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Everything posted by nukeswife

  1. The stuff I got seems to be. My kids love that the tempra paints aren't all runny like the ones we got from dick blick. They are nice and thick like you see in the videos, which makes mixing colors less messy.
  2. Thank you. We love the colors of the room. My daughter says it's like schooling in an aquarium. it's so much nicer than the ugly purple it used to be. It's so much brighter and fun in there now. My kids have been color coded since we started and they are actually the ones that initiated it. My oldest loves green so that's Everett's, Annika is my Blue girl and luckily when Lucas was born he turned out to love Red. Yellow is mine, I love Yellow.
  3. Cool, our box from Jerry's Artarama was delivered last Monday.
  4. Yes I did order from them. I did get matching chairs. I'm got the 22-30 inch legs since my kids were already 4, 8, and 10 when I got them. I also got matching chairs that will fit an adult sitting comfortably. I find the shipping to be very reasonable.
  5. I've always heard Kiddy-corner. I grew up in SE WI, just outside of Milwaukee.
  6. I have 4 tables that are 2'x3' that look like the ones they have in daycares/schools This is what they look like. The shipping was reasonable too. I got different color edges on them all so we can tell who's is who's easily because my kids love that. They have lots of different sizes too.
  7. Well, I'm sorry to be such a burden to you all. Yes I'm obese, I'm one of those with a BMI of 32. I'm 5'3" and weigh 184lbs. Most people that see me and hear my weight say "NO WAY, you can't weigh that much" My weight is distributed well apparently. I wear a size 14. I'm perfectly capable of moving around just fine thank you very much. I can fit in a seat at a restaurant just fine thank you very much. I take care of my kids and play with them and run around with them just fine thank you very much. I don't need anyone to remind me that I'm not that "Ideal" weight that somebody who isn't me decided was perfect. My brother is rail thin. He's got a body fat of something like 5%. He wears a size 29" waist pants and has to wear a belt because they would fall off otherwise. Well he's cost a lot more money for his insurance company that I have because he has issues with his shoulder that have caused him to need multiple surgeries and treatments etc. My doctor just scolded me for not coming in for 3 years because nothing has been wrong with me. All of my lab work says I'm fine, except I have Low vitamin D. My blood pressure is always spot on perfect and my cholesterol is also fine. So please be careful when you say Obese people effect others and are a drain on society. There are plenty of people that have no weight issues, but have other medical problems that cause insurance rates to go up and the like.
  8. My daughter would know all of them but caudal, but then again she's a freak who watches documentaries about animals and forensics all the time.
  9. Merry I remember your word planner, I've made many variations on it over the years. I always think HST+ will be easier, but it frustrates me so much sometimes. I guess I stick with it because I thought transcripts would be easier with it, but I'm not so sure about that anymore.
  10. That's the first place I looked. I didn't see Barton in any of the lists of what has been posted.
  11. That's what I'm thinking I'll need to do. I just wasn't sure if I should put it in LPs or just in the weekly planner. I use AAS for my other son and AAR for my youngest, they don't have clear cut lessons per day, but I know about how long it takes us to get through a step so I usually just put those in as Spelling: AAS Level X: Step X day A, B, C etc. I also plan a week at a time too, but sometimes we're still off with my above way of doing things because sometimes things don't take us that long, sometimes longer.
  12. How would you set it up in HST+? I have my Barton level for my daughter so we can see if this is the thing we've been needing to finally get her reading at grade level. I use HST+ but I'm not sure how to set up lesson plans for Barton. Yes the levels have lessons, but it's not like you'd definitely do a lesson a day or anything like that. So do I just use a really basic weekly planner that just lists it as "Barton Reading and Spelling" and then I can type in what part we actually do after it's done for the day? Anyone use Barton and HST+ and have a system for how to do this.
  13. I think this would be like buying a consumable workbook. When you buy a PDF they are generally only printable for your personal use, with your immediate family. So you can't buy one PDF and then print off 20 copies for your friends to all use with their kids.
  14. You know it! LOL. I'm here, but can say that since we got our soda stream it's more of me out pounding down a liter of whatever flavor I had a hankering for at the moment.
  15. We got one before christmas and love it, but we use the syrups they have and find they taste ok. No they aren't exactly pepsi or coke, but they are good enough for us. My kids love having other fruit flavors too. As for can you shoot fizz into apple juice, I would think NO. When you use the flavorings with the SS, you have to carbonate the plain water and then add the flavoring or it explodes everywhere. Now you could carbonate water and then add frozen concentrate to it to make apple juice, I think that would work great. My favorite so far is the Cherry Koolaid flavoring that Soda Stream just put out.
  16. I sold 3 things the other day after I advanced my postings from a month ago. I agree with the search function not working things are moving more slowly than they used to, but I'm sure things will eventually get worked out.
  17. My mom uses TT online all the time. I've always used H&R block, it used to be Tax cut, now it's just called H&R block at home. A tip to the military folks out there. You can file for free with H&R block at home no matter if you have a simple or complex return if you go through the link at www.militaryonesource.com You do have to sign up with military one source, but it's free and there is lots of other info there too. We've done it this way for years and never had any issues.
  18. We have central a/c and replace the filters, I don't see that as something for landlords to do, because it's routine care, you wouldn't ask them to replace broken light bulbs right? OH and central a/c works off the furnace in a forced air home, so it's the same filter for heat and a/c since it's all one unit. We change ours once a month but we also have allergies, many without allergies can go 2-3 months before changing them out. I wouldn't be so sure about no trees. We have no trees here and because of that our house gets super hot in the summer because no trees means no shade.
  19. Yeah, the lady that handles things in my district is a bit power hungry. I'm not an HSLDA member (there are things on their agenda that just don't jive for me) but I've never had her not back down when she clearly sees that I know the law and am not afraid to stand up for my rights. I've looked into the portfolio review and when we lived in FL I did that instead, but here I haven't found anyone willing to do it or they are not comfortable doing it because of dd's issues. DD is also more comfortable with a test than with an interview type thing (which is more of what a portfolio review has been for us)
  20. Elizabeth, Thanks for the input. We could do a portfolio or I think some kind of eval by a psych dr would work. So now that I think of it I may even be able to use her evaluation with the np to satisfy this years requirement. We aren't required to put a grade on our NOI, but my districts form likes to ask for it and every year I leave it blank and every year they call and argue with me on it. Last year I had my son repeat K because we didn't feel he was ready for 1st, and they accepted that as my explanation for turning in two years of K standardized tests. I was thinking that this year I would have my dd repeat her 4th grade tests since that seems to be where she is really at more so than 5th grade and again I would tell them that her father and I felt she needed that extra year. As long as she scores above that 23rd percentile we're ok. Thanks again for all your help in this. I guess we'll just keep looking at our options and then see what happens with the np.
  21. Thank you Marie for your input. I'll have my husband update his test administrator status with BJUP, so that we could use the SAT-10 for our daughter if we find that is the only accommodation that she needs.
  22. We've always given the CAT survey or the ITBS because my husband can give the ITBS since he has a bachelors degree and either of us can give the CAT.
  23. The only thing I'm aware of is that you don't use OU at the end of english words.
  24. Hi all, I'm very new here to this board and the search function on the boards isn't always cooperating for me. I'm wondering about testing for my daughter. We know she has issues with reading, she's 11 years old and only reading on a mid 2nd/low 3rd grade level. She's been through vision therapy, but has had no other testing done. We have gotten her an appointment with a neuropsych Dr. in April, due to this. Now in our state we have to give her a standardized test (one of our choice as long as it's nationally normed) every year. She has to score in the 24%ile for her LA and math composite scores. She's been able to just squeak that out the past few years, but we're worried about if that will be possible this year. So my question is, will the neuropsych exam be what we need to get for her in order to get her accommodations on testing if that is truly needed? Do we have to go through the school system? I'm very leery about going through our school district because of our experience taking her to the local school for speech therapy a couple years ago. We had to fight for it through every meeting and evaluation. The local school's VP is very anti-homeschooling and fought us every step of the way, even though her own employees keep reminding her that by law the school was required to offer my daughter these services. Any help you can give me about this would be greatly appreciated. Oh, we're in Virginia if that helps or changes things at all.
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