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Everything posted by DaffodilDreams

  1. Dh and my MIL are both allergic to an ingredient used in lip balms/chapstick. They both end up with cold sores soon after coming in contact with the stuff - NEVER fails. I learned to quit wearing the stuff when we were dating. :001_smile: They are also prone to cold sores coming on due to stress or excitement, but I did think the chapstick connection might be helpful to you in this case. Maybe your dd also reacts to something in the balm? Zovirax is what they use to combat the cold sores. Works really well for both of them.
  2. Absolutely! Are you close to her, Rough Collie? If so, would you mind keeping us updated? Thanks! I'm still pretty new here, but I've already learned so much from reading Jean's posts. I hope she gets well very soon!
  3. I had a friend tell me that the mere thought of homeschooling made her feel like vomiting. That was her reply to my announcement that we were going to homeschool. She called a week later to apologize.
  4. All three of us love Mancala! Dd became very good at it quickly.
  5. Love this and quite agree, Dawn! You're gorgeous. I'm sure his doctor would agree and issue a prescription for lenses at once. I also agree with the "yes, marriage is forever" crowd.
  6. MIL is coming tomorrow. I've been cleaning all day - including polishing the silver I think we'll use while she's here. I was out of silver polish and did not wish to run to the store so late, so I decided to try . . . TOOTHPASTE!!!!! And it worked! I use it sometimes to do a fast sparkle job on my rings, so I decided to try it on the silver. It looks great, and basic, white paste toothpaste is cheaper than polish, and it's fume-free. Wahoo!!!:party:
  7. I notice that sort of thing, too, but I usually try not to let it bother me. I have to admit, though, the errors in our local paper irritate me so much that I've thought of calling the paper and offering up my services as an editor since it appears there isn't one! :001_smile:
  8. Dd is in our backyard playing with the neighbors while I try to get the house ready for MIL's visit, plan a b-day party, and declutter. :willy_nilly:
  9. We have a spare room, and it should be around 29 or 30 tonight. I'd actually like to move where it's consistently cooler, though, with a nice chance of a white Christmas.
  10. No, you're not crazy. Yes, you can have strep and not feel terrible. It happened to me. One year, dd could not shake strep despite multiple rounds of antibiotics. Her ped suggested dh and I get checked out. I had it and never felt bad. Finally, with both dd and me on antibiotics (and after throwing away all the toothbrushes and buying new ones), she was able to get rid of it.
  11. walked 1.3 miles tonight Supposed to get down into the 20s here tomorrow night, so we'll see if I can brave the temps . . .
  12. :lurk5: I could use the info, as well, so I'm going to hang out and see if I can learn anything. Our nice cd player died months ago, so we've just been using a tiny portable cd player for now.
  13. Does anyone know if there are major differences between the 8th and 9th editions of Phonics Pathways? If so, would you mind explaining what we would be missing out on if we choose to purchase a copy of the 8th edition? Thanks! ETA: I just answered my own question by performing a topic search. I should have done that first. Thanks, anyway!
  14. It rained all day here, so I walked indoors. Per Leslie Sansone, I walked 4 miles.
  15. I've found larger footprints are so overrated! Beautiful and smaller would be wonderful.
  16. I chose either. First, see if your library has an email service that sends out notices a few days before the books are due. This saves me so much money! If you feel purchasing books is the way to go, don't forget about www.betterworldbooks.com and www.bookfinder.com in addition to Amazon and Half Price books. Other good options are library book sales and local used book stores (Goodwill has used bookstores and the prices there are amazing). Good luck!
  17. Thank you, everyone, for all of the advice. I appreciate it, and I feel prepared to formulate a plan now. You are the best! Who needs IRL friends when you have the Hive? :001_smile: (JK - - I may be introverted but I do love my true IRL friends dearly; you guys are great, as well.)
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: - - am in a similar situation and just wanted you to know I feel for you. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this behavior from your mom.
  19. Not many. The doorbell rang less than 10 times. Several of the groups were teens, but there were a couple of cute preschoolers. Tons of houses in our neighborhood don't pass out candy (all the lights are off! :lol:), so that could have something to do with the low numbers for us. Even so, dd scored well at the houses that did have lights on. Her bucket quickly became full and heavy. This was her first year to t or t with neighbors, so that part was more fun than getting all of the candy.
  20. ties with an acquaintance. In other words, my dd and I have spent time with another mom and her dd off and on throughout the years - not frequently and we've never become close. This mom was one of the most outspoken about my decision to HS. Now, though, she recently pulled her dd from ps in order to HS. :tongue_smilie: So, this family currently wants to spend a lot of time with us. The problem is, I've never enjoyed the mom and dd just barely tolerates the daughter. They don't have much in common, and my dd is stressed out because this other girl pitches horrid fits if my dd engages other friends when this girl is around. We've had a rough couple of weeks, and I've had to make amends with real friends because of this duo's behavior. (I should mention the mom is quite similar but in a more controlled yet coldly rude way.) Dd and I no longer wish to spend time with this family, but I have a feeling we will see them at different events/classes. So, I'd like to try to drop this relationship but in a clean, hopefully non-confrontational, as-nice-as-possible way. Any ideas? By the way, I thought this relationship died naturally/peacefully altogether over a year ago just due to conflicting schedules, but, no, it has resurfaced. I should never have answered my phone!!! Would it be realistic and possibly less painful to all involved if we just became really busy again? That actually wouldn't be too much of a stretch for us for the next few months, at least! Hoping someone else has had a similar situation and figured out a decent resolution. Thanks so much! :bigear:
  21. We've read almost all of the books in the series. They're all fabulous - some we enjoyed so much more than the original book in the series. We also enjoyed the letters Baum wrote to his fans. To answer your question, though, yes, absolutely you can map throughout the series. You'll run into lots of different areas of Oz in the series.
  22. I'm assuming you and your dh are the sole people responsible for your family's financial well-being. That said, no one else is going to buy your groceries, pay your note, etc., so you should feel zero remorse for not going to cousin #2's wedding - most especially since it would create a financial hardship. If your extended family jumps all over you about this, then they are inconsiderate, selfish heels. There comes a time when you have to decide that your little family's best interests come first and realize that what your extended family thinks doesn't really matter so long as you all are doing what is right, smart, and healthy for you, your dh, and your children. I say this very gently to you (not judgmentally) from a standpoint of drawing the tough line, surviving, and being happy that I chose to put my immediate family first. Have the Christmas you deserve and had planned. :grouphug: to you.
  23. :( So very sorry. Thinking of you all and hoping something good happens soon. :grouphug:
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