or faithful spouses or legitimate parents? Behavior is/ Actions are a reflection of thoughts, attitudes, the inclination of one's heart. "They gather around them teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear" This goes across the board. Those in opposition to what is good, loving, holy, pure, just... RIGHT are encouraged to do so. Where are the devout? (Not sinless) Somewhere in the bible, a question is raised... Who shall stand when He appears / appeareth? There is a line in the sand that has been drawn. Man keeps trying to erase it/ blur it or say it's no longer relevant. Sin is sin. People are people. You can show love to a person without embracing/ condoning the sin. Are we speaking the truth in love or neglecting to speak truth because we honor the created more than the Creator? Honoring mouths & far away hearts. Showing love & respect does not translate to fellowship. There are many who call themselves whatever who have absolutely no problems doing anything their faith calls "sinful." They are hypocrites. (substitute any other popular term but the plain meaning is the same.) We need to get our own stuff straight - FIRST not looking aside to those on our left or right. We get off track and take on other people's issues.
  5. ok... they only help a certain type of homeschooler. and there are political issues. I thought it was an organization to support all homeschoolers.
  6. Ok... um... "same sex couples" what term would you prefer?
  7. Do homeschoolers who support gay lifestyles, are atheists, are liberals, or consider themselves secular homeschoolers (seem to) make up the largest segment of homeschoolers that oppose this organization? Saying you don't need it - I "get" The extra stuff about "agenda" is what I'm trying to understand.
  8. Two points... This makes me think of the "other sheep" (of a different pen?) Do Universalists believe in the Bible as being true and relevant? If so, how do they/ you (general) reconcile the "All" saved in light of scripture. I mean, without clarifying the "All" All who...what? It's ALL who "something."
  9. What type of activities? Totally Clueless. Do they have mission statement that's problematic? Now, I'm curious
  10. Hi, I skimmed (short on time) He could also read It Couldn't Just Happen or Don't Check Your Brains at the Door.
  11. Try googling "Lauren's Hope" somewhere on the site they have them. I JUST asked someone about her bracelet because it was beautiful & looked like jewelry. might have something for guys, too. HTH
  12. Mine does a vocabulary notebook and lists the terms as they arise. Don't know how much longer the trial will be offered.
  13. Holloway House lemon oil will give you a beautiful finish. But be careful - can slip in socks.
  14. This is why it annoys me that some can and will take their food subsidies and use them to pay for a meal at a restaurant (and no, I do not mean "All you can eat" type places.) If that is what one chooses, at least have the decency to withdraw the money off of the card as cash and use the cash for whatever!! Anyone (normal, sane person) working two jobs - (moonlighting as a waitress), scrimping and saving and going without who witnesses this happening is obviously going to be ticked off. (just a little) Anyone who has waited to get gov. help does so as a last resort. I know it can't be easy. It wasn't for us when we needed to. But there has to be something in us (collective) that fights against staying in that place. (Pride?) We need to be strong enough to make the tough choices. We'll be better for it.
  15. You do need to take a breather. I can tell this is an emotional issue for you. But it was not a personal attack and it seems as you have taken it that way. We have very little extras these days. If we have $$ for so called "luxuries' it goes to "necessities." but really people have their own thoughts on what is needed. If my child cries over ice cream I remind them that there is some child who's never tasted an ice cream cone so stop the whining. We will save up and plan for a day when we have it so you can have ice cream. If I get food assistance, then we'll buy ice cream but the emotional breakdown over a cone is so sad.
  16. The issue is whether someone is abusive of the help they receive. No one begrudges anyone needing help. (We've had help and will do so again if needed. But we are also responsible. Some people are just trifling and it irks me that no one wants to admit it.) Many are responsible but many also are not. Saying someone can't speak to the truth of the misuse of resources because they receive(d) help is ridiculous.
  17. The government now also provides FREE cell phones and people CAN use food stamps at certain restaurants in the D.C. metro area. Something about "pride/ self esteem not wanting people to feel ashamed... they should be able to splurge and have luxuries." (really...?) The food subsidy is to buy food - not go out and have an expensive dinner on my dime. "poor" people working the system get plenty of help. Let's be honest. The average "Broke" middle class family is struggling.
  18. stopping everything to focus on the child and raising them with certain expectations. sometimes we don't discipline properly or address behavioral issues because we are busy, pressed for time, it's not convenient, etc... I make it a priority. Our children don't come knowing how to behave - they need loving guidance and they need us to model appropriate respectful behavior to them. They learn from us. I just stop the extras, turn off the electronics, take a time out from the group activities outside of our home, re-focus them on what they should do and how they should respond. daily - sometimes hourly - and it is not fun, easy, or effortless. I desire to speak life over them. Sometimes I blow it. But I am quick to forgive and ask forgiveness. As they should be. Homeschooling allows us the priviledge of molding our children's character and having their hearts. That's where discipline/ teaching/ instruction lies. Any person can obey for "show" sake or out of fear or to get something but having a tender heart and a teachable spirit is the goal. (and what Rosie said)
  19. Honest question... Can you explain "progressive sanctification?" Just trying understand the difference for confessional Lutherans. On here, I get to learn something new everyday.
  20. Pigs/ hogs will eat literally anything!! refuse, carcasses, etc... if I have anything with hidden pork (would NOT eat it knowingly) I get sick and throw up. Horrible headaches etc... it is the worse. We do not eat it. so, all three reasons in the order you listed.
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