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Everything posted by zookeeperof3

  1. a flash drive or http://www.storegate.com Sorry you are having troubles. Kim
  2. I have to agree about the wallpaper. Our house is a Queen Anne built it 1887, but we don't have all of that beautiful woodwork that you do. Kim
  3. Well, it isn't free, but my current plan is to use some of our tax refund to buy a nook. This way I can read off of it and load pdf's for math, grammar etc. I can then write it all on the board for my kids rather than printing all the pages. Even with my laser printer and buying paper by the case with a coupon, printing is costing me about $65 per year for Mep math. I've also started buying spiral notebook's when they are on sale for a penny a book. It's cheaper than notebook paper, and my kids rip it out of binders anyway. I also go to our local PTA run thrift store in June. The local school donates all of their books, and I buy them for 50 cents for hardback and 25 cents for paperback books. This is how I buy most of my science and grammar books. It's not perfect, but I'm adapting to our new lifestyle as best as I can. Kim
  4. I have memberships to both. I think Sam's meats are a bit cheaper. Costco has a lot more organic items.I agree that the fresh fruits & veggies aren't cheaper. I also don't buy processed foods. I bulk shop once a month, I pick what looks good. When I get home I package it in baggies and make my meal plan from it. I'm debating this year about letting both my memberships expire. I have been getting great deals at our local grocery store....however my dh says that I can't count on the great deals to feed us all the time. I'm leaning towards buying a half a cow for the freezer, and calling it good. I also buy gas at Costco, that's where we save more than the membership fee every year. Kim
  5. I'm right there with you. After several years of tweaking, I went with all Catholic this year. We have now ditched it all, except for Faith & Life. My local Catholic friends are a bit shocked!! We all have to do what we feel is best for our family. Blessings, Kim
  6. My dh drew up plans for our retirement home. It will be a cape without dormers, 3 foot wall instead. He feels that dormers waste a lot of space. Our master bedroom and a 2nd bedroom will be on the 1st floor. The 2nd floor will be 2 large bedrooms with a bath in the middle. The stairs will be in a closet, so we can close the door and turn off the furnace until we need it. The house works out to be 1500 sq ft on the 1st floor and a little less than that for the 2nd. Kim
  7. I keep it in a kitchen cabinet on an outside wall, (under the sink). It stays cool but not co9ld. Kim
  8. :iagree: Defiantly ask those questions. When my son was in public school K & 1, they gave the kids skittles for each correct answer....all day long. THEN, they complained that the kids were hyper. AND the principle was allowed to spank the children, unless the parent had signed a waiver saying it was not allowed. Get a copy of the school handbook, there's a lot of information in it...some may surprise you. Kim
  9. Yes, due to my miscarriages, we waited to tell the kids and everyone else until I was 4 months pregnant with our 4 yr old. My kids were oblivious to my "symptoms", so it was a complete surprise. Congratulations! I pray that your new little one will arrive safely. Blessings, Kim
  10. Nyquil or Mucinex. They have Mucinex for kids now too. It's all we take anymore. I hope you all feel better soon. Kim
  11. I use their methods and booklist, but not as our "core" history program. Kim
  12. After trying to make set programs "fit" us, I now do my own thing. I do use CHC's K program as written for my 4 yr old. He demanded to start real school. I'm probably going to use CHC 1st grade for him next year, adding in Seton's 1st grade history book. I use mater amabilis and ambleside online for reading lists.I'm very much in love with Catholic Textbook Project's books and they are scheduled to release elementary versions next year! I also try to buy non consumable, so the next child can use them. I also love the Catholic National Readers with Kolbe's study guides. I use the Catholic National Speller with a pc game called Spelling Accelerator, for a cheap spelling program. You can see the pc game here, it's in a set that has some fun other programs and the Encyclopedia Britannica on cd. http://www.amazon.com/Topics-Entertainment-Learning-Best-selling-Software/dp/B0020R2I1K HTH, Kim
  13. Any container will work. I ziploc twist n lock ones, I bought them at wal-mart. Kim
  14. Is there a college prep curriculum out there that will provide a solid path to a great education? This is why we are planning to use Trisms for high school. http://www.trisms.com/ It has great reviews and since it's research based, we feel that we can easily add our religious beliefs to it. We've just started using their middle school program and so far it's going well. Good Luck! Kim
  15. I make it all the time in the crockpot. I've never had it go bad on us. It isn't quite as thick as store bought yogurt, but my kids still love it. We add all fruit, no sugar preserves to it after it's cooked, to make it strawberry, raspberry flavor etc. Kim
  16. There is a new edition out. It's here http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Encyclopedia-World-History/dp/0794526888/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_1 It's also available in paperback, but it's out of stock right now. Kim
  17. I'm planning away, just ordered a necessary book today! We are using Trisms History Makers with Catholic textbook Project textbooks, spreading History Makers over 3 years. Also, using An Overview of Catholic History with it. My son was dx with ADHD and dyslexia, so I've had to revamp all of my plans mid year. We are also adding in Rick Steves dvd's for the whole family. Kim
  18. It is targets for grades 1-5. That might be too young for your son. I'm sorry! Kim
  19. My son has ADHD and has horrible spelling. He also responds better to a game format. We use this http://www.amazon.com/Topics-Entertainment-Learning-Best-selling-Software/dp/B0020R2I1K/ref=sr_1_15?s=software&ie=UTF8&qid=1294243711&sr=1-15 I use the Spelling Accelerator from the package. My son can not learn the rules, he learns best by word groups. tall, small etc I put the words into the program and the program has different games, splitting the words into syllables,finding the definitions etc and it has a test, the pc calls out the word and your child types it in. We love it! Blessings, kim
  20. I voted Other because I feel you should take him to the Dr. My 11 year old was still wetting the bed almost every night Our pediatrician told us not to worry about it. Well, on Mother's Day we wound up in the ER with my son having emergency surgery on his weenie. It turns out, his pee pee hole was too small, so urine was backing up into his kidneys, and its why he couldn't hold it all night( he had been telling our pediatrician for 3 years that his lower back ached all the time). We took him to the ER because he doubled over screaming that his stomach hurt. In addition to his pee pee hole being too small, he had twisted testicles. He was also "small" for his age. He is now "normal to large" for his age, due to now having proper blood flow and has not wet the bed since he recovered from surgery. The urologist told us that he wishes we had brought our son in to see him much earlier, they could have diagnosed his problem and taken care of it in a non emergency situation. Notice to Moms of boys, when they have twisted testicles they will often say its their stomach that hurts because that's how the muscles run. If we had been 30 mins later to the ER my son would have had both testicles REMOVED. They die in about 2 hours without blood flow. Blessings, Kim
  21. My dh has to take probiotics now and he's lactose intolerant. We buy them at Wal-greens in capsule form. They go on sale regularly buy one get one free. He takes his with dinner, otherwise they make him run to the potty. Kim
  22. Having done HOD & MFW before, I'd go with MFW. HOD is very age specific for each guide book. MFW has great book basket lists for multiple ages and is easier to combine and add outlining etc too. hope that helped! Kim
  23. Nah, it's not wasted, I think Santa lets the reindeer drink the milk! Our kids have never questioned Santa being lactose intolerant...although one year we were out of wine and left him a margarita! Kim
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