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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Congrats. That is amazing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  2. :grouphug:This! I think people are working out whatever their issues may be but I wish they'd hire a therapist and leave me alone. Stress is ruining my appetite too. This week I was told I " look like a tootsie pop." Not complimentary. Did I want to explain it all? No. Did I feel up to more confrontation? No. Etiquette and manners were created for a reason folks.
  3. All of this. She is a minor. Call her therapist.
  4. Still doing my 30 minutes minus 2 days. I was sick this weekend so Sunday did not happen. I believe stomach flu is a valid excuse 😜 We're in the homestretch here. I'm hoping to continue Jan habit and add Feb to it. We shall see. If you haven't chimed in please do. Even if it didn't go as you planned that is information for you to use....wrong challenge, wrong time, wrong approach? Be all zen and ...stuff.😄
  5. I live in rural Midwest farm country. I regularly run/ walk alone down country roads. I am not worried about attacks but do worry about being hit by a car/truck/tractor. YMMV
  6. In May 2012 at 49 I just one day decided to get in shape. I started eating No S. You need to kniw yourself. Some people like classes or buddies or groups. I do not. I think one reason I stuck with running ( which literally started with 30 seconds running then 2 minutes walking) was because it is time alone. I listen to my loud headbanging music no one else likes. To thine own self be true. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  7. I'm all about the casual. Just show up/come over I'm good BUT dh is introvert city, extremely uncomfortable with most people and tired after a 12 hour day so.....if you can't cone over between 8-5 when he's not here it doesn't work 😟 * he doesn't complain or gripe it is just obvious he doesn't enjoy company and I feel he's entitled to privacy in his own home.
  8. Amazon is just a river in Brazil. Nothing to see. Move along. :) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  9. We can each do what we want. 15 days is great. I plan another challenge in February. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  10. My first thought was to just build so many good memories for my kids to have. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  11. I didn't because my area (rural, Midwest) lives it everyday. Sadly, this is how we live folks.
  12. I sure do tend to think those opposed to reform are the lucky ones with great insurance. We have " good" insurance that we pay $1200/month for. That doesn't leave much to live on folks! Then there is a $10,000 deductible, then 80/20. I would gladly pay more taxes to have a simpler system. I don't think I'd be paying more. By the way, my Dh works FOR a hospital and that's as good as it gets!
  13. If it's everyone's problem it's nobody's problem. "Someone else will take care of that." "Gosh, that's horrible, someone should take care of that."
  14. Tragedy of the Commons Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  15. I don't necessarily visualize it but I think of the soul as electric current. I kind of see God as a river of energy and we're just electric bits sparking off and returning.
  16. Schedules 😚 Projects. Of nearly any kind. Some reading and worksheets for us. They do plenty of art and stuff on their own.
  17. Hanging on. I've had one day where I fell short. That's ok since life takes precedence. Keep on keeping on all. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  18. I understand the desire not to be unfairly institutionalized and the poor care (abuse?) sometimes received BUT when you see your 18 yo dd take down two cops( who granted were trying not to hurt her), escape handcuffs, then become physically violent with me all while arguing her killing herself is no different a decision than choosing a college will leave you feeling institutionalization for a period is not a bad idea.
  19. I haven't read everything here but this is really raw for me. I would have given anything if my dd was 17 and not just turned18 during her recent hospitalization and continuing mental illness. I think I've come around to believing at least possibly a 3-6 month forced institutionalization as more kind than no treatment. Seventy-two hours is not long enough for anything. I have reasonable insurance but there are simply not enough services anywhere close to us. She is stuck with a newly graduated counselor and a psychiatrist we won't even see until July as the only help we can find. They did at least write a refill for her prescription which seems to be enabling her to drag through the days. Some days just barely. I had no idea how truly next to impossible it is to find help. If you're poor, uneducated, out of touch with reality or just worn down it is out of reach. It makes me very, very sad and very, very angry. I won't even get started on the struggles of the vets I know who are suffering. There is just so much pain.😢
  20. Not a fan on anyone over 14. Unless you are an MMA fighter. YMMV I seldom to never see braids on adults. I live rurally but the preferred style is the ponytail for farming/chores/gardening/ life.
  21. I totally believe if you try something on it will make you feel great....or not. We just let types/seasons/age dictate to us. Cost matters too of course. I say take those guidelines and go try on LOTS of things. At everywhere from upscale to Goodwill. Just take notes on what seems to feel good. Take selfies. Then go home, look things over when you don't feel excited or pressured and see what you think. What felt and looked good? Is there a trend? THEN decide your style.
  22. I like Gaiam. Pricy BUT on sale now at Kohl's. Combine with a coupon and they are not too costly. They are thick and last a long time. I pair with a long yoga sweater and I look decent coming and going.
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