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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. we called them "Donor-cycles". Any vehicle can get in an accident. But with no protection, the results of the accident are most definitely different. I'm making no proclamation on whether people should ride them, or let their children. I'm simply stating that from a medical perspective they are more dangerous. Jo Then again, my son's one emergency surgery was from a fall out of a tree :glare:. So there you have it.
  2. I had general for my artroscopic knee surgery years ago. If I had to do it again I would get an epidural. I was sick from the general, but my main reason is that I would want to be aware while the procedure was taking place- control freak? yes. I'm sorry you have to have the procedure Dorothy. I hope it all goes well. Jo
  3. We are just starting out and I'm considering having ds (11) do outlines of the daily readings. Does this seem like overkill considering the "on you own" writings and study guide questions? I'm already wondering how we'll get module 1 done in 2 weeks. Thanks for sharing your General Science experience. Jo
  4. I like to describe it as, "one ugly day at a time". :D We moved last December and we should be moving again in a couple of months (please, please, please pray!). You only moved 2 months ago, if it were me I would still be shuffling around boxes. My first suggestion, if I'm qualified to make one, is to lower your standard of what you want school to look like. Let your kids know that schooling is really important, and even though it won't be perfect you all need to work together to get it done. Use naptime. Keep the 9yo up past the 3yo's bedtime if necessary. Do the absolute essentials everyday- math, phonics, writing, etc.- whatever essentials you know you need to work on. Don't expect to flow right into a full course of study. My main point to make is: don't expect it to look "normal". It may look a little rough and patch work some days but keep plugging along, bit by bit adds up. Then one day you'll have your house just like you want it and the routine will have settled itself out. You have my sympathies.:grouphug: Jo
  5. ROTFL! Yes. We're in Kaneohe. Thank you for a wee little bit of validation for my "ick" factor. ;) He goes down our street at least twice a week, and people do buy from him. :001_huh: I never knew you were on the Windward side, Anne. Sebastian thought we might run into one another since we are PCA. Oh well, at least we share the "scariest ice cream truck man alive" award. ;) Jo
  6. My local library dislikes me. But the feeling is generally mutual.:glare: They have ridiculous hours, I can't renew online, they won't renew more than once (even if there are no holds), and they still use that antiquated date stamper! You can imagine the look on their faces when I march up to the counter with 50 books that they need to date stamp... Sigh. I miss my old library. Jo btw, the children's section has a lovely attendant/librarian/volunteer person. She almost redeems the whole library.
  7. Seriously. Have you ever just seen a guy that belonged on a wanted poster? He's disgusting. As if the rusted out, clunky sounding van wasn't enough to deter me from allowing my children outside when I hear that ice cream truck sound, the 400lb, unshaven, dirty man in the undershirt with holes, has sealed the deal.:eek: Someone beat me... I dare ya' ;) Jo
  8. Who else hears Jack Johnson singing "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" in their head? :001_smile: This thread has been fantastic. The variety of practices has been interesting, but I can't help but feel the attitude behind the actions is the common theme. I also love the blend of frugality, enviromentalism, and health consciousness. I agree with Parisarah that I would much rather buy a few pieces of good, quality (generally more expensive) clothing than drive all over town loading up on used. I don't mind being seen at the many social activities I'm required to attend in the same variations of well chosen, well made clothing. I buy the oldest boy and girl in our family the good stuff so it will reuse well. I walk to the grocery and drug store in our current location- unfortunately that luxury will change when we get housing, but then I will adjust my errand running. The danger here is that to get to these stores I have to walk right past a Starbucks- my frugality is certainly challenged here. I'm not sure I'm even qualified to answer this post. I've been more frugal in the past, but I very long way to go, especially in comparison to some of you thrifty ladies. But thanks for the contributions everybody. Jo
  9. Oh my! I knew it could get better. My dh's week ahead doesn't look to improve...but thanks to these suggestions his meals certainly will. Thanks everyone. :001_smile: Jo ps- he loved the soup and banana pudding thing (even if it was at 9:30 when he got home :glare:)
  10. And your proof that it is dishonest? Your statistic source that most scientists in the U.S. in academia are Christians? And if they are Christians, do they have the freedom to discuss their Christian beliefs in relation to the science they study? Answer to your question: I hope to gain a better understanding about what the critics of the theory of evolution are having in higher education. I'm not surpised the science journals are critical of the film. They are kinda the audience addressed in the film. ;) But what is the harm of seeing this side of the coin? If I come away thinking it was stupid, so be it. It can't be any worse than some other documentaries I've seen of late. Jo
  11. My dh has had rough week. I thought a guy movie, a back rub, and a comforting meal would help. Does comfort food get much better than this? Potato soup, rolls, and banana pudding (ala Karen CO) Okay...knowing I'm at the bottom of the heap when it comes to cooking queens (and kings), I'm sure it *DOES* get much better than that. ;) So what's your favorite comfort food? Not just for the spouse or family, it can be for you. Jo
  12. You can betch-ya-bippy I'm going! The controversy! The irreverence! I'm so excited. Jo
  13. :iagree:This is my standard response to ripe bananas, but my good intentions for freezing bananas never come to anything and my rental kitchen isn't stocked for significant baking- I really am taking the easy way out here! ;) Thanks though. Jo
  14. To prove my lack of creativity or knowledge when it comes to preparing food.... I have three very ripe bananas. I just bought Nilla wafers and pudding at the store. I am embarrassed to say I actually googled for recipes on how to put this together. Of course most of the recipes called for cream cheese, or whip cream, or something extra. Can't I just throw these three items together, hand out spoons, and yell, "come, and, GET iiiit"? Slinking away in shame..... Jo
  15. And it has rained all day here in Hawaii in honor of it all. :angelsad2: :grouphug: Jo
  16. I thought some of you might find it just a little funny. I've mentioned many times before that as a former L&D nurse I could never have a home birth, much less an unassisted birth. My current pregnancy is being followed by military medicine that is hardly non-intervention friendly. As a matter of fact, I will have to fight hard for every non-intervention choice I insist on-I practically had to swing a bat at the residents last time I gave birth in this hospital. My doctor is a fantastic lady and I get along with her very well. We go to church together. Anyhow, she has a bumper sticker that reads, "Home Deliveries Are For Pizzas". :lol: Please nobody be offended. You would have to know her to realize that she is hilarious and a gracious woman but she takes her job very seriously and like many other physicians she has seen "home births" go badly too many times with tragic consequences. Not to discourage anybody else's personal decisions. But I had been meaning to post something about that bumper sticker since the first time I saw it. :D Jo
  17. First, let me just say if 10x20 is small, I want to cry. ;) :lol: Having said that, we had a playroom in our last house and the most useful item was the Ikea cubby unit. I can't remember the name. We bought the individual boxes for each cubby. We had a cubby each for: legos, trains, tinker toys, lincoln logs, kinex (on a higher level), "little guys", little people, etc. It was incredibly helpful in keeping the room relatively neat. Jo
  18. I'm doing exactly what SAHAMAMA suggests. We have a house on the market in Virginia, and we're renting in Hawaii- two large payments a month. We have decided not to enroll the children in any sports (especially their favorite TaeKwonDo $$$$) to save time and money. *And* Thanks for all the excellent posts on cost savings- I appreciate it. Jo
  19. Thank you . I needed a few netflix suggestions. Off to add it.... Jo
  20. I should also point out that we *DO* have three bedrooms, but this is, afterall Hawaii and the walls are literally boards...just boards...no insulation etc. So shutting the door to a bedroom is not very effective.:glare: Jo
  21. I live in a maybe 1000sq ft cottage (and I believe that is a very generous number) with six children. :001_huh: I don't mind the closeness, it is a cute place, until I have to make a phone call. My children are generally very well behaved, but noise level has always been a bit of an issue- is this just a large family-Must. Be. Heard. thing? Or what? Back to my question... My problem is making phone calls. In the past, I simply left the room to make calls. Now I have no "room" to go to. I had no idea how clueless my dc were about how to behave while I'm on the phone. You would think a simple, "when mom's on the phone you all need to keep quiet and help the baby stay entertained," would work, wouldn't you? Un-uh. Has anyone had remarkable success with incentives? Consequences? Threats of bodily harm?;) And if you usually just leave the room when you have an important phone call to make- count your blessings. :tongue_smilie: Thanks. Jo
  22. I do believe ya'll are brilliant! Even using UPS from Rock Solid the shipping will be 1/3 the cost. Big **SMOOCH** and a great big thanks. I'll just download the first lesson and order as soon as it becomes available. Jo
  23. :001_huh: Does anyone have a coupon code that I can use on the Apologia website? I'm ordering the brand new General Science curriculum 2nd edition so I can't get it anywhere else. :glare: Highway robbery, I tell ya'. It's robbery.;) Jo
  24. or the teacher guide? I can't seem to find it on the website. Thanks. Jo
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