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Everything posted by Mynyel

  1. I get holes and I have Formica... I think. I just know it is cheap stuff. Not granite. I don't think the landlord would spring for granite in a double wide :P.
  2. I watched Forks Over Knives last night. While I am not ready to jump in with both feet I would like to make more changes and slowly work to less and less meat. My question is this... what constitutes a whole food? Are canned tomatoes whole or do I need to use "real" tomoatos? Frozen veggies? Canned veggies? Canned beans? Can someone 'splain it to me? :)
  3. I can't EVEN believe a judge would look at the case! Seriously? That is why there are nutrition labels. Is a company responsible for another person's stupidity? There was also an asterisk at the bottom of the ad telling you with what and how much is part of a "balanced" diet. Take some responsibility for yourself for Pete's sake.
  4. Yup same here... And those mystery "grease" stains too :001_huh: Excellent theory. I am 5'4" as well.
  5. We are using Lively Latin. We switched to it from Prima Latina as well! :) As the others said the youngers won't really do well with it. When I first got LL my ds was ending 3rd grade. He just wasn't ready for it. He is now ending 4th grade and I have been doing it with him for the last three weeks and he has been doing *MUCH* better! My opinion :) is to wait until 10yo or so before introducing Latin. Mydd has been doing it the last year and loves it!
  6. I want my dd14 to have Logic. She needs to analytical skills. However we can't seem to get it done. Mainly because I hate doing it. I think it may be the program we are using. We are using Critical Thinking by The Critical Thinking Co. I don't like the layout. It is had to understand. Perhaps I just don't know enough but the clutter of the layout isn't helpful either. We have Art of Argument. I have not started that yet. I am leery of starting another program. For the record, we have tried Traditional Logic (Memoria Press) and hated it. Worse than Critical Thinking. Tried Fallacy Detective (I think it is called. The Bluedorn's book), didn't like it either had a hard time with the explanations. I always considered myself somewhat logical but these logic books tear me up. Any suggestions for an extremely gentle approach for Logic? Or can I just use AoA?
  7. :iagree::iagree: I *love* experiments and so do the kids. But the prep work is horrendous, even with kits! The worst for me is Logic. UGH. I get Logic when explained in regular words but the whole P and Q or P and not Q and P --> Q.... :blink::svengo::leaving: I like teaching everything else... except Logic.
  8. I use allrecipes.com. I paid a subscription fee and you can add the recipes to the menu and then add the menu to the shopping list and print it out. I like it a lot! Matter of fact I need to make next weeks menu....
  9. :iagree: :iagree: I won't get an IUD either (although I had one in the bast. I didn't know how it worked. I was young and didn't ask questions). I also wouldn't hesitate prevent myself from perishing. The baby would not survive if left there and the potential death my myself would be bad for the family I have already. This is definitely not the same thing as an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy.
  10. Yup here too! Thought it was just me! Whew. Glad it isn't. However I do know it takes a lot of bandwidth to keep up with something like this so could be something to do with volume. Don't hold me to that though.
  11. I agree with the others. Both my have and still do "rearrange" :glare:themselves. I remind the oldest boy that it is *NOT* appropriate and the youngest... well I have a difficult time keeping clothes on him (he is my sensory child) so it is more of an auto reflex thing than anything else. However we do tell him not to do it. They also never do it in public. Home is another story but outside the home. Nope!
  12. The WTM recommendation is R&S 5 after you are done with FLL4. That is what we are doing with dd14. She is blowing through everything but it is laying a very nice foundation.
  13. Yes, I used Saxon Phonics with my ds when we used 100EZ. While 100EZ does a great job teaching to read it doesn't teach phonetic rules and such.
  14. We are getting food stamps, so we will have food. I need to look into food pantries to see what I can find. We haven't had cable for years, we need internet as that is how dh does work the hours he can. Dh can only work 20 hours at the current job. No other work forth coming for him. No full time available for him. We don't go to church so that is out :) I am the computer person but I did look into that once and there is an abundance of computer people in this area. We are on FS already. Dh makes enough to cover rent and utilities and gas to get to the store. Dh makes enough to cover about 65-70% (He can work 20 hours a week which averages out to about 3 hours a day so each month it can vary) of our expenses. You know how it is. I would cancel our cell phones but, being under contract, it would be more costly to break the contract. My contract is up in November. I will be cancelling mine then and then my dh.. then the last one. We will be getting a pay as you go service. It is just overwhelming to me.. :) I am used to being poor... but not under poor... if you know what I mean.
  15. http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/25/rural-kids-parents-angry-about-labor-dept-rule-banning-farm-chores/ Good luck if your in 4H or FFA.
  16. I know there are a lot of people that have been unemployed for a long time. How do you make ends meet? We don't know anyone here to help with odd jobs or anything. It is just us. How did you make ends meet? I lost my contract in March. It has only been a month but we have always lived month to month and the money we had saved for moving will dry up in three months. *IF* everything goes as planned and there isn't anything unforeseen. How do I make this work? I have been trying to rely on the Lord. He has always provided before. We have been through another similar patch like this before and He delivered us. However *I* wasn't the one stressed that time. Dh was. We had just had ds4 and he was only 4 months old. I was breastfeeding. Dh was the one that had to find the job. It is *ME* this time. Dh has a part-time job and that job does provide over half of what we need in a month. I have been looking for work. Amazingly I am having a hard time finding part-time work! I am afraid of working full-time. Terrified. Near tears thinking about it. What will happen to the kids schooling? Will I have enough time in a day to get it done? That said, I *might* be able to swing a at-home position (part-time) but doing something I loathe. I mean grates against every fiber of my being and I would resent having to do it every day. Is it worth it? Would you do that job you absolutely loathe? Again, I could probably get a part-time job at Wal-Mart (or Kmart or insert cheap retail store) however the pay is absurd. I suppose something is better than nothing though right? I am just over the top stressed this morning. We have never made more than 25k (except ONE year) and in most years it was less. We are used to "robbing Peter to pay Paul" but for some reason this is just getting to me. I have worked full-time and homeschooled before. We didn't have ds4 then. The older two were younger and easier to teach. It was just different dynamics. I know there are others worse off than me. I know that. That doesn't take my stress away. I rambled a bit here but it feels slightly better. Any advise, tips, tricks, a job;), prayers or :grouphug: you can offer is wonderful.
  17. There are probably a gazillion other people they could have chosen. That is one movie I won't watch. http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/apr/24/lindsay-lohan-elizabeth-taylor-liz-dick
  18. Two ways. One is to just select the notification method at the bottom of the thread when you post or respond. Two would be CP (upper left hand corner) -->Edit Options --> Messaging & Notification From there you can select to make it default that you get Instant, Daily, Weekly etc...
  19. I am in a agreement. After last year I felt odd even going to the convention in Greeneville but I wanted to see Demme. Next year the GHC is off the radar. I will be going to the state one here or none at all. Humph... too bad we can't have a WTM convention! :)
  20. Ya, I think I will just have to go back to IEW and use the TWSS. Bah, I just sold mine thinking WA would be what I needed. *sigh*
  21. We school year round as well but we just started TOG 3 weeks ago. *LOVE* TOG. We just finished up, about 3 days ago, AAS 1 and went on to Level 2 :). We just press on to the next level when one thing is done. So we start/stop frequently!
  22. I like the concept of HWOT, which is why I am using it with my sensory seeking ds4, but I don't like the font either. I understand why they use it but don't like it. After he learns rudimentary writing. Probably after K or 1st I will be switching over to Italics. :)
  23. I love.. lovelovelove TOG. Even dd14 was mentioning how it has made school work easier. However Writing Aids has not. I am sorely confused. I understand where to get the info and what to print (if needed) for the weeks assignments but I *DO NOT* get what to do with the info. I am *NOT* a writer. I couldn't write my way out of a wet paper bag. It is the reason I do not have a college degree. I almost do, but I have English 101 and 102 to go through and I don't know how to write. So I haven't taken them, thus no degree. I do NOT know what a thesis statement is nor how to find one. I do not know how to transition. I do not know the difference between an opening paragraph and a conclusion. They seem the same to me. I gave up IEW in order to get WA and I am wondering at my decision as, after glancing through WA, I can't find a scrap of info to help me through this. I *NEED* hand holding for writing. I NEED simple logical steps to take to go through it. I don't know how to use a Venn or cluster diagram and I don't see an explanation on how, I do see examples but I also need an explanation on how that info came about. Do I need a different program? I NEED a FLL/WWE method to learning how to write papers! Please help me with any info you can!
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