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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Doing FLL/WWE for first through fourth and then moving into MCT level 2 in fifth grade is an excellent schedule. You wouldn't miss anything skipping MCT level 1 if you have already done FLL/WWE for four years.
  2. The Keys are really expensive - otherwise we'd be there! :D It is also difficult to find work as many people want to be there and the population and remoteness won't really support any large industry. We love the west coast. Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties are quite affordable even right on the coast. Pinellas is beautiful, but cost of living definitely goes up, especially along the coast. And the traffic/tourism increases noticably south of Tarpon Springs.
  3. Jackie, Thanks, that worked. But as soon as I try and use any other discount code it wipes out the free shipping? I'm sure I've used a free shipping code along with another code before, but I can't get it to work today. I guess I'm meant to either stop shopping or suck it up and actually pay to have them delivered to me. :D
  4. My upcoming 5th grader: Math - Singapore Primary English - Sequential Spelling, MCT grammar, Put That in Writing Latin - online French - finish First Start French I & move into level II Geography - online + continue Mapping the World with Art Science - Oak Meadow Earth Science History/Literature - our own thing w/ focus on Ancient Greece/Colonial America Art - The Phonics of Drawing Music - guitar lessons
  5. Thanks Jackie, FBN9 is what I have too. I also have YSRT for $20.00 off orders of $100+ (through the month of May) Unfortunately, I don't see any way to join the Teaching Company FB group anyway. Perhaps it is by invitation only?
  6. We live west of Tampa and I think our area meets all of the requirements although I don't know specifically about jobs in the electrical trade. (Our air conditioner/heater repair services are often hiring. But commercial building is down, so I don't really know.) However, we are probably 4 hours at least, from Parkland. :(
  7. Yes, diagramming is introduced in Magic Lens 1. Once introduced in the first couple chapters, most analyzed sentences through the rest of the book have the 4-level analysis followed by a binary diagram of the sentence.
  8. Polly (or others) I tried to log into Facebook and it says it is down for maintenance. Does anyone have the code for free shipping? It ends today. Thanks!
  9. Could anyone link this yahoo group? When I did a search the only one that looked active was VP Elementary. Thanks!
  10. If I were going to continue with CW as my writing and grammar I would probably save CW Primers and use them in 2nd moving right into CW Aesop in 3rd. I plan to use WWE (text only) and the CW Primers for first grade. I will use the WWE text schedule during history and science using my own selections from her history and science readers. The CW Primers will be used during English class.
  11. In 1st through 6th I had no problem running two separate history sequences (for one child,) but now that I am back to Ancient Greece and Colonial America I'm having a really difficult time with scheduling. The books take longer to read, the papers longer to write. Trying to schedule two histories just isn't coming together. I don't want to do one six year sequence (such as HEO) and I don't need materials as I can pull together my own. So, twice through as Omnibus does it, seems the next best solution. However, I'm wondering how rushed you/your child felt going through the whole history cycle in three years? Was there enough depth? And if you've had a chance to move to Omnibus 4 and beyond - how did you feel doing it all again after three years? Does it feel like you were just studying those topics? Is the focus different the second time through? Less enthusiasm from the child? I'd appreciate any thoughts.
  12. I pulled my eldest out of kindergarten for that reason (among several.) She received a failing to progress grade in reading. Why? The entire grade was determined based on three worksheets. She wasn't there for one of them and received a zero. (Why wasn't she there? Because she had lice picked up due to the community art shirts used in the school.) She also received an excellent in math even though she couldn't then tell the difference between a 6, an 8 and a 9. :confused: The grade was based on two worksheets that happened to have very few of those three numbers in them. No one had any idea how she was doing (or truly who she even was.) So in our schools, yes it is that arbitrary. When I questioned the school on it - they told me I was simply reading too much into the grades and everything would work itself out by the end of elementary school. Perhaps that is true; I never tested it.
  13. I haven't read Ithaka, but some of the study guide questions seem to imply that Penelope's weaving predicts what happens to Odysseus. I like Mary Renault for novels set in Ancient Greece and Rome. But they are young adult and up. A few mature scenes, etc.
  14. Perhaps Ithaka? Basically a young adult remake of the Odyssey from Penelope's viewpoint (or the viewpoint of those that stayed behind) She also wrote Troy - a teenage remake of the Iliad http://www.amazon.com/Ithaka-Adele-Geras/dp/0152061045/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273713486&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Troy-Ad%C3%A8le-Geras/dp/0152045708/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_2 There is a study guide to the two books as well. http://www.harcourtbooks.com/images/pdf/guides/Troy_Ithaka_TeacherGuide.pdf FWIW - I tried to read Troy and wasn't impressed. I've never looked at Ithaka.
  15. I accidentally chopped off the tip of my neighbor's finger with garden clippers. It was horrifying. I can remember exactly what it felt and sounded like as if it were yesterday. Luckily they were able to stich it back on. I was 9 or 10 and she was in PreK or K.
  16. I called Rainbow Resource last week. While the pictures are of the old books the 1st-3rd level of Challenging Word Problems are actually the newest version.
  17. Yes, we will document hours and I'm sure she will have well over 360. But again, we school year round and have always done long days. Her primary credit will be Environmental Science. She will be doing Oak Meadow Environmental Science (9th grade.) We started it this past year, but I felt her writing skills needed more work and I was struggling to keep up with everyone so I put all of the kids together in the same science (Botany.) She didn't mind, as she is also our resident gardener. Rule follower that she is, she told me she will redo the lessons she has already done in Environmental Science and choose a different project for each.:) She will also be viewing the TC Nature of Earth DVDs with the other children, reading the text to accompany the DVDs (only her) working through a junior high project book on Earth science (with her siblings.) She will also be doing two half credits - Astronomy and Marine Science. The Astronomy was at the request of her sister. DD 10 will be doing Oak Meadow's Earth Science (7th grade?) which has astronomy lessons that she is not looking forward to at all. She wants her sister to suffer with her. :tongue_smilie: I'm still trying to pull that class together. Besides the OM 7 book I have the TC DVDs My Favorite Universe and a junior high Astronomy project book. I don't like the recommendations listed with My Favorite Universe so I haven't decided on a spine for this class yet. I was originally only going to do a quick overview of Astronomy, but now am looking at a semester long class. The second half credit is Marine Science. This is my daughter's passion and her intended major in college. We will be doing one of the junior high For Sea programs, the additional reading recommended to go along with the program, and the Project WILD Aquatic activities that match up with it as well. I also have the Oceanography website listed a week or so ago on the K-8 board. We live on the Gulf of Mexico, so assuming the oil spill doesn't change our plans, she will continue to snorkle regularly with my dh and continue work on her crab collection (if there were a gagging icon I'd be using it here.) She does have a horseshoe crab the size of a small dog that is almost interesting. Why crabs??? I'm going to have her start journalling her dives. And I think she will be asking for a higher level underwater camera for her birthday/Christmas gift this year so she can start photographing and documenting some of what she sees. I'm in the process of writing out my plans over the next few weeks. If more detailed information or links would be helpful, just let me know!
  18. Thanks! You've helped me think this through. I do think the half credit of logic would be weak as I have no foundation in formal logic and would be working through the material with my daughter. I think she would be better served using the extra time for more study in math - her CLAA arithmetic classes and later the AoPS classes she is wanting to take. And she can always explore logic classes in college.
  19. True. My other children I believe will make it to the CLAA logic and rhetoric courses, so it won't be an issue. But I don't think this daughter will get that far in her studies. She would need to finish 4 classes (grammar I, II, III and dialectic) before she could take the logic or rhetoric classes. She can start at the CC in two years and I don't think she will have time to make any progress beyond those four classes. DD is a very strong student. I don't want her to miss out on the logic classes if students are coming back from college saying how helpful/life changing their high school logic/rhetoric classes have been. :D However, she will have several years of Latin and probably a few Art of Problem Solving classes to her name, along with the lower level CLAA classes. I never took logic in high school or college (other than one philosophy class where logic was briefly covered in a couple of weeks.) I really don't know how much importance to place on a formal logic class for high school??
  20. sorry, I somehow left science out of my list. The nine credits: Latin - 1 math - 1 science - 1 history - 1 literature - 1 english - 1 geography - .5 french - .5 art - .5 extra science class - 1 logic - .5 I hate to only give her one credit when she will definitely earned two. She will likely put at least 400 hours into English/literature next year. There is nothing we want to drop there. I'm just not sure about adding a logic class on top of everything else. :confused:
  21. My dd is only 12 (13 next school year) but we are treating this upcoming year as her freshman year and I would appreciate your input. thanks! * * * * I have finished dd 12's schedule for next year. She has 9 credit hours scheduled. Hypothetically, she has time to accomplish this. We school year round (45 weeks) and approximately 50 hours per week. But, I worry it would be tight trying to get everything done. There are 6.5 credits I feel are required: math 1cr english 1cr Latin 1cr history 1cr literature 1cr science 1cr geography .5 cr There are 2.0 additional credits my daughter doesn't want to drop: French .5 cr Art .5 cr an additional science 1 cr So that only leaves a .5 credit of logic that we both feel could possibly be dropped. She has never had formal logic and really only has this year and next to fit it in. Next year's schedule should look exactly like this year. So do we just let it go? Or is it important enough to squeeze in a half credit this year and a half credit next year?
  22. I have finished dd12's schedule for next year. She has 9 credit hours scheduled. Hypothetically, she has time to accomplish this. We school year round (45 weeks) and approximately 50 hours per week. But, I worry it would be tight trying to get everything done. There are 6.5 credits I feel are required: science 1cr math 1cr english 1cr Latin 1cr history 1cr literature 1cr geography .5 cr There are 2.0 additional credits my daughter doesn't want to drop: French .5 cr Art .5 cr an additional science 1 cr So that only leaves a .5 credit of logic that we both feel could possibly be dropped. She has never had formal logic and really only has this year and next to fit it in. Next year's schedule should look exactly like this year. So do we just let it go? Or is it important enough to squeeze in a half credit this year and a half credit next year?
  23. I used to live by a church that would change their sign every couple of months. I drove by two or three times a week. They only one coming to me right now was: Put down that phone - God only answers knee-mail!
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