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Everything posted by Xuzi

  1. I'm with you on this. I don't get it. I'm LDS and I am absolutely heartsick over this. This policy will get no defending from me.
  2. The season on Netflix is actually last year's. I binge watched it, then watched this year's on YouTube. Such a fun show! I want Mary Berry's cookbook. :)
  3. Toes almost always, fingers on special occasions and holidays. No designs, but I love using bold colors and sparkly top coats. :)
  4. Well, it was my own little trick or treater who went skipping up a walkway, saw a "no soliciting" sign on the door, and turned back around. :lol: (I explained to him that it was meant to keep away people who are selling things, not trick or treaters, and he went back.)
  5. https://m.facebook.com/official.BillGothard/ See if this works.
  6. I'm on phone and don't know how. It's the "Bill Gothard" facebook page. If you type his name into the search bar it should come up.
  7. FYI: Gothard (or one of his staff) posted two days ago on his facebook page about a conference he hosted. Comments are interesting.
  8. About $15 + tip on dd's hair every six months. I buzz my two boys with a pair of clippers I bought for $18 five years ago.
  9. Ya, this was probably the most graphic episode ever. (Not that it was super gory, or superfluous, but they seemed to have gone for accuracy!)
  10. Keep me updated! I'm on a plane. :p (Yay for free Wi-Fi!)
  11. Bumping this up, since the "main event" starts tomorrow. ;) Do you think it'll be Saturday morning or Sunday morning that they'll announce the three new Apostles?
  12. We're planning to fly into Raleigh on Saturday afternoon. Would the drive from there to Charlotte, NC be too risky if the rain is as bad as they're predicting?
  13. I think they were just overly-belaboring the point that he's between a rock and a hard place, career-wise. The only chance Barrow has of any kind of job security is to find a job somewhere as a butler (of which there are increasingly fewer and fewer openings), or for Carson to kick the bucket so that he can fill his place. He has few other options. His is a skill-set that is increasingly becoming obsolete, and he's trying to hang on to his usefulness as much as he can.
  14. We're taking the kids to DC next week for a day and a half. They're 11, 9 and 6. We hope to mainly focus our attention on the Smithsonian museums. Which ones would be most engaging for kids? Particularly a 6 year old? Are there some that are more hands-on and/or interactive? Are there any where kids would really be out of place? Thanks! :)
  15. Wow, Pres. Monson really isn't looking good. :(
  16. I'm at my stake center right now, 15 minutes before the session, and there are five people, counting me and my daughter. :p
  17. I'll be heading out with my 11 year old in a few minutes, as well. :) I'm excited for next Saturday, even though we're going to be traveling. THREE new apostles! I know what I'll be doing during our lay-over. :lol:
  18. I actually really enjoyed this first episode. Particularly the moment between Carson and Mrs Hughes. And the kids in the kitchen at the very beginning were adorable. :)
  19. Kind of going to the opposite end of this, both my husband and I wore engagement rings, since he was just as committed to me as I was to him.
  20. In an LDS Temple ceremony, the Sealer asks if you accept this person as your spouse, and your obligation to them and to the Lord, and you say "yes", then a blessing is pronounced upon the couple. It's the exact same wording for every Sealing. The only difference from one ceremony to the next is that the Sealer can speak directly with the couple, sort of "off the cuff", prior to beginning the Ordinance, but once he begins it it's the same words for everybody. Beginning to end, my wedding ceremony was probably no more than 15 minutes. That makes it sound very bland, but I have many fond memories of my wedding, and wouldn't change a thing about it. :) There's also no ring exchange, although couples can tack it onto the end, after the Sealer has said "Amen" and ended the official Ordinance. This was another part of traditional weddings I was glad to skip. DH and I had both been wearing engagement rings since our engagement, and I didn't want a wedding band (I personally find the two-rings-on-one-finger look unattractive, no matter how well they're made to match up), so we wore our engagement rings into the Ceremony, and they magically transformed into our wedding rings when we came out. :lol:
  21. Another Mormon with no vows (other than the ones always made between couples being Sealed in an LDS temple). Didn't miss them. I would have been very embarrassed, expressing my feelings about and for dh in front of everybody. We said "vows" of a sort between each other, in private, shortly after we were engaged, and I look back with great fondness on that moment. :)
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