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Everything posted by DaffodilDreams

  1. :grouphug: I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope you have lots of people around you who can give you "real in person" hugs and lots of love and support.
  2. getting a toothbrush every year from the neighborhood dentist I guess I was an odd child. Rather than being disappointed about one less piece of candy, I thought it was pretty cool to get a new toothbrush and looked forward to his house each year.
  3. one in the room - one in the house (and if I could figure out a way to keep her safely outside, I would have zero in the house because she's worse than an infant at night)
  4. Another vote for "go now". I lost my grandfather two years ago. He was almost 92. He was really more of a father to me than my own bio dad, and his passing was very hard for me. I spoke with him on a TH, and he sounded fine - - old, but feisty and still funny. Sunday am I received a call that he was not well. Sunday evening he was gone. I would give anything to have been able to see him again (I lived far away from him as an adult but lived with my grandparents off and on throughout my childhood and into early teens). Instead, I was at his funeral a few days later. If you are close to your grandfather, go now.
  5. Stagger downstairs for coffee - preferably well before dd wakes up. Sit outside with coffee, absorb nature, and enjoy a quiet spot in my day.
  6. Sounds like my neurotic "person who birthed me". When I asked her for a recipe once (when we still had a relationship), she offered to sell it to me and would not give it to me otherwise. Really?! Umm, no, thanks. :huh:
  7. Apparently, I am a member of the new elite. 1 yes answer - have lived in a town of less than 25,000. So I suppose I need to read the article to figure out who I am now? :tongue_smilie:
  8. Wow! How fun, and, yes, your dh must be super fast. :):):):):):):):)
  9. This is great! Thanks!!! Sometimes I run; sometimes I walk. Can I log miles for both or just the walks? It's raining here the next few days, so I may be logging indoor miles, too.
  10. Bethany Christian Services has several offices across the nation. They handle both international and domestic adoptions. We used the local Bethany office here for our homestudy and post placement requirements (we adopted internationally but via a different placing agency than Bethany because we wanted a country specific agency). Our social worker through Bethany was wonderful. I know they have lots of options including embryo adoption (in case you still feel a desire to try to give birth).
  11. prayers are going up for you and for your family
  12. :grouphug: - hoping for good news for you on Tuesday.
  13. I didn't even have to watch the video to know what you meant - Dad is great! Gives us chocolate cake! : ) Our appalling secret: "Morning Day Chocolates" (what dd calls them) = 2 Hershey's kisses each morning; what can I say? chocolate makes her happy!
  14. Dd received one for a b-day present one year (b-day is near Christmas), and she loves hers. It has become a tradition she looks forward to each year. She loves choc advent calendars, too, but this is one she can actually play with. Another idea that might not cost you much depending on what you have on your bookshelves: wrap your Christmas books up individually, place them in a special basket, your children can select one to read each night leading up to Christmas (we have collected enough to last the month, but you could start it according to how many books your family has). Or you could use this same idea to count down the 12 days of Christmas. The fun of it comes with the kids not knowing (at least until they figure out the weight and size of the books under the wrapping) what they are pulling out. :)
  15. We're exact opposites on this one! :001_smile: I first heard the name Fallan about 8 years ago, and I've loved it ever since. It's a beautiful name, IMO, that doesn't need a nickname or a shortened version. BTW, nicknames and shortened names are not always appreciated. You might do better just coming up with a cute name not at all associated with your granddaughter's actual name - something special that you can use with her. I was (and still am) "princess" to my grandmother (and no one else could ever have gotten away with that!) and Minnehaha to my grandfather. I am Kimmie to my dearest, closest friends, but should anyone shorten it even more, it's like nails scraping on a chalkboard! Ugh! My dd on the other hand, abhors her given name, and insists on a shortened version of her name or wishes to be called whatever character she is at the moment. Luckily, I really love the shortened version of her name, and it suits her. Most of the time, though, she is simply Boo (as in Monster's Inc, not as in To Kill a Mockingbird - though now that I know her personality, she would have made a perfect Scout) to those closest to her. It has nothing to do with her given name but suits her well and fulfills some sort of need we have to create a special-just-between-those-who-love-her term of endearment. Perhaps the name Fallan will grow on you, but if not, I have a feeling you'll have no trouble coming up with something special to call her once you get to know her. Congrats on the news of a granddaughter!
  16. While I love flowers, they aren't something I buy often. If I did, I'd look for flowers in the purple shades since that's my favorite color family.
  17. I second the recommendation of Sensational Kids. Haven't read these other two but appreciate the titles for my own reading. Thanks!
  18. Do you feel comfy sharing the name of the town in OK where you might move? I'm from Poteau. We will more than likely also be moving w/in a year, and we thought about moving back to Monroe/Poteau to be near my family (extended family - not parents), but while the countryside and simple living appeal very much to us, the general mindset there is a huge drawback for our multi-cultural family. We're leaning towards a small town in MI instead - near dh's extended family. If you're considering the Poteau area, I'm happy to answer questions off list. Just PM me. It's a great small town. We just need "more". I do love and miss the mountains, though!
  19. I would go to the library and the park a lot. I'd take frequent walks and talk about what we see. I'd cook with my child. I'd encourage her to get messy and make a lot of art. I'd go to the zoo, the museums, the gardens, etc. I'd give her bins of beans, pasta, or rice and measuring cups and containers. I'd read to my child a LOT! I'd make a big deal out of holidays. I'd answer all of the why, what, where questions that come up no matter how tiring they became.
  20. Love this idea! Wish someone would do it for me!!!! : ) You rock for even coming up with it.
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