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Everything posted by Punchie

  1. Numbers can be stolen even at reputable stores. Someone stole DH's debit card info at the beginning of one of his deployments. The ONLY place he had used his card was at the little PX/BX on the military base in Afghanistan. Which means that someone employed by the military (and who in theory passed a background check), stole his info. LOL..when I called our bank, the person had the gall to ask me if I was really sure he was in Afghanistan and not China (where the charges originated from). I'm glad that Yahoo is taking care of it, and that they're not hassling you over it. Having your information compromised is a scary, stressful thing.
  2. 75% is a C average! You'll be right at the top of the bell curve.
  3. Eh...I'm iffy on them. I've had mixed luck. Some of them have held their seals (the travel ones where you rolll out the air), and others haven't (the LARGE ones for blankets and what not). If you're using them for a short period of time, then I would think you'll be fine.
  4. Thank you for the suggestions! I am going to see if our library system has them (or can inter-library loan them). Cartoony is better, I think. She's not overly sensitive about things, and we try to take a "just the facts" approach w/her. Or at least, she hasn't been bothered by what we've talked about so far. :)
  5. Can anyone recommend a book on germs that a 4 yr old can understand? Our two current topics of conversations are germs and zombies (in the context that they eat brownies, not brains). I can cover brownies w/o a problem, but not the germs other than they're everywhere including outer space.
  6. Rent! Just b/c a neighborhood looks nice online, doesn't mean you want to live there. I am so glad we rented a duplex in the neighborhood we (thought) we wanted to live in when we first moved here. And man oh man...if we had bought there, we would have an extremely hard time getting out from any house bought there, plus there was a fair amount of crime. The neighborhood we ended up buying in wasn't even on our radar initially. We're getting ready to move again, and plan on renting again before we buy.
  7. It would be interesting to see how different it would be. I don't know if it would be any nicer. I mean, have you ever worked in a female-dominated job? The job I had before my current one was all female (except for the owner), and it was the worst work envrionment I had ever been in. Catty and petty to the extreme. Also, when they first intregrated girls into my military school, they put them all together in one troop. I remember hearing horror stories from girls who had started out in that troop as to how mean/evil the girls in charge could be. It was one of the reasons they integrated the girls into the all-male troops faster. I know these are segregated examples, but it's still something to keep in mind.
  8. Can't help you w/homeschool, but we were at McGuire until 3/08. They were in the processing of privatizing/rebuilding the onbase housing at that time. The gym is nice. There's an arts and crafts centre on Dix. You can get some yummy local produce from roadside stands. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, but there's a lot of traffic - we lived 8 mi away in Pemberton and it took over 20 min to get to base. If you plan to live off base, scout the area well. I would try to avoid Pemberton and Browns Mills, personally. I know it's been a while, but I could try to answer questions related to the base / military life / etc... in that area.
  9. German 101 at community college. She's my hetero life-mate. :001_wub:
  10. OshKosh has (or had) long white nightgowns that have silver stars on it. I saw them on clearance sev wks ago. If there's one near you, it might be worth checking out.
  11. Thank you! Coughs, sore throats, nose drainage, and earaches are routine in our house each winter and I hate OTC stuff.
  12. This might be potty-mind on my part, but the first thing I thought of when I read Fallon was a not-so-nice nickname she could be called when she's older - get rid of the "on" and put an "us" sound at the end. The taunts that could go along with that would not be pleasant.
  13. I would have to second the wide seat. I personally only use the Ergo for back or hip carrying. For facing-forward in my chest, I use my Baby K-Tan.
  14. DD4 does the screaming and hitting. There have been times that I was waiting for the cops to knock on my door b/c of the racket she made. The easiest way for us to deal w/it is to chuck her in her room and shut the door. That might be harsh, but that's the only thing we've found to work so far.
  15. I have had ovarian cysts off and on for years. Most of the time they go away on their own. Depending on what happens, they might recommend her starting BCP as that can help control the cysts. As for how long it takes for them to go away, I don't know. Before I got pregnant w/my first, I had a golf ball sized one, plus a few others. By the time I had my first u/s, they were all gone (so sev months?).
  16. DD4 - Zomo the Rabbit: A Trickster Tale from West Africa DD6mos - Mouse Paint (attempted to at least...she'd much rather eat the book)
  17. Quit working and focus on self-education, travel, and philanthropy.
  18. When I was 5th grade-ish, I loved: Dragonsong and Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey Wise Child by Monica Furlong the Wizard Children of Finn (out of print) Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson multiple books by Diana Wynne Jones the Bunnicula series by James Howe My Teacher is an Alien series by Bruce Coville the Blue Sword and Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley When my sister was that age, she liked Dealing w/Dragons by Patricia Wrede, and the multiple series by Tamora Pierce.
  19. This might help. :) http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211406&highlight=essential
  20. authors: Rosemary Wells Sandra Boynton Eric Carle books: Good Night Moon Brown Bear, Brown Bear Madeline books Goodnight, Gorilla I'm trying to wrack my brain since most of our books are packed away for our impending move.
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