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Camy-7 boybarians 1 lady

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Everything posted by Camy-7 boybarians 1 lady

  1. Faithe, I'm working on that one...(it involves prayer). I know exactly what you are saying, though. It is a challenge, isn't it? I'd sure like some of that mid-20's energy back. I feel like I'm becoming a cranky old woman (grin). Blessings.
  2. I'm throwing meatloaf into the crockpot (along w/ scrubbed potatoes). It's a quickie to prepare and will be ready when we get back from football practices this evening. Blessings.
  3. I use 1 teaspoon of vinegar to water to equal the amount of white wine (I am the queen of subsitutions! LOL). You could also add a pinch of sugar to tone down the tartness of the vinegar, if desired. I think Mike's might work, too. Perhaps you are on to something...a WTM cookbook featuring Mike's recipes (grin).
  4. My brothers and I would have changed our identities for sure if that make up were available to us back then! LOL...that's how much we loved KISS. Perhaps we have not given KISS enough credit for the creativity as artists...they were combining mime w/ rock-n-roll (grin).
  5. LOL! Can you believe we used to use Ivory Soap to get that "white make up" look? Ouch...I still feel the sting (grin). What we don't do for fun...huh?
  6. Lard! At least it works fantastically in baked goods. MMMMM. Pure lard, not the stuff w/ hydrogenated lard added.
  7. It's just like writing a paper, Melissa. You've just got to get started and before you know it, you'll be done. I do feel your pain!
  8. ..and I had a few too many beverages, if you get my drift. As I sat at the bar with my best friend and brother, I was belting out, at the top of my lungs, Guns-n-Roses (sp?) "Welcome to the Jungle" in some sort of jibberish that was meant w/ all my heart to resemble lyrics. LOL! Though I was slurring and carrying on, I could see through my periferal (sp?) vision my brother and best friend cracking up and tilting back in their chairs. However...that didn't stop me! I continued on the embarrassing tyrade (sp? why are the spellings of so many words escaping me tonight?) until the last beat of the drum. Sigh. LOL. Blessings, Camy
  9. though I didn't enter high school until the 80's, I was a precocious music fan (sp?). When I think of the 70's and my favorites, I'd have to include old Genesis (Peter Gabriel on lead vocals), Pink Floyd (Shine on You Crazy Diamond), Black Sabbath (Ozzy and Ronny James Dio on vocals), Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young; KISS (I had all of the albums, dressed up like them w/ my brothers to perform concerts for our parents...I was Gene..LOL), Emerson, Lake and Palmer; Boston (just love them), Styx, Peter Frampton, oh..my...there are so many more! Blessings, Camy
  10. You sound like you have quite a precocious little girl. As you describe her, I think of my boys....and, well...there's no comparison (LOL). I am not one to recommend any formal teaching materials for your dd, but I would encourage you to keep reading a lot. Perhaps graduating to a mix of picture books, poetry and just listening books (longer chapter types) might be a nice variety to keep her challenged. How about a nice book on tape during quiet/nap time. Something like Little House on the Prairie. Even if she isn't quite keeping up with it, it may offer beneficial teaching for her vocabulary and comprehension skills. You could also play those Classical Kids CD's featuring well-known composers to give her an ear for music. Have her work with you around the house as much as possible, describing thoroughly what you are doing. That way, she'll learn those necessary skills, fellowship w/ momma, and further vocabulary. That's all I can think of at this time. Welcome aboard! Blessings, Camy
  11. When I saw your post, I thought "Luann is taking up running?" Perhaps you are, along w/ J. If so, I am thoroughly impressed. I need to email you to touch base. I sure do love reading the kids' blog :o). The bear incident! Yikes. I remember you stating your concern in one of our conversations about the possibility of them encountering a mountain lion. Yet, it seems to be a bear :o). Hope all is well! Love, Camy
  12. Well said! I must admit, though I am a diehard Republican (still not excited about McCain, however), Hannity drives me insane. I realize there are many who appreciate him, and that he loves his country, but Oi! His method of presentation rubs me the wrong way.
  13. Diana, was it a run or a pass reception? Good for him and lucky for you to be able to watch! Do you embarrass yourself by yelling and screaming like I do? LOL. Blessings, Camy
  14. but I heard some audio clips of Barbara Walters as she hammered and badgered McCain. What a joke! Now I still haven't decided if I am voting for McCain, but I lost all respect for Barbara Walters as a professional after hearing her conduct herself as she did. Honestly, I wouldn't watch The View to save my life. The audio clip I heard further confirmed that thought. Blessings, Camy
  15. Yah...your Packers kicked our Lions' butts. Actually I expected it. Can't your pastor be persuaded to move small group to...uh...let's say...another night? Not Monday, though! LOL. Blessings, Camy
  16. I know there are a few GOP people who have crossed to the other side of the aisle in their pick for Pres., but I can't think of their names at this time. This is a very interesting election year! Blessings, Camy
  17. Warning, shameless mom bragging here! LOL My 11 yob's team is 2-0. He scored 3 touchdowns, rushed for 178 yards, had 6 tackles, and 1 forced fumble during his Pop Warner game last Saturday. One of my twins on the high school freshman team got an interception and 2 tackles. I just love the game! I know many of you here are dragging your children around to games. Keep hanging tough! Hope you are enjoying your seasons. Speaking of that, let's talk NFL....Glad the Patriots won w/o Brady (phew!). You just gotta love that Patriot veteran defense. Also enjoyed the Broncos and the Chargers, yet the officials had some questionnable calls. It was great to see that risky 2-point conversion at the end of the game by the Broncos! That made the bad call (the Jake Cutler "incomplete pass should've been ruled a fumbe" call) not so disappointing. I sat in front of the t.v. almost all day Sunday until the last game was over (Pittsburgh and Cleveland)...LOL. I won't discuss our Detroit Lions. They're up to their usual tricks. Wah. Blessings, Camy
  18. Yep. I agree. Let's hope the government will keep its hands off as much as possible in order for the free market to balance itself out and encourage investors to be more keen on their practices. The market seems to go through these sorts of times. Blessings, Camy
  19. It was great listening to my 14 yo twin boys' conversation this early morning: "Noah, are you going to make some eggs?" (said w/ undertones of urgency) "I'm making sausage." (says Noah) "Noah, we have to get our bags together, check the trash, get our football equipment, and load up the van in one hour!" (says Malcom) Why is this so fabulous, you wonder? Well, it's an example of 2 14 year old boys who are now required to be responsible in getting their duffs up in the early morning, getting ready for school and out the door by 7:30 am. Their part-time enrollment in public school has been such a blessing so far, mainly, because they now have to be self-sufficient, independent, and accountable to someone else. They are still learning and need a little encouragment from their parents, but I am pleased how they are stepping up to the task. This was one of my concerns during our homeschooling years. The fact that I had to push and prod them to get a life every day. Mind you, they are not lazy and are the best workers (many have complimented them on this), but w/o a firm schedule and discipline (which can happen around our house every now and then....real life w/ many little children, kwim?), they will have a tendency toward loafing and not taking the initiative. It is certain that many of you understand what I am saying. It sure is a pain to have to push and prod an older child to get their behind moving! My boys are getting up at 5:30 am, doing some light reading, having their coffee, getting their own breakfast (and *making* the coffee..grin), tidying their rooms, and just preparing for their day. But they are doing this w/o my assistance...all on their own. Though we are still working out the kinks in their homeschool/public school schedule, I believe this has been a great experience so far for my boys. Blessings, Camy
  20. I will not vote for Obama, yet I am struggling w/ McCain. Still praying about it. Blessings, Camy (hardcore, card-carrying Republican)
  21. LOL! I understand your sentiments about "what is that smell." That's what I think everyday when I walk down to my sons' bedrooms. I second the enzyme cleaner option. I love Bac-Out by Biokleen. It is very reasonably priced and works well. You could also get one of those refrigerator activated charcoal thingies and stick in the microwave for a few days. Obviously, you shoudn't use the microwave if the charcoal thingy is in there. Blessings, Camy
  22. LOL! It's funny that your son hated Gus. My daughter just loves Gus (sons hated him). What's up with that? LOL. BTW, I just love your avatar photo! Too funny. Blessings, Camy
  23. You likely have pica, which is a condition resulting from anemia. I take Floradix tablets, liquid chlorophyll capsules, and Enzymatic Therapy's Energizing Iron for anemia. It works fabulously. See vitacost.com if you are interested in purchasing them. Vitacost has a flat-rate shipping fee of 4.99. Blessings, Camy
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