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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Let me know if you decide to go for it. We did manage to get through Ulysses at more or less the same time!
  2. I swore I wasn't going to re-start House of Leaves until DH came back from his trip but I figured I've read the first part before and I could get that done at least. It's even better than I remember.
  3. Welcome! :seeya: I don't think you have to do much for kids that young, although sometimes gifted kids need more than the average child. I wouldn't worry too much about getting through the full curriculum. Play, activities, and rest sound great!
  4. If it's on the handle like that it seems you could put the whole thing into a trash bag and tape it off before trying to take the tag off, in case there's ink.
  5. :hurray: Having never read Proust, I still have an unsatisfied curiosity. Maybe someday!
  6. I do keto and I'm the same way. I hardly think about sweets except when I eat a few more carbs or if I eat artificial sweeteners. I need to wean myself off those again. I've gone from an "overweight" BMI to a "normal" one. I'm 15 lbs away from my goal. I think I'm only 10 lbs away but looking at my belly I'm thinking when I get there I'll say "just 5 more" so I'm building that in from the start. :)
  7. Yes, the library did it. It didn't work out for us though. By afternoon I realized I am following DS's path and getting sick. I dropped the kids off with a friend and rested for a couple of hours. I don't feel terrible, but didn't want to get anyone sick at the event. One of my all-time favorites is The Master and Margarita. It's an easier read than Karamazov. Although if you want to be technical it's really a "U" for U.S.S.R. or an "S" for Soviet Union.
  8. Often when it gets that low the doctor can order a blood transfusion for you. Try checking. It depends on the reason for low hemoglobin. For example, people with thalassemia trait shouldn't take supplemental iron. Yes, call the congressman everyday and make them help with the VA situation. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. I feel heavier and more bloated and my bra feels tighter but the scale says I weigh the same. :confused1:
  10. Heading over to a banned books reading this afternoon. DH is out of town so I have to take the kids. Here's hoping we arrive at section that's not too out there for a 7 yo. Thanks, will check out Bond. How about Murakami for Japan? I've only read 1Q84 and it was ~1100 pages, but someone here could recommend a shorter one I'm sure if you want. I've been meaning to read another too.
  11. :hurray: I'll bring the coffee. I <heart> Lori D!
  12. Oooh. I hadn't heard about this. Off to check it out. It's a gray and chilly day here and DS is sick. We're canceling swim today (outdoor pool) and reading + watching the rest of Ian McKellen as King Lear. After watching a (decidedly post-modern) version Sunday, the kids were asking for something a bit more traditional. I think it's good for them to see contrasting versions. and I'm happy to watch. DH has left town so my reading has really slowed down.
  13. Hi Debbi. I've not read it. Have you, or are you thinking of reading it?
  14. I spent NYE at work at our software company, just in case. Sigh.
  15. I started reading it and stopped just because I got busy. I was really enjoying it but it takes a lot of focus as much of the text is in the form of notes written on scraps and you have to track fonts and ideas from different points of view. I'm planning to fully read it in October as a "spooky" read for Book a Week. It's made the top of many "scariest book ever" lists. I can't say how gruesome it gets throughout but there was at least one disconcerting scene involving blood in the part I did read. The footnotes are essential and long, like 3 pages for one footnote. They tell part of the story and cannot be skipped. The book is written from the POV of different people, one of which is a "diary" (in quotes because it's a ton of loose and cryptic notes). I also think it's somewhat depressing because much of the focus of the book is on disenfranchised people who live on the edges of society. If you decide to go for it, it's better to splurge for the full color book as it's helpful to have the fonts in different colors.
  16. Another (late) "no way" vote. And I am also urging you to make sure Marco learns to swim ASAP.
  17. Yeah, we have relatives who visit from the Midwest and they always comment how much slimmer people are here in the SF Bay area. And my college friend who always had a belly moved to Spain after graduation and within a year she had lost a lot of weight just from all the walking and eating a diet based much more on fish, vegetables, and olive oil with fewer sweets and no soda.
  18. Interesting. How did you decide on this one?
  19. Wow, I'm also surprised. It was required reading for us as well.
  20. Tuna salad w/greens. I pre-make minestrone and just add the pasta on the day they're going to eat it. Without the pasta it freezes well. If you have a Trader Joe's, every guest I've ever had enjoyed their tomato and roasted red pepper soup. (Not the low sodium one.) Quesadillas with corn tortillas if they're avoiding bread. Tomato salad. (Get grape cherry tomatoes so you don't have to chop.) Mix tomatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper, and mint. Serve with scoops of ricotta or mozzarella. Frozen pizzas with salad. Make extra amounts when you cook for dinner and use extra for lunches. Frittata: Chop veggies, place in 9x11 dish. (If you do mushrooms and/or onions, salute them first to remove water.) Beat 12 eggs with a bit of milk or cream and pour over veggies. Sprinkle shredded Parmesan cheese on top and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes until puffed and browned. Excluding cooking time, I can get this made in 10 minutes, especially if I splurge for pre-chopped broccoli. Rotisserie chicken and sides from store.
  21. I'm still reading The Vicar of Wakefield and enjoying it. I was going to finish last night while babysitting but one of the babies was unwell so the mom stayed home and I got her ticket to see Danish band Mew at The Fillmore. The vicar will have to wait for another night. Wow, it had been a long time since I had gone out to a music venue to see a live band. This afternoon we're going to see King Lear. I read the Lamb version to the kids a few weeks ago and yesterday just finished reading Gareth Hinds' graphic novel version, which we greatly enjoyed. Wonderful art and the language was quite true to the original. My brother, upon hearing we're on a King Lear kick, gave me a DVD copy of Ran by Kurosawa.
  22. Even if he doesn't normally like to leave the house, do you think he might be interested in Star Wars Episode VII? It's coming out right before Christmas (Dec 18) and maybe he would like tickets or a t-shirt even though he always wears the same shirt.
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