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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I haven't met them in fact, most all the home school families we do know tip the scales in the opposite direction, even the unschoolers. I will say that many have created their own courses of studies, time lines, schedules and don't mirror a public school.
  2. How many chapters are you in already? Now for me, I'd just begin where we left off and proceed from there.
  3. Amazon has a link you can check.- Twelve Months of Monastery Soup, is my favorite soup book. My library had it, but it was always out, and I had to have it myself. I think you can look at the table of contents, and if you want a recipe I'll check my copy.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry.
  5. Nadia, Poor kid. I think finding friends with similar interests gets harder after the age of twelve. It seems like so many activities, and opportunities are geared for those younger than twelve or jumps to young adults.
  6. :iagree:I was that 17 yr old and feel a mature 19/20 yr old is a much better option.;)
  7. Honestly, here we have an alternative K program. Lots of our kids are older when they officially start kindergarten and finish high school, and I think it helps our state test scores.
  8. Today is tomorrow now. I've long given up feeling ready, we just do it. The relief of not dreading it is worth celebrating. We have almost half a day behind us and it feels like an old sweater...kind of comfy.
  9. I've thrown caution to the wind after talking glazes with a local artist, and joyfully use my white Hamilton Beach crock-pot. The beautiful, teal Rival is resting peacefully in the basement. Our artist friend is eighty and claims colored paints and glazes are more likely full of lead. She also said you only live once and and worrying is a waste of time; of course she sniffs paint fumes for a living;). As a safety measure, my kids have been instructed not to lick the crock-pot.
  10. What a horrible visit:grouphug:. Allergies can cause severe reactions. Asthma induced allergies send many people to the emergency room.
  11. My library now has a copy of this, and I can't wait to check it out. It can work, I even give them an odd number like 17 or 23 items per bag. It gives them concrete directions and they can do it. Countless times I've answered questions like, does a stack of paper count as one item or can I count each of them.:glare: My answer is always the same...any way you like, just don't stop until you fill the bags.:D Now they're older and just accept the bags, hoping I won't come in to help.
  12. I found the Flylady book at the library and realized it/home organization and cleaning was never going to be finished. I've experienced how 15 little minutes a day of focused work can produce wonders by the end of the week, month, year. Now that winter has set in and the holiday messes are behind me, I need to once again do another big declutter top to bottom. It will take lots of little bits of time here and there, and my expectation/plan is to be done by spring. This is now my January routine. Enlist help or shove two bags in their hands and tell them to fill one with trash and the other with donations. Put the bags or boxes directly into your van, truck car and drop them off the next time you leave the house.
  13. I used a sling with my first and even more when my second came along. I could push the bigger one in a cart or stroller and wear the little one. Working in the kitchen, house, shopping and library was possible with the little one in the sling, it freed both my hands and eased the stress on my back. I had back issues and the sling worked through out toddler-hood. Work to find one that fits your body and needs, they come in so many sizes, styles etc.
  14. Great post again, Nan. I found time to read this entire thread this morning, what an interesting discussion:).
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Big, big hug.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. This is how I shop. I pay extra attention while sale items are being scanned and keep a store flyer with me because here lots of items don't get keyed into the store(s) computers and will ring up with the regular price.
  17. Google or your fav search engine...They'll have a web site with numbers, locations etc. Our local office mailed out a packet that included the local groups, a news letter and various forms, brochures etc.
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