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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Like others, I was going to suggest Moby Dick and/or related books. This year we did the "pick a book by its cover" challenge but I think people went for the best looking cover, at least I did. (And I still haven't finished Euphoria, thank you very much!) What about picking a book based on the worst looking cover? :p Selfishly scanning my own TBR pile, what about a nature or biography theme? Yes!!! ETA: My multi quote about the cartel books didn't show up. Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out.
  2. I returned last night from our sudden trip to the Midwest and am exhausted. I made "airplane progress" on In Cold Blood but had almost no time to read while grounded. There was simply too much to do between all the (religious/legal/administrative) things we needed to handle for our deceased loved one, plus the regular things like making sure everyone's needs were met. This is one of my favorites (more for the writing and main theme than the actual plot) but I am truly surprised you gave it a go. It's such a bleak and spare and restless book and I think it leaves a mark on sensitive people.
  3. I've been here but quiet. :) I'm not surprised, based on anecdotal evidence in my own experience. In the Venn diagram of my acquaintances (not friends!) the circle of the meanest and most judgmental people are almost completely in the very religious circle, but the very religious circle is much larger than just them. Many of them pray 5 times a day and are somewhat interested in helping within their own religious or national groups, but don't tip, don't want to associate with non-Muslims, are very class-conscious, etc. I will say that I think it's impossible to extract what proportion of a lack of empathy is from religion vs. culture, especially if the participants in the study live in countries with religious governments.
  4. Hi all, and thanks for the good wishes. I have a few minutes while everyone grabs some stuff from the breakfast buffet. Thanks, I'll have to check it out. Here's another one we own after reading about it (I think) on Mental Multi-vitamin's blog. FYI, the same folks are also running a Kickstarter for a Beowulf game. It's been repeatedly delayed so don't go by any specific dates they may give. This reminds me! My mom arrived in this country for the first time right before Halloween. (My dad had already been here for a few years on a scholarship.) He forgot to tell her about Halloween, went to the lab for the night, and suddenly kids wearing costumes were ringing the doorbell and holding open sacks. She called a neighbor who assumed she knew more than she did and told her they were looking for things to eat. (There was also a bit of a language problem, to be fair.) So my mom started handing out cans of food. As for books, I've brought along In Cold Blood and The Girl with the Gifts. I'm not sure how much reading time I'll have this week.
  5. We had a death in the family so we are flying to the upper Midwest today. I was prepared last night to go get some cold weather clothing and saw the weather is going to be almost identical to the Bay Area. Strange for November. I hope I'll get to check in with BaW this week but I'm not sure. It's all very last minute. Wishing you all a good week, just in case.
  6. Feel free to grab a copy and try with us. We can all hold hands in the dark!
  7. That's not "slightly" at all. I would call them or if you don't want to have someone else call them.
  8. Oh dear. The Streisand Effect in full force. :grouphug: Wow, I hadn't realized the full extent of the health issues you have right now. I sincerely hope you start to feel better soon.
  9. I had similar thoughts while reading the story but they made me uncomfortable so I kept sweeping them under the rug by telling myself that we really had no idea how much was delusional or not. It was a bit like a splinter under my skin and I'm glad you put words to it. Maybe he's out of the office? Yes. (Ahem.) Permanently. Why am I having trouble finding the author's responses? Anyone have tips or links? I'd like to hear your impression of Sapiens. It's been on my shelf since Rose recommended it earlier this year but I've yet to get to it.
  10. Thanks! I stopped by the local bookstore today and picked up In True Blood so I'm set. Also ended up getting The Girl With All the Gifts based on a recommendation from the clerk. Because The Sleeper and the Spindle is so short I guess I'll add the new book to November. I also ended up buying a hard copy of The Martian. After all my angst about the library queue and whether it was even worth it after having seen the movie, DH was happy to have the hard copy. Much teeth gnashing could have been prevented had I thought to consult the other adult in the house.
  11. Great!!! For November I think I'll read In Cold Blood, the Gaiman one with "Spindle" in the title (can you tell I'm feeling lazy?), and I'll finish House of Leaves. Not many books, but we have two trips coming up so I'll have my hands full.
  12. I would chalk it up to the cost of doing business. If they took you to small claims court there would be no evidence you actually mailed the check, but at least they would be able to show they didn't deposit the money. And I wouldn't issue a second check without stopping the first. It's a bit of a scam for people to say this and then cash both. They eventually return the money, but wanted the float to help them with whatever they needed some extra money for.
  13. DH really loved the movie but we didn't get much time to discuss. He had to be up very early so he basically came home, went to bed, and left while it was still dark. Thanks for the tip about suspending holds. That sounds like the most plausible explanation, although I'm surprised the librarian didn't mention it. Believe it or not, I didn't get to the last 10 pages yet. I am trying to overcome a bad habit of leaving books unfinished when I don't want them to end. I think I'll go finish it while the kids do their math. The work is just fantastic. If you try and explain the book it's too easy to get caught up in the plot and then it doesn't sound very good. It's a book best explained by discussing the writing itself and the meaning of the title, I think. The work really captures some of the things that have always happened in the world (what could be described as "evil") but it also touches on current political topics. Not to get too political, but when you contrast the "old-fashioned" view on gun control and policing with the more modern situation on the ground, you can see where some of the disconnect happens between different viewpoints. The trajectories of ordinary people thrown into extraordinary circumstances, the idea that none of this would have come to pass if not for an (unnecessary) good deed, and the feeling of absolute relentlessness, makes this book one I'll read over again. I always feel like there are way too many books to get through and I'm a slow reader, so there are very few books I re-read these days but this is one of them.
  14. Interesting. I had The Martian on hold via Overdrive and as I was getting close to my turn, I started moving backwards in the queue. Went to the library, they were mystified. It was at that point I went to see the movie because I wasn't sure it would still be in theaters by the time I got my turn with the book. (And I still haven't gotten my turn.)
  15. DH went tonight after I've been bugging him. I'm hoping to catch it one more time before it leaves the cinema, but at least now we can talk about the movie!
  16. Perhaps we can both read it even if Capote is not selected. One of my all time favorites. "Daddy" is the one I like best. You might enjoy Plath reading poems from Ariel, in 1962.
  17. Thanks for the get well wishes everyone! I am on the mend. The illness wasn't great but really it was the staying up all night that got me the most. I selfishly vote for Truman Capote because I have In Cold Blood as a "someday" I never seem to get around to. Jane, that mask is lovely!
  18. Thanks! I didn't know about the story of jack o'lanterns. I'm in bed after having food poisoning and not sleeping until about 5:00 this morning. The cramps made my back hurt so I'm here with a heating pad. I can't really sleep this late but I can stay in bed! I finished The Spoils of Poynton thanks to VC's recommendation. Very witty and fun, although there were a few things I had to read twice to figure out. Not at all the ending I was expecting, so that was refreshing. I almost finished No Country for Old Men. Seriously, I had ten pages left when I started to feel sick last night. But now nobody else is home and the book is downstairs and I'm upstairs perfectly situated with the aforementioned heating pad and a cup of coffee supplied by DH before he took the kids to class.
  19. I use it and shall continue to do so until they pry it from my cold, dead lips. The combination of this language with a modern emoticon is :laugh:.
  20. Most of them. Hiking is a kind of a sport, it's not just walking. Plenty of fit people would have trouble going 13.5 miles because it works the body (esp the feet) in different ways than swimming, aerobics, etc. And plenty of excellent hikers would have trouble with tennis, 100 yd dash, etc.
  21. In my SE Asian culture it would be appropriate for the younger to get in touch with the elder. If they're not of that cultural mindset, the aunt can get in touch with the niece first, even though it goes against every fiber of my upbringing to say that! :laugh:
  22. I hadn't even heard of it. I will definitely check it out! I have to admit to not liking Alice in Wonderland (heresy, I know) but this still sounds promising. Thank you!
  23. Don't beat yourself up about it. I don't think you (or any of us) could have anticipated something like this could happen. :grouphug:
  24. I feel better about the story already! (Or is it worse?)
  25. Oooh, I'll have to check this out. I didn't like Anansi Boys nearly as much as The Ocean at the End of the Lane. It simply didn't have that same mystical quality and I don't enjoy plot points based on miscommunication. (I always think I could just watch Three's Company instead.) Perhaps a 3rd data point would be useful.
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