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Everything posted by SproutMamaK

  1. I wouldn't mind at all. Kids can throw a wrench into a carefully planned event. And even if your children aren't young, I can't imagine than a 10 year old has a really close relationship with a cousin who's getting married. If I were planning a wedding that I wanted to be a nice/fancy event, had a budget, and had to choose between inviting 10 friends that I value and inviting a group of cousins that were decades younger than myself, I'd choose the friends.
  2. I quoted the first, copied the quote box, went back, quoted the next post, and pasted the first quote in above. It's the old-school way. ;)
  3. Does all of this winning and royalty come with cheesecake? The queen humbly requests demands cheesecake.
  4. The exposure to the first X builds up your immunity, so that when you're exposed to the second X you don't have to worry about pronouncing it. This is extremely important, or your children will be left without defenses when exposed to XXX content.
  5. I love these threads. They make me feel so much better for remembering to write thank you cards approximately once a year. By comparison I'm downright classy.
  6. I voted in multiple areas because I've fit into different categories at different times in our marriage, hope that doesn't throw off the results too badly. :)
  7. Same here. I've tried the shot multiple times... no dice Unfortunately for me, during my pregnancy with my 3rd son there was a rubella outbreak in a non-vaccination population in my area, mainly conservative religious folk. I am ALSO a conservative religious person... many of these kids went to a local Christian school with my nieces, and some even to my church. I had to spend several months of my pregnancy under practical house arrest because of their choice. No church, no extended family gatherings (as my sister and nieces also had the issue of their bodies rejecting the vaccine), heck I was scared to go to the grocery store. If people don't want to vaccinate, fine, but if there's an outbreak maybe THEY should be the ones to stay home.
  8. Call, absolutely Pre-E can escalate REALLY quickly, and that's a substantial increase over your normal numbers. Even if there's not a serious problem today, they can give you guidelines for when you should be concerned and call them in the future.
  9. I'm about to be one of those obnoxious people who responds without having read all the replies. Sorry, I'm cringing even typing that out. On its own, not walking at that stage isn't so bad, but you also mentioned army crawling instead of 'regular' crawling, what seems to be a lacking of engagement, lack of babbling, and that she enjoys playing by crashing/knocking things over. All of those, in my experience with my own kids and many, many families at various support groups, etc, are very stereotypical of autism. If I'd known when my kids were that age what I know now, I'd be getting them in every specialist I could find as soon as possible.
  10. I've used auctionsniper in the past, but not for the past few years (just don't use EBay much anymore). I never had any problems with it.
  11. I agree with the other. Get a new doctor ASAP and don't worry about offending her. Frankly, she NEEDS to be offended and get it together before her incompetence costs someone their baby.
  12. Oh gosh, this is so me. In my mind I'll be replaying something amusing that happened earlier that day/week/month and all of a sudden I'll have laughed out loud... meanwhile the person standing behind me in line is having a serious conversation about their mother's death or something like that, and then I feel like a horrible human being.
  13. What are these greengrocer's apostrophe's you all speak of? :leaving:
  14. Oh, Mbelle, that brings up another things that annoys me... the expression, "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room." Yes, it's always a good idea to get ditch your friends for new ones because you think they're just not intelligent enough to be in your prescence anymore. If you think you're the smartest person in the room, maybe you should stop thinking so highly of yourself and get to know the people around you a little better.
  15. "Sorry, we're very busy this year and the limited downtime we have we are making sure to spend at home together to relax and have some immediate family time. You know how it is. Thanks for thinking of us, but you can go ahead and pick a date without trying to work around our crazy schedule. Have fun!" Instead of making it about not wanting to spend time with them, make it about how your family unit needs this time together and that you won't be sacrificing it.
  16. I would LOVE to get more sleep as I'm sure you're all right about fatigue contributing to it, but realistically I'm homeschooling 4 kids while nursing a baby every 3 hours (overnight even still, sigh) and starting a new business. There's not really any way I can get more sleep... believe me, I've tried, lol. (Thank you for letting me vent about how tired I am, lol.)
  17. Thanks guys! I already see a chiro regularly, lol, so that won't help. ;) Or [terrifying thought] maybe it IS helping and I'd be even worse if I weren't? Not really any chance of SAD or PPD; I actually quite like winter (which considering I'm Canadian is saying something) and love this time of year. I had PPD with my second, and feel nothing like this that time; aside from 1-2 days a month I'm doing fine, so I'm pretty sure it's just the raging communists. ;) I'll grab some chastberry and magnesium! I used to be quite regular, and for the first two cycles post-baby I was doing great as far as that goes, but the last cycle and this one were all over the place. Hopefully the chasteberry will help with that as well. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'm all ears!
  18. I managed to make it 33 years without really having too much trouble with PMS. I mean, sometimes I'd get minor cramping or want a bar of chocolate, but nothing major. Since getting my period back a few months ago after having my most recent baby, though..... HOLY MOLY. I remind myself of the Hulk. I am a raging ball of ragey rage. This month to avoid being a horrible mother who spends all day yelling at my children, I give them movies, removed their minecraft time restrictions, and just stayed in bed, away from them, as much as I could. Even so I managed to make up reasons to yell twice. It's not pretty. I need to try something to get this better under control next time. Suggestions/advice?
  19. On that note: the fact fashion designers for jeans, heck, for pants in general, seem to assume a woman is wearing 4 inch heels at all times. I am 5'7" tall, and if I want to wear flat shoes I need to buy petite length pants. It's madness! Maybe it's just because I tend to gravitate towards higher end and/or more formal clothing, they assume you'll be wearing heels with it? Either way, it always leaves me so frustrated!
  20. I would move. You time together as a family is valuable. Honestly, I would go nuts having to consistently spend that much time in a vehicle. It sounds like next year it will be all but necessary for your oldest, anyway.
  21. Can you say it's your house rules? "Sorry, house rules, no electronics in bedrooms!" or "Nothing after 9pm!" etc.
  22. There seem to be many more people in Europe who follow the Orthodox calendar, wherein Christmas was celebrated just yesterday.
  23. 58. I had problems answering the questions, though, because I feel my personality varies so much depending on the situation and who I'm with. In some groups I'm confident and extroverted, where with others I pull in to my shell.
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