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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. BELK is offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders AND an additional 20% off of clearance.
  2. We remind ourselves of this every year, but always forget to try them. The chickens usually get the vines. We should stir fry some soon.
  3. Last year, they were doing a sport each season, art class, park days, and church group. Currently, just a sport and weekly park date. 4H and Trail Life were on the table, but the times of the 3 things conflicted totally. We will likely late start Trail Life once this ball season closes. I also took up ballet, so that took away another evening of availability.
  4. My "I'm so old this excites me" score of the day is 2/$1 bell peppers. I am chopping and freezing them all.
  5. Chicken feed went from 6.99 to 10.99. It was listed 10.49 so she gave me the 50c off but it is actually 10.99 now.
  6. We are also back to cash for a good chunk of things. It helps. Condolences for your pup. We did that in February. $900 because it was more than just the one thing, but they gave me 90 days.
  7. Tonight I saw the taller tub of Quaker oats is nearing $8. It used to be like $3-3.50, and generic a dollar or so less. Now generic is higher than original Quaker prices.
  8. Some random things I knew exact prices for... Single AW root beer bottle 99c to $1.90 Friskies cat food box of 40 cans $18.94 to $27.98 Store brand bag frozen broccoli 88c to $1.29 Organic grass fed beef 1# $4.99 to $10.49 24 pack Coke $6.49 to $12.99 Organic whole carrots 1# 99c to $2.29 Silk almond coffee creamer $3.49 to $5.89 Store brand yellow mustard 69c to $2.09 Literally every item we buy or consider is up. The few hold-outs have finally jumped in the last two months. Oatmeal and grits have gone from 12 packets to 8 or 10 depending on flavor, and the price per box is way up. Canned fruit and canned beans have doubled. Bacon and eggs and dairy were already high here and they haven't moved much.
  9. I just started ballet again in August after an 18 year break. Love it.
  10. I am fairly sure we have tie-downs because of policies enacted shortly before our home was built. We talked to him about roofing our policy was based on and if we needed to make any big changes, but I'd have to check my notes and recheck closer to the time we reroof. We also talked about metal roofing, since that is the big swap most are doing here.
  11. CLE learning to read is good at this. Might be worth getting a TM and teaching pertinent pages on a whiteboard.
  12. Probably. I saw a lot of articles saying even if you have a 30y or 50y policy, at 20y the rate will spike if the roof is not replaced.
  13. Idk that I would say climate change. I have been reading and watching the last few days and it's really bad in FL and LA despite the fact weather events have stayed largely the same as usual the last few years. In fact, FL has had little to no storm season for a few years in a row. But the fraudulent roofing replacements have been a huge catastrophe, and there is a ton of litigation. Then the legislature failed to close some loopholes last session, so the activity continues, though with somewhat lesser frequency.
  14. So evidently there were assignment of benefit fraudulent claims galore across the south but mostly my state. Many insurers have gone under or pulled out of FL, and the ones that are left are writing no new policies. We have home and auto with them, and our agent is a personal friend, so we are kind of stuck but also probably in the best place we can be? We did some tweaking to personal property coverage and slightly increased our deductible to make more wiggle room. This is going to touch basically every home owner here. And we have like 5 years to get a new roof before that kills our rates.
  15. Our home insurance doubled. Which means we will owe a deficit and have mortgage increase.
  16. You don't have to teach every subject every day or every year. Elementary is for exploration, not expertise.
  17. What is the thing Ian Malcolm says? So busy thinking about whether they could that they never stopped to think whether they should.
  18. I am in FL and my orders from CLE tend to take 11ish days regardless of which month I order.
  19. @Ting Tang just a thought about CLE math.... there are 170 lessons and 10 tests. You could skip the quizzes, or skip the review days before the LU tests, to drop a few days. The reviews never introduce new info, so that would shave 10 days in itself.
  20. There are some algebra circuits on TPT but they aren't more than 15 minutes of work each. CTC also has 3 levels of Balance Math and More, but those may also be below his level. Following for more recs.
  21. Why do I not see signatures for anyone whether I use cell or laptop? I see them mentioned often, and assume they are like old voyforums style script below posts, but never actually see any. 🤔
  22. Interesting you mentioned this. Our library system has one you can borrow. I just read about it this week.
  23. Returning to add, the most memorable funeral I attended was one of a dear church lady who was known for her cooking. Her husband brought the bulk of her cookbooks and encouraged anyone who would like to choose a book or two to keep. She had already given me one of her favorites long before, as well as one her father wrote, and I chose a third to add to my collection.
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