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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I thought it was interesting... a pretty decently balanced article. And I think that "detachment parenting" to her is kinda the "free-range parenting" thing in a way. I think it was also a way to justify that even though they know this time is short, they'd rather plug ahead with their child in school becoming "self-sufficient".... After all they like the way he's growing up. (course, he's 4, right??)
  2. I think you should do VideoText, and purchase it from me! :) My daughter went back to school..... :)
  3. Awww gosh :( I'm so sorry :( My mom takes turmeric in a salad dressing she makes....
  4. So we live in a spot I've lived for 13 years now. At first, I worked and had a best friend that I'd have for.... 15 years. Perfect... Besty Friend and lots of people I worked with to chat with. That was decent. (but we're not friends, now.. long story, but it became unhealthy :() Now I'm married... things are a bit off as we had our oldest girls two weeks on two weeks off. Now that they're almost gone, it's actually more "level" because we won't have kids coming and going all the time. More of a "steady" time. I don't really have "friends" here; I'd like to, I have people that if I'm desperate I can call. Some of them call me to offer favors or ask, perhaps. My mom is my absolute best friend, she's terminal now and I'm realizing I have NO one to stay here for... not a friend to have tea with... not someone to do movies with.... I'm pretty much pity partying for myself. I've talked to my husband about picking up and moving somewhere in a couple of years, and although that is pretty much a fantasy.... I'm just wondering if I can break into the "friend circle" with a couple people here. Has anyone made some decent friends, after kinda "not" for a long time? We're not really going to church, although I hope to at some point. I went to the same church for a long time.... I always thought that small towns would be cool, but lately I'm just thinking that they're a bunch of family spread out over town... :( How have you "built" your best friendships? :)
  5. :lurk5: Any other thoughts? :) I hope to talk to some of the Co-op moms soon :) :bigear:
  6. Thanks!! :) This is for sure a Dad/Kid thing.... He's an engineer and he knows how to use a slide rule.. He was hoping for a "kid friendly" one :) Thanks!
  7. Hi There, My son is 8, but my husband is sure there's some slide rule out there for kids. He thinks that Nathan would like to use it now, and so I'm asking, "Anyone use slide rules with their kids?" and if so... Are there ones specifically for kids? :bigear:
  8. This is what we'd all agree about.... It's not the program that should be reviewed, as much as the tutor who will be guiding the students. :iagree:
  9. Wow, pain would not be a good motivator for me, but fitting in a size 5/6 is a dream. So far I'm a 7/8 ;) I like just not having as much "flab" on me..... Just exercising is my next goal. So far I've mostly lost weight by not eating as much sugar and eating less. (mostly the no sugar) I've also tried for fresh whole grains...
  10. I've thought about this since I saw your post.... If I thought she COULD control herself, I would tell her that I know she has the power to control herself, and I expect for her to NOT ever do that again. I would brainstorm through some choices that are appropriate, and then tell her that if she chooses to EVER lose it like that again, that there would be serious consequences. Barring serious problems, I believe that people should keep themselves in line without excuse. Do I think that we should look for preventions? Sure! So if protein helps, great. I would share these options with her, and make them HER responsibility. Perhaps think of a little protein that she could carry in her pocket. Role play for when she "might" need to eat one. BUT, fits that come due to her unwillingness to not obey, are (dis)obedience driven fits. I would think of some doable consequences for if this happens, and share what kind of consequences you might be willing to use. Perhaps staying with one of the parents at home for a couple of weeks, to "give her time to think" about how she needs to act in public. I'd probably do some treats that you get out and bring home the kids while they're finishing them up... etc. In years past, I would bring her home and spank her after it's over, but I'm not sure I'd suggest this, now. I don't think that I would put it on the "won't do" list for a child who gets violent. But, I'd try other things first. I would not want to "put up" with a fit throwing child. :(
  11. I'm doing a co-op that I started; it's about 25-30 minutes away, and I have to get there early because I open up. I'd drive up to just about an hour, since I wouldn't be putting together another co-op. I know that the extra I drive would be less than me putting something together :) We can do math and memory work in the car, so it's not really wasted time. :)
  12. These kids will be 9th grade 2013/2014, perhaps I put the wrong years in the thread. we have one year before they get to highschool.... (this year is set) I know that TOG is more complicated... I wish that there was a MFW for 7th/8th. I am not totally pleased with any jr high material. Just trying to beef up the Jr High :)
  13. For the food agression part, I've heard that you should add good treats to the bowl. So, maybe small piece of hot dog.... First time you're doing it, just make sure that you add a piece as he's looking.... and just always slip in some good pieces. Make it so he thinks "hand coming toward bowl= treats".... And then you have to be careful to have your older kids give rope toys etc... and take them back.... and give treats... :) I fed my pup for a whole month because the spot I got them from said the family who brought him back... said he was food agressive. For us it wasn't and isn't true.... I also kept him leashed to me for a long time. And leashed around my cat for a month. :)
  14. So sorry :( Try to take it easy... Is there someone who can help you with your little one? I know it's hard with littles running around.... Praying for peace for you ....
  15. Oh, of course this part wasn't clear. These students only have 1 year to move through material, but yet have 6 units for us to get through the time period, up through Modern. So, we'll obviously have to cull through and figure out what to do and not do in these 6 units. Potentially the students will be in 9th grade the year after... so 2014... and start Ancients. :)
  16. Hi :) I'm looking at different choices for our co-op; we'll have finished All American History this year, and want to move on to another choice for next year. Potentially we would do this year finishing up modern, and then move onto MFW Ancient as we've done for this year's 9th graders. (BUT, if they like TOG, perhaps they'd switch to that for the Highschoolers??) I looked at what it seems like we'd need, and it seems like we'd need Year 3/Units 3 & 4 (they will have finished up to 1840 with All American History, so this puts them 60 years past where they would have reached) Looking at this, it seems like they would need: The Units, Mapword, and Year 3 Shorter Works Anthology. I see that there are Literature, Government, Philosophy, Church History, Beyond History.... Would we need to purchase just the books to go with these? Are there guides that go with this.. included in the Units? Or do we need to purchase guides, too? Finally, if we had families that wanted to go along with us and just stay on topic, do you think that would work? Getting together and just discussing things after they've studied all week? (For example: Week 19: Westerners in Asia, they'd just study it from whatever angle they want to... and participate with their perspective on Friday... which is the day we meet) Any thoughts? :) PS, then we'd have 1 year to work through "Year 4" which has 4 units... so not sure how we'd compress or delete from that year...
  17. :iagree: And... if you can handle listening to it, my son will listen to Librovox recordings of FMOG. I think we'll end up doing the whole series. I was also looking at MP yesterday; the older stuff is looking great, too!! :)
  18. I like this better, as it's farther away from both names having the "almost same" ending...
  19. Hey There :) You're not around Salem, are you? :) This is interesting to me, as my husband speaks Russian pretty well and I'd love for my son to speak Russian, too :)
  20. Beautiful name! Good for the child that they like a "nice sounding" name :)
  21. Well, "line" from Caroline and "Laine" from Elaine are pretty similar... Caroline Grace is really pretty :) Caroline Marie... :) as "Mary/Maries, Jesus' mother full of Grace?" That's my thought :)
  22. I really didn't think it's weird; the math people that I know don't have the best writing style, even if they feel it's excellent. My husband is an engineer, his oldest daughter is not extremely social and her people skills are off a bit, BUT her math tutoring skills are good :) :)
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