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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. That is what I was worried about. I think I should probably have her fulfill the high school requirements for our state, even though they will all be college classes, just to be safe.
  2. It would if she actually took 4+ math classes, science classes, etc. :D :D But an AA only requires two math, two science and honestly almost no social science classes. So that is all that would be on her high school transcript. She basically only wants to take English, foreign language and photography classes for the next three years (plus the minimum requirements for an AA.) I could insist on math, science and history each year, but it wouldn't give her a chance to take the second foreign language, poetry and photography classes that she really would prefer to take. But a high school transcript with only two math classes and two science classes really doesn't look very challenging - they won't be high level math and science, just the basics to get her degree. It may look like she isn't trying to challenge herself if she only takes 4 math and science classes combined in four years. If no college is ever going to see it, I wouldn't worry about it. But I would hate to have the end result be that she doesn't get accepted after graduation due to a questionable high school transcript. While I know several families IRL that have had students earn an AA while in high school, they have all been public school students and so took all the classes needed to get a high school diploma as well as the college degree. The idea of letting her drop math, science and history early makes me nervous. :willy_nilly:
  3. She has started dual enrollment in 9th grade. Basically, her only high school credits will be her college classes. I had thought she might also do some high school level classes along with her college classes, but the college classes take all of her time and she really isn't "academically inclined" enough to want to try and do both. The only class she is doing with me now is math and she would prefer to just do math at the university as well. I have looked at the universities she would like to attend and they seem to only want the AA transcript. I just want to be sure other students haven't been asked to also provide a high school transcript as hers wouldn't look all that great if we go the route she prefers.
  4. When your child(ren) applied to colleges with an AA degree (as a teenager) were you ever asked to also supply a high school transcript, considering that the student had just graduated high school? Or were you looked upon as strictly a transfer student with only the college transcript(s) required? My dd does not want to complete the standard "core 4" for high school since she will have an AA. I am fine with this so long as she isn't going to be asked to provide a high school transcript, as it would certainly be weak - two science credits and three math credits.
  5. I think daily copywork would cover those topics best. Queen's Language Arts or another CM type curriculum would probably work best for what you are describing.
  6. It will depend on the school and his test scores, but my dd is currently dual enrolled at the local university for English and Latin classes and she still hasn't finished Algebra I. We are on our second year of it and still chugging along. :rolleyes:
  7. Our plan for fall: Primary Language Lessons Pentime Handwriting 2 Memoria Press Literature - Storytime Treasures, More Storytime Treasures, Beatrix Potter, Mr. Popper's Penguins
  8. I'm planning to do chemistry next year with a 4th and 2nd grader. Right now the plan is to use Elemental Science Chemistry with McHenry's Elements and Carbon Chemistry as supplements.
  9. For those of you using Hake grammar, when are the tests given? Is it every 5 lessons beginning at lesson 10 (like Saxon math)? Or are they more like quarterly tests?
  10. Thanks! I emailed them and they responded that they are not ready to release the titles of the primary books yet, but hope to have that information available in March.
  11. Does anyone know what books will be used for the upcoming logic state Elemental Science Chemistry program? Their website is not allowing me to send them an email. Thanks!
  12. I allow dd13 to listen to music with headphones. She listens to all different types of music. It has improved her concentration, especially in math. It also reduces the outside distraction of two younger siblings in the house. Dd15 does not find it helpful, but more of a distraction. The younger two work mostly with me - so no they do not listen to music while doing school work.
  13. We use only the grammar/practice books from each level. I've been using them for the past 6-7 years and think they are great. The rest of the program didn't work for us, so I sold it and moved on to something else - no problems.
  14. I would give him credit for the labs already completed and have him work through the Teaching Company Chemistry lectures (on his own) pre-marking the workbook questions from each lecture that you would like him to complete as proof of watching and digesting the lectures. When he has watched all 36 lectures and completed the assigned problems from the workbook he has completed the class.
  15. My dd is currently using Wheelock's at university. They award 10 credits for the full book and the 38 Latin Stories book. The class is usually split over three semesters (4 cr, 3 cr, 3 cr.) I am issuing her 1.5 high school credits as well (as per the Florida state guidelines.)
  16. We are using and enjoying The Creative Writer which isn't written by SWB, but is published by Peace Hill Press.
  17. I've never seen Moving Beyond the Page, but I think your plan looks fine. I would be sure to add a foreign language by high school. I had to drop Spanish myself this year for my current 7th grader. We just needed more time to focus on the basics (especially math.)
  18. Does he have his entire weekend free? If he wants an extra hour each day cut one hour of school off each day and add school on Saturdays. As the kids get older I have had to cut back on their chores. The younger ones do more chores during the week, the elder two do most of theirs on the weekend. As an aside, my kids only sleep 8 hours so that gives two more hours per day already. I don't really know how one would compensate for needing an extra two hours of sleep daily. (And I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that.) That would be hard for us.
  19. We are doing high school American History now too (just started this month.) Instead of a regular text we are using Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History of the United States. It is completely compiled of primary documents. It also has a teacher's edition that pulls things together and includes discussion questions, essay assignments, etc. The book can be used alone as a spine or together with Zinn's American History book. We are using it along with the Teaching Company lectures - History of the United States. In addition they are reading one biography of their choice per month.
  20. We use Skoldo French. You can see inside it on Amazon, but I buy it through Ray at Horrible Books.
  21. Is there a scope and sequence or table of contents available specifically for WWS 2? I've seen the scope and sequence covering the four years of WWS. And have we heard whether there will be a second level to the Creative Writer book? Thanks!
  22. What are you adding to CTT Biology? My current 7th grader enjoys CTT, but I'm waffling on the science program. I don't have any jr. high level science program I really love so I might go with it, adding in some TOPS science experiment books.
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