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Everything posted by Punchie

  1. Most of the series is geared for adults. These two books, plus Dragon Drums (third in this trilogy), and Nerilka's Story, are the only geared for YA. I haven't read either in a while, but in the first one, there's a part where the main character gets beaten by her father by a belt. There's nothing else that I can think of that would be questionable in either of those books. I read them for the first time when I was 8-9ish.
  2. Would this work at all? http://www.cptoy.com/cgi-bin/pf.sh/2.0/product.htm?pf_id=LON-91L
  3. I'm tentatively planning on using the religion course from Intellego when the girls are old enough. http://www.intellegounitstudies.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=37&zenid=662f19a6c9c61eb688383e9d6215bb0f
  4. For the hard water ladies...are you using white vinegar at all? We dealt w/hard water in the past by using vinegar in the rinse cycle, and regularly using blue dawn dish soap to strip dow the dipes (you can run the dipes through the dish washer if you clothes washer doesn't get hot enough). Sorry for the OT, OP!
  5. How many jelly beans in the bottle. How many baby items on the tray can you remember (nail clippers, pacies, baby spoon, etc...). How many names can you make out of mom/dad's first names. How many words related to babies can you think of - one for each letter A-Z.
  6. For the ladies who are eating the fatty breakfasts - what foods are you eating?
  7. BumGenius again. My first wore the one-size dipe from 9 wks to 2.5 yrs. They are a very long lasting diaper. I would also recommend going to one of the CD boards (like diaperswappers, diaperpin, etc...) poke around current threads and ask questions. There is an OVERWHELMING amount of choices out there.
  8. I remember reading something months back about some European (?) investor who was buying warehouses worth of cocoa for speculation.
  9. We decided to go down to the Homestead Nat'l Monument today (highly recommend it if your in NE). In their gift shop, I noticed they had the McGuffy's Eclectic Readers/Speller. I made a comment to the park ranger that we had them at home and use them w/our DD. Which lead to hear stating that when she flipped through them, they looked a lot more advanced than what is being taught today. She is on the local school board, which happens to be revamping their curriculum. I mentioned she should look at WTM as a jumping point and explained some of the bare bones of classical education. Ha ha!!
  10. I stick w/either Adams or Trader Joe's brands. The "naturals" still have additives in them. The ingredient list should be peanuts, and maybe salt. If it has anything else in it, it's not "natural" imo.
  11. For whatever it's worth, my degree is in Religious Studies. Not a lot of prospects for that one. :) However, it gave me a strong, broad liberal arts foundation. Right now, I am an Immigration Officer (until we move and then I'll be a SAHM). Don't discount the federal government. They need historians. They need ppl with broad backgrounds (think State Department or Immigration). usajobs.com is their employment website, and believe me...what they're hiring for covers the spectrum. ETA - I learned the hard way that it's better to follow your passion at college and figure out from there as opposed to work for the degree that might get you somewhere.
  12. We get (for DD4): Ladybug Nat Geo Little Kids (on the simple side) My Big Backyard Of the three, the one that gets reread the most often is Ladybug.
  13. 4 tattoos on my back - 3 tribals and one fairy I did have a tongue ring, but I haven't worn it ins sev yrs. DH says he doesn't need tattoos b/c he has more than enough scars.
  14. http://www.signals.com/signals/Item_Foreign-Language-Alphabet-Blocks_HJ9992_ps_srm.html They're kind of spendy, but they look like a heck of a lot of fun. :)
  15. Yes to Kelly Slater (for years). No to Andy Irons until his obit this week.
  16. Bittman's How to Cook Everything Martha Stewart's Cooking School DH loves Charcuterie and Ratio by Michael Ruhlman
  17. My sister does this with movies - she catches all of the inconsistancies. Drives me nuts watching films w/her b/c she points them out and then I can't enjoy it anymore.
  18. W/o having read everything posted: 1.crack down on fraud, make it a priority intially (think of how many more ppl could have access to Medicaid if millions weren't being fraudulantly spent) 2. increase pyts to doctors for Medicaid/care (and Tricare) so more doctors would take it 3. doctor payments should be focused more on the patient's health as opposed to the "more money for more tests ordered" 4. focus on prevention 5. have more nurse practitioners / PAs to handle the routine things
  19. We use Country Save for everything - clothes, military uniforms, cloth diapers, newborn baby things. I love it! I will never use anything else.
  20. Get an inexpensive "real" camera. DD4 got one last year and it's not very good. It chews threw batters in literally 30 min, and even on hi-res, the pictures aren't very good. eta: to clarify...the junky camera that wasn't worth it was one the ones marketed specifically for kids.
  21. I'm probably not much help...I missed 4 days during a kitchen remodel, and now I have a 4 yr old. :) This was after taking the pills properly for 8 yrs.
  22. Thanks!! I'll pass these on to him! Any suggestions for persons from ancient/medieval times?
  23. DH is reading Ben Franklin's autobiography at the moment, and he's asked me to track down other books that discuss in depth famous men throughout history. Specifically the path they took that made them who they became. I know he doesn't want sound bites a la a one-hour history channel show, as he wants to plumb the depths. Thanks!
  24. I've used 3 methods of BC other than NFP - BCP, depo, and Nuvaring. Of those, I will never, ever, not for any money in the world use depo or Nuvaring again. Depo - I tried depo once and turned into a raving, hormonal maniac who as hell to be around (even I couldn't stand to be around me it was so awful). After the first 5 wks, I had a constant period for the rest of the time the hormone was still in my body. The worst part was know that there was nothing I could do until the hormones disappeared. Nuvaring - I liked it while I was on it (minus several times when it was, ah..."poppped" out during relations). What makes me hate it now is when I went off of it. It messed up my body bigtime - weight gain, horrible acne, and my cycle went haywire (had to take progesterone? to force my period to start). I had always had perfect, clockwork cycles prior to then.
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