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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Me, too! Bonus: I'd be home in time for the Alaska trip with dh :D
  2. I didn't get to the walk last night (30 lb of cherries to process; dd15 had a bad afternoon/evening; dh wanted to talk about our Alaska trip). It's been raining for hours and doesn't look like it will be clear for me to walk to the gym, though I remain hopeful :) So training with either the walk or 45 min elliptical or bike. And then I have to finish the cherries!
  3. We picked 30 pounds of cherries! :eek: See you tomorrow! :lol:
  4. The humidity broke here :party: Today: --laundry outside as soon as it finishes --go cherry picking with dd :D --more laundry outside --pick up dd's new glasses as soon as they are ready; Costco (we didn't go yesterday) --pit eighty bazillion cherries; dry in dehydrator (snacking, baking, homemade Kind bars :D) --vacation planning --have dd check all her lists to see what still needs to be purchased for her TX trip and/or camp --walk tonight after dinner :)
  5. Was shopping for six hours :eek: *faints* Now I need to make dinner, do the daily things, tend to the lizards we're watching this week, hopefully walk (though the 'feel like' temp is 95 right now!), and weed. Or I might just make dinner, sit with my library book, and eat the Talenti sea salt caramel gelato I bought yesterday :lol:
  6. Oh my word, I am in LOVE! Does the sizing run true to the listed measurements?
  7. Good morning (typed while yawning!) --daily things --Tuesday things --today's travel/camp shopping w dd, w dd20 along: DSW for sneakers (me, too), Target, VS sale (all 3 of us), Lenscrafters to look at frames (she didn't like any at the eye dr), Costco for 2 things we forgot on Sunday --collapse --new recipe for dinner (gf/df) --paperwork --exercise: walking this evening --probably should spend some time weeding...
  8. After an interrrupted night (my brain would not shut off :rolleyes:) I bailed from accompanying dh to the gym while he had his training session. I will walk after dinner this evening---it's supposed to be a bit cooler (like 82 at 8 pm).
  9. We have one in the process of launching (just graduated and moves cross-country later this summer *pouts*). To celebrate, we bought a convertible :D I would love to • travel internationally once a year • travel domestically, but not to visit family, once a year • travel to visit family whenever we wish • have a cabin in the mountains I know I will • increase my gardening space and time spent • increase my volunteering time • continue working with a personal trainer (I need the push in the gym!) Dh can work remotely for periods of time, which is lovely.
  10. The Viking prices are really high. I have noticed, however, that they run buy-one-get-one free sales every so often---I think maybe when the itineraries are first announced.
  11. I do this, too! I also get brochures from those bike or hike place-to-place in Europe or NZ/Aus outfits :D
  12. Thanks. Her younger sister was biopsied for Celiac while she was being checked for other things this month. That was negative. Dh has been biopsied (negative) as well. Dd15 and dh both have similar celiac panel numbers to dd20. Dd20 has agreed to go back on gluten for the long period necessary (should it be a problem) if the GI says next month that she should be biopsied as well. I'm thinking non-Celiac gluten intolerance is more likely. We've also been looking at the FODMAP diet in case she has IBS. We would love to have an answer before the fall semester starts so that she can work out a plan with dining services on campus. She was miserable this spring :(
  13. --exercise at gym w trainer, plus 45 min on bike or elliptical (too humid for me to walk to/from gym today) --make gf/df strawberry-rhubarb cobbler with last of both fruits --daily things --Monday tasks --gardening: weeding, cover blueberries if rain holds off this afternoon --begin camp shopping with dd15: Kohl's, Sears for LandsEnd swimsuits --coach dd20 through medical phone call (she needs to ask for additional tests, despite bloodwork being in the supposed "normal" range) --continue discussion (via hospital messanging platform) w dd15's GI wrt new biopsy report --continue reading ATK gluten free cookbook --some Alaska planning with dh :)
  14. She has multiple food allergies but is afraid of losing more food :( Her Celiac blood numbers always come back low (less than 2, multiple tests). We are in a period of gf/df for her, dd15, and dh. The antibody you mentioned---is that the thyroid one? I will have her request vitamin levels as well. Thanks :)
  15. Gym today for training plus 45 min on whatever. It's threatening more rain and incredibly humid, so no walking to/from for me :(
  16. I think renting DVC points through a reputable company (a link above gave the calculator for this site https://www.dvcrequest.com) for a 2 bedroom villa and cooking in for the majority of meals would be a good combination. A 2 bedroom would give you and dh a master with ensuite bathroom, a second bedroom with either 2 queens or a queen and a full pull-out (different resorts have different comfigurations) and its own bathroom, and a common space with a full kitchen and living room area with a second pull-out couch. Plus a washer and dryer! And a nice balcony or patio. Some resorts even have another single pull-out or pull-down (a murphy bed hidden in a cabinet under the tv) so all kids could have their own sleeping space if desired. Two of those resorts (Animal Kingdom Lodge--Kidani Village and Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary) even have a third full bathroom in the 2 bedroom! If you are driving, you could get groceries for the week once you have unpacked. You can also have groceries delivered---there are two services that do that. We are DVC owners. We eat all but one breakfast in our villa and either lunch or dinner in each day. I buy food for easy meals so I don't have to spend my vacation cooking :D I would love not to have to cook, but we can save soooooooooooooooo much money this way, enabling us to go more often.
  17. Thanks guys :) I'm nudging dd to advocate for herself so the names of tests to ask for is very helpful.
  18. I'm with regentrude and 8. Let him study whatever and whenever he is ready to study, but don't call him a high school student until his age is appropriate. You can decide to graduate him early if desired a few years down the road. We have greater flexibility with dd's high school years and transcript because she started "high school work" much earlier. Like 8's dd, my dd15 is facing medical challenges. She's not been herself since January and has been in pain since March. There is a very strong possibility she will need surgery after the summer (I'm not messing with her summer plans!). Academics are the one aspect of life I am not worried about.
  19. I'd appreciate input if these numbers are really ok or if they are off; in which case, please suggest the next tests to ask for. I'd also appreciate links to reputable websites. TSH 4.270 uIU/ml (reference interval 0.450-4.500) Free T4 1.10 ng/dl (reference interval 0.82-1.77) She's going to see a GI specialist next month. Our primary had a bunch of tests run to see if anything popped out as unusual before that appointment. My mom was diagnosed as hypothyroid in her 40s after suffering with symptoms for a good 15 years. I don't want the same thing to happen to dd. Thanks :) (And for anyone keeping score---yes, both my girls are having GI issues with some similar and some different symptoms. Sigh.)
  20. I walked to the farmers' market this morning---82 degrees and 65% humidity at 10:45 :eek: I did NOT walk home :lol: Dh met me there with the car (he served as lector at church--I skipped), and then we went to Costco.
  21. Today so far: --gardening --walked to farmers' market for produce and meat (beef, pork ribs, scrapple for the week) --went to Costco w dh; we impulse-purchased new luggage (I price-compared on amazon while standing in front of the display :lol:) --planned meals for week --wrote shopping list for the items we still need Still to do: --plan week --do the rest of the shopping? --make dinner I hear thunder rumbling now!
  22. Dd15 will be away at Arabic immersion camp for four weeks (:eek:) I am trying to come up non-food, non-English-language items (so no books) I can send to her. I appreciate all the shared responses :)
  23. --last ballet class of the year :D --garden: pick, weed, water as necessary (just the potted things on the deck, I think---i have a rain barrel system, thanks to dh) -- pick up dd downtown (she's treating herself to an almond milk frozen coffee drink at a local coffee house) --two loads of laundry, hung outside --Costco run --make lime squares for tonight (I have lots of limes...) and maybe a gf/df treat for the girls --go to a BBQ grill-off at dsil's; dh and I are serving as judges :party:
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