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Indigo Blue

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Everything posted by Indigo Blue

  1. I just had the thought that we could turn off the tv during dinner and showers. And not answer the door. (Maybe for neighbors). I asked Dh what he thought about that. I was surprised that he actually agreed to try it. Lol, he’s in the shower now, so the TV is off and lights are off in living room. 🤣 But it won’t work if he takes his cell phone in there and has it up so loud you can hear from a mile away. Lol. At least this way, he’s had dinner and shower if he needs to answer the door.
  2. Oh, that’s awful. Wow.
  3. Awww. Bless him. I had a chihuahua exactly his color, except he was short haired. He lived to be 18.
  4. The only reason I’m in favor of telling is because if you think you are being manipulated, I think it’s better to know. There’s lots of times when I am not so sure there is clear lying or manipulation with certain people. Or what the depth of it is. For me, it would confirm and validate and make it easier to be protective of myself while knowing it’s truly justified. It would be personally hard for me to keep that to myself knowing my dh was being treated that way.
  5. I understand what you are saying. This would hurt me, as well. I agree you should tell your Dh. Of course, he should choose when or if to get vaccinated. And I say that as someone who is in favor of people being vaccinated in general. A family member keeps asking when my dh is going to get vaccinated. It is irritating because they have been very pushy and argumentative about it to ME. I just want to say why don’t you have this conversation with my dh? He DID get vaccinated recently, but I haven’t told this person so. I don’t think I need to. Dh isn’t keen on making a huge announcement, so it isn’t my place to tell anyone.
  6. There needs to be more dog pics. Waiting patiently.
  7. I’ve looked everywhere and have never found a substitute. I just resorted to ginger tea and honey. Or rooibos tea. Or there’s chai latte vegan or not with rooibos tea. It’s pretty good. Or a warm turmeric ginger cinnamon drink. You could use almond or soy milk if you don’t want dairy. Those are the best things I’ve found.
  8. The thing about narcissistic abuse is that it can be in some instances so darn nearly invisible to most everyone except the one being abused. Even the abused don’t see it always. This is what makes it so dangerous and is why there needs to be more awareness.
  9. I agree. But I guess I would try to be more understanding if they weren’t bitter and mean, and if there could be some sort of relationship.
  10. Oh. I see. I hope you get your number up, then! It’s no fun being exhausted. I think it’s generally good to take vitamin D, anyway.
  11. Wonder why it’s low even though you supplement? I’m tired a lot, too, even with what I am taking. The few times that I have had blood work done (for other reasons) everything was okay.
  12. This is what I’ve observed with the one person I posted about above. They had always been highly opinionated and always had a chip on their shoulder. Would be quick to anger and easily ticked off. Personally, I’ve been through my own stuff, and, because of that, I don’t have the energy for this in my life. This person is someone who isn’t pleasant to be around.
  13. This is interesting. I know someone who had a harsh step dad and a very hands off mother. In the last few years, he’s gone further down the hole. He now believes a weird theory …something about the government being able to flip a switch and cause death to all who received the vax, as population control measures. Anyway, most people with emotional trauma don’t end up this way, but maybe getting into conspiracies could be a factor for some. I’ve never thought of it that way.
  14. No. I never have. I know I should. I just take that amount because I’m never in the sun and I don’t drink milk.
  15. How many IUs were you taking daily? I’ve been taking anywhere between 2000 and 4000 IU daily for about 2 years now.
  16. I had a 17 year old sweet tuxedo and a childhood sweet orange tabby.
  17. 😁😁 I HAVE to wear shoes at all times…..so always shoes in the house, lol. Bad feet. Aaaannnddd…. (I prefer my Instant Pot as a slow cooker with its stainless steel insert!)
  18. Yes, me. Numb ears if the pillow is too dense. I have to punch a little divet for my ear every night pretty much with all pillows.
  19. Oh, don’t feel bad! Some cats are gonna have little weird skin problems and sometimes you just can’t figure out what is causing it. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️ It may not be these things at all…could be something else.
  20. Water bowls do get gross. Yuck. My cat quickly reminds me if I forget to freshen her bowl each day. And, of course, she’s not touching the bottom layer of her food. Lol. Never heard of cat acne!
  21. My mom was the screamer. She emasculated my dad and screamed at us children. I wish we could have been a more healthy, talk it out family. I wasn’t allowed to speak up in a protesting way when I had been treated too harshly. If there were conflict between siblings (pretty rare, actually) it was mostly my older brother taking (and selling) whatever possession of mine he wanted. He was never spoken to sternly about that. Protests regarding younger golden child brother swiftly resulted in my being told that I was spoiled, ungrateful and would end up just like mamaw Betty (someone mom greatly criticized and disliked). I saw more healthy families when I met Dh and began going to his church. It took most of my young adult and adult years observing and figuring out how healthier families interacted in this way. I believe I was/am a pretty good mom. I worry about that, though, sometimes. I have to reassure myself that thought I’m not perfect, things were very different in our home from the one I grew up in. I’m not close to my brothers. One is untrustworthy, and the other is so close to my mom, he can’t separate from her and have a real connection with me. He has her back no matter her behavior. We do have somewhat of a relationship, though. My sons have a wonderful relationship and I love they way they are genuinely happy to see each other when they haven’t seen each other for awhile. We do have conflict from time to time, but we all can say how we feel, and we talk things out. Not perfect, but a much, much more safe and healthy environment.
  22. Honestly, I don’t know if you can paint a clear picture of someone who is NPD to another person who is not, when the latter person hasn’t experienced what you have. Even within the same immediate family living under the same roof, an NPD can give different people different versions of themselves. (It’s quite amazing). Your sister would need to be completely open to trying to understand and believe the reality of another person who has experienced narc abuse. Even so, she may never truly understand. I agree with just being direct and asking her if she’s willing to hear you out and possibly learn more.
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