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Everything posted by TCB

  1. I really think that this is part of the mentality that drives this whole thing. Why do you accept this?? There are places in the world, quite a few places where people don't feel that they have to carry a gun to feel safe. I know many feel like this is the reality here but why do they accept this. Any suggestion of what can be done is immediately discounted as impossible and we don't have any real dialogue about solutions. Why do you accept that you must live in a country where kids get shot at in schools more than other countries and where kids get accidentally shot by themselves or their small friends with more frequency than a lot of other places?
  2. It is truly horrifying. I often wonder how we can bear to live with this. It seems to be one of the few things that the "can do" , "get er done" culture in this country feels powerless about.
  3. I guess you, too, missed the part that it happens more in this country than anywhere else. I don't understand why this can't at least be acknowledged by some of you.
  4. Did you miss the part about how this happens the most in this country than anywhere else? Why don't you at least acknowledge that.
  5. Praying for your dd and for you as you help her through this. There is almost nothing worse than seeing our children suffer, especially at the hands of a mean person.
  6. I just bought the student book and it says that you may photo copy it for use within your family, so I think you can copy it and don't need to purchase a separate one.
  7. I don't know if she's embarrassed or not, but sometimes they take the newspapers etc that print these to court or protest about the pictures being taken. I don't think the pictures should be taken but the reality is they are and William and Kate know that. Who in their right mind would give them opportunity for taking a photo showing no underwear and then make a big protest. I think she's smarter than that. I also think that if it was me, and I didn't like it, it would only happen once. I do want to say that I am British, and I am very fond of the royal family, or most of them anyway, but I think she is being naive, or possibly plain stupid to take the chance.
  8. Especially if she doesn't like them taking these pictures of her. She knows the way the paparazzi operate. If she doesn't care about it then fair enough, but I do find it a bit annoying when they ( the royals) to things like this and then whine about the consequences. I don't think pictures like this should be taken, but let's face it, that's reality and if you don't like it then take the appropriate precautions.
  9. So very sorry. I am praying for you and your family.
  10. Sounds frustrating. Is there any way your Catholic co-ops could arrange similar classes?
  11. No experience with FLL - and not much with FTC - but we are in the process of starting an FTC team. My dd has been part of one at school for the last 2 years. We're just finding our way, there's quite a lot of information on the FIRST website. Also. I don't know how to link it, but I started a thread about starting an FTC team and got lots of useful advice which would probably apply to FLL also. If you search for FTC you should find it. I think it was on the general education board. We just had the wonderful fortune of someone coming to the garage sale we were holding, for fund raising, and give us a check for the full amount we needed! I still haven't gotten over that - it was amazing.
  12. So sorry. Will be praying for you and your family :grouphug:
  13. W&R - Writing and Rhetoric from Classical Academic Press - or at least that is what W&R is to me
  14. Just wanted to say that we have been doing the W&R Fables book. My dd10 does not enjoy writing but is capable - in that she spells well, has a pretty good grasp of grammar etc. The creative writing part of W&R - not that it is all creative writing ( and by this I mean the re-writing fables/making up own fable) - drove her crazy. For her, WWE is much more straightforward. Just thought I'd mention this in case your son does not enjoy creative writing. I have decided, I think, that it is not essential to my dd's education to do creative writing, so I am not going to push this any further. We are going to stick to more academic writing skills, focusing on writing a good paragraph each day on one of the things she has studied.
  15. It's really none of my business, since my dd doesn't even start high school until fall, but what does PSEO stand for.
  16. We've got the thank you card signed and ready and will keep him updated on our progress. We also plan on asking the paper to do a short follow up so we can tell the community how thankful we are. Lots of people came to the sale, and we had several other donations as well. People are really nice!
  17. Thanks for being pleased for us. We all felt like we were dreaming. I'm so thrilled for the kids, especially since they'd been working hard on the garage sale and been really co-operative with all that was asked of them. They all realize how unusual it is for something like this to happen, and they are thrilled.
  18. I'm so sorry. I am praying for you and your family and will pray that you will know what to do. I don't think that there is 1 right answer for these situations. I'm sure that your mom knows you love her dearly. You have cared for her so wonderfully. :grouphug:
  19. I just want to share the wonderful experience we had this weekend. We are starting a robotics team for homeschoolers and we had a garage sale to start to raise the funds to do so. Our local paper did an article about the kids and we put an add in the classifieds advertising the sale. On the first day, about 3 1/2 hours into the sale, a man arrived and said he didn't want to buy anything but he had read about us in the paper and wanted to give a donation. He wrote a check and handed it to my daughter and she immediately said "Thank You! " She then looked at it closer and he had written a check for the entire amount that we were trying to raise. We were shocked and thrilled. The kids couldn't believe it. That kind of thing does happen to other people sometimes - but it doesn't happen to you - or so we thought. Anyways, there are some wonderful, generous people around, and we are so fortunate and blessed to have met one. We're so excited to be able to get on with our team.
  20. Just sent you a message. I would love to see them.
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