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Camy-7 boybarians 1 lady

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Everything posted by Camy-7 boybarians 1 lady

  1. Kanga, thanks! It is interesting to hear about particular brand names of medications and their relative ability in an individual. I'll talk this over w/ doc.
  2. Honestly, this is the first genuine girl thing my daughter has. She has play dishes, a dollhouse, etc... but for some reason, this American Girl Doll makes her feel "official." (grin). I love the tone of your responses!
  3. Okay, you guys are giving me a lot of reassurance. Thanks! I do not want to go through another 2nd trimester miscarriage, and that's why I'm a bit concerned. However, the fact that Megsmachine and Janet have carried babies while having this thyroid issue, makes me feel better. Thanks again.
  4. How'd ya get deleted? I saw an earlier thread by you that got dumped. Anything fun? LOL>

  5. Emmy, are you uncomfortable w/ the fact that you have your little guy in second grade at age 8? Just fyi, my now 9 yob was a second grader at age 8. Blessings.
  6. I was diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's related) about 6 months ago. My medication has been adjusted once since the original dosage. My prenatal bloodwork came back today, and my thyroid is waaayyy off! The normal TSH levels should not be higher than 5, but mine is 17. My doctor will be calling me this afternoon about the likelihood of another medication adjustment. I am so concerned about this in pregnancy. It is my thought that they low thyroid was a chief cause of my miscarriage last year. If you have struggled w/ this, I would appreciate your input. Also, please pray for the health of our baby. God is in control, but I sure appreciate the prayers. Blessings.
  7. Hugs to you and your dd. Chris, will he come to you for aid? Have you thought of what you will do if he does? My dh (if you don't remember, I mentioned he was a juvenile probation officer) would recommend that you call the police, which you may have already decided to do. I'm so sorry.
  8. I can tell you that my teens are the best! I just love to hang out with them and have them around. We have worked hard to train them *and* enjoy them (I know that this is no guarantee to a good kid). Put forth your best effort as a parent, and build a strong relationship with your child when they are young (and keep it going, it takes work). Blessings.
  9. Yep, it's "Kit." This is all new to me! I need to begin researching about American Girl Dolls (grin).
  10. LOL, Michelle! Along that lines, my 11 yo son listens to a popular talk radio show everyday. When we were discussing the economic woes the other day, he chimed in and mention that the market would recover and that the gas prices are going down. LOL..
  11. An American Girl Doll!!! Here's 7 yodd in all her feminine glory. The boys are stupified by this new creature...I think we shall have to put the doll on 24 hour security/surveillance (LOL). Blessings.
  12. No worries. Just try not to get emotional about this with her. I've noticed (now that I have a daughter), that mothers and daughters have this "cat fight" thing when confrontation is involved. Remember to stay in control, you are the parent, and that is how it is. That being said, make sure you are allowing time to have fun and spend time w/ your daughter in order to re-tie those strings of life. 13 is a rough age. Blessings.
  13. I was wondering about her, too, Jean. Sunflower, we're thinking of you.
  14. Personally, I believe he is still very young and you may continue to see him struggle w/ this. I can tell you that Handwriting Without Tears was a Godsend for us...I loved the verbal cues (involving helicopters, bumping the lines, and sliding down the pole) which helped my sons remember how to form letters. Blessings.
  15. I feel your pain. Recently, my issues of fatigue and exhaustion were made more clear by the revelation that I have hypothyroidism. Medication has made all the difference in the world to me, and I hope you are able to find a solution to your own issue. As a personal trainer, I would look at your situation (mentioned in your post) and encourage you to have 3 goals for the first month: 1) Get at least 8 hours of sleep (throw in an afternoon catnap if you can, too). 2) Adjust your diet: cut out sugar, eat a large no-carb salad meal for supper (no eating after 7:00 pm, if possible), and drink at least 2 quarts of water per day. I keep a quart jar in my kitchen window filled with water, a visual reminder for me to take a sip here and there throughout the day. 3) Exercise at least 15 minutes per day (mandatory). I recommend Peggy Brill's The Core Program. This program will help you eliminate daily aches and pains, all while helping you begin at your fitness level. If you can get these things going, it would help you by the second month to add walking to your daily routine (at least 3-5 times per week). If you can't get out to walk, I highly recommend Leslie Sansone's walking workouts in DVD. These are great for every fitness level. Try to cut out any unnecessary daily activities that stress or push you too much. Streamline and simplify your housekeeping and cooking. Monitor outside of the home activities and stop doing too much. Hope you begin to feel better! Blessings.
  16. Denise, see this post for more info: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=588949#post588949 Blessings!
  17. I wanted to add that I do add 1 T of guar gum per cup of gluten-free flour substituted in recipes. Blessings.
  18. Vinegar, bulk essential oils (lavender, peppermint, fir needle, & tea tree), baking soda, salt, borax, Bac-Out by Biokleen (love this stuff...I even dilute it), Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds (love it!), Citra Solve (love it...very economical), washing soda.
  19. This is a common thing with many recruits (sickness). Praying for your son's speedy recovery. Keep encouraging him w/ your letters...I'm sure you already do. He'll be back in training in no time. Blessings.
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