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Everything posted by Punchie

  1. Are you interested in a specific era of writers? Which sub-genre - robots, future scocieties, utopian/disutopian?
  2. My first thought is that they must either live or have lived in CA. :) When I lived there I used it all the time. I still use it regularly, but not quite as much.
  3. Yep! It was slightly edited (the beginning part). I was only half paying attention at first until the first round of "Nanananana-ing". Then thought, "what the heck is he doing on SS?" Elmo's wonky eyes are the best. As is his closing line of Ricky doing enough.
  4. Oh yes...I love the 2nd one! I caught it when DD was watching Sesame Street. It's a bit twisted.
  5. Personally, I prefer moon sand to playdoh. Mainly b/c DD can play w/it in our living room (carpet) and it is insanely easy to vacuum up.
  6. He has some great lines in that article. I loved it! Very well written. I forwarded it to my BFF who is an athiest (she also loved it).
  7. I bought a subscription for my 4 yr old. I won't renew it. She enjoyed it at first - and will still mess around w/it in the "play/school house" area, but she doesn't like the repetition of the games. There were several that I had to do for her b/c she wasn't fast enough to click on the answer, and she would essentially have to start over again (the ones where the ant is running on a treadmill). The biggest thing I don't like about it is that even if you fail the periodic tests, you can still move one to the next level.
  8. For the ladies who dyed using food coloring - is it the same principle as the kool-aid? Dye + vinegar + hot water? We have only 36x36 at the moment. The ones I bought to dye range from 12x12 up to 45x72. I've seen some lovely wahm ones on hyena cart in the past if you don't want to dye them yourself.
  9. Jumping in as I don't have high school age kids. But the above is both my DH and one of my closest friends to a tee. DH is incredibly smart. He was the kid who tested out at the 97/98th percentile on standardized tests, but was pulling in C's. School wasn't worth it to him b/c no one would explain the "why" when he asked why he needed to learn XYZ. He finally figured out the "why" (on subjects like math), when we bought our first house. This motivated him to go to college for a degree in Physics, where he's received (I think) only one B. He has always read extensively (his bookshelf is what made me pursue him), so the love of learning is there. He's just a very logical guy. He has also toyed w/the idea of becoming a teacher just so he can tell students the "why" behind math/science. The other person who would fit the quote above is one of my closest friends. He can't pass a college class to save his life, but if you get him going about either anthropology or martial arts, he can discuss you into the ground. He is far and away the smartest person I know. He just chafes at institutionalized learning. However, in his mid-30s, he's realized that in order to be taken seriously, he needs the "credentials" of a college degree. What's inside his head counts for naught if he doesn't have a piece of paper to back it up (even though he owns/runs a successful dojo).
  10. They're popular in our house. What they're used for runs the gamut from ghosts to princess hats to dresses... We have Sarah's Silks, and they are a bit no the thin side. I can tell where the fabric is kind of warped from being stretched and pulled. I bought some through a co-op from Dharma Trading Company (still in the pkg so I can't attest to quality). I am going to dye them in sev days w/DD4.
  11. I just started doing this ab a wk ago w/modest success. At the moment, I work full-time and DH is living in another state. I do not have time to exercise. I've lost 3 lbs so far.
  12. When I realized that I was old enough to be the mother of a 13 yr old boy (whom I chewed out at the pool over the summer for swatting at a bee that then flew right at me).
  13. Congratulations! I am also on the cheek wagon -- those are just the most smooshable cheeks, EVER!
  14. Ojai is a neat little quirky town. I'll keep remembering things, and I'll keep posting.
  15. Disney is privately owned. It is private property. I don't need to visit Disney in order to go about my daily life. When the gov't starts doing this kind of thing, Big Brother is what pops into my head.
  16. Well...It will blow the "if you don't like the security procedures, don't fly" theory. TSA is expanding their reach in the name of "safety".
  17. www.seedsavers.org You could get him a membership there. I absolutely LOVE them!!! I have been buying my seeds from them for several years (I can give my favorites, if you're inclined). They also sell books, etc... ETA: also... www.italianseedandtool.com . I bought some seeds from them last year. I must say that the principe borghese were FABULOUS once dried. I also like that they're from Tatum, NM (which has pretty much zero relavance for most people).
  18. If you want inexpensive - prefolds and thirsties covers (though the XS size of the Proraps w/the umbilical dip are nice when they still have the cord attached). Covers in the XS and S size aren't worth buying new. I have used both regular chinese pfs and the ones by green mountain - green mountain is more absorbant, has a better resale value, and b/c its dimensions are a bit different, fit much better. That being said: I used almost exclusively pfs and covers until my girls were ab 9 wks old. Then I switched to BumGenius one size diapers. ODD wore them from 9 wks until she was PT'd at 2.5 yrs old. Expensive up front, but given the longevity of the dipes, worth it. Extra stuffing can turn them into a nighttime diaper. diaperswappers.com is a wonderful place for info and buying used dipes. I have bought/sold many a diaper there.
  19. Can I ask what state this school is in? DH is picking away at his BS in Physics (taking a break as he just landed the job he was hoping to get sev yrs ago).
  20. Can you exchange it, but get a gift receipt, so if she *really* isn't happy w/the Wii Party, she can exchange it for Mario Galaxy 2? I know that's kind of redundant, but it's an option. Why are your IL's so set on Wii Party, out of curiosity?
  21. Here is another thread about this. It might give you some more info. :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229411&highlight=pop
  22. A Christmas Story. When we had cable, I'm the geek who watched TBS's 24 hr marathon.
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