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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. No advice, just a big :grouphug: for you!
  2. (Happy belated birthday Nadia :) ) --Karen
  3. Today is ds's 22nd birthday :party: He's actually living at home for a few days before moving into his summer sublet :) He'll be working his campus job until August when New Job Way The Heck Across The Country begins. For me --make sure dd is compliant with the colonoscopy prep --gym w trainer; walk this evening if possible (stress management) --whatever garden/yardwork I can do (had storms and rain overnight; may get more today) --decluttering in the basement Have a good day, all :)
  4. Training at gym today, but I will not walk (storm potential plus dd's day-before prep, poor baby)
  5. Colonoscopy prep with a 15yo. Yay :rolleyes:
  6. Her user name is Osmosis Mom. I can't remember her avatar without looking.
  7. From one medically-freaked-out mother to another :grouphug:
  8. --exercise: walk to/from farmers market w dh --garden: pick, weed, water --yard: weeding --other errands: library, local garden supply store, groceries? --plan meals for week --medical-related reading --work on managing stress
  9. Thanks for sharing the article! I miss her around here, but the work she is now doing is inspiring :)
  10. Good morning :) Dh and I will hike/walk to the farmers' market this morning for our weekly produce (and chocolate from the natural foods store ;))
  11. We got Fancy Restaurant Takeout tonight to celebrate ds's college graduation :D We'll be spending a gazillion dollars on healthcare this month (and maybe future months) but it's all pre-tax spending. Thank goodness.
  12. Today's exercise---clapping at ds's convocation and graduation :D
  13. Nice to have you here with us :)
  14. My boy is moving to the opposite coast in August. I join you in sadness. :grouphug:
  15. Update: the stomach polyps are benign :). That's the good news! Dd will have a colonoscopy Tuesday to check for (and remove) more polyps. If they are present, we will all have genetic testing to see if we carry the marker for a rare disease which almost always causes colon cancer in adults (30s and 40s). Anyone positive will be facing major surgery. Dr is hopeful no polyps will be present. Of course, that would mean more testing for dd to determine why she is in such pain after eating. I am so thankful we live near an internationally-respected children's hospital. We told dd eveything. She is being very brave :) Thanks to all of you, from the bottom of our hearts. On to the next step!
  16. Apparently I carry stress in my shoulders. Yay. I am a gigantic hard knot this morning. However, I have a victory---I did not stress-eat after returning home from the hospital. I think that was the first time in my adult life. Today: massive loads of stretching, gym workout with trainer at 4:30 (may walk--depends on weather), some yardwork
  17. --talk w doctor when she calls --decide what to tell dd --daily things --Friday tasks --math w dd --schedule physical therapy for the next two weeks --garden: weed, water, pick lettuce :) --quick weeding of front yard perennial beds --buy landscape fabric and staples --order mulch delivey for next week --gym for training session at 4:30; may walk to/from depending on weather The Boy graduates from college tomorrow!
  18. Has anyone transfered to a different testing date? Dd is scheduled to take the Math 2 subject test next Saturday. Because of medical things (I have a thread on chat board), she may not be up to taking it. I'd like to transfer it to a future date, either for the Math 2 or a different subject. Any idea what the change fee is? I didn't start the process on the CB account, just read the info. Planning helps me calm down. I promised dh I wouldn't google her medical stuff until I talk to the doctor again tomorrow morning.
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