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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. We had to put the kitty to sleep... It was very sad ;( (and expensive lessons about trying... and trying... :()
  2. Hello!!! NO!!! Standard would be to keep it, tell them that if someone comes for money to ...I don't know... call the police?? If the police says they pass, they get it back?? Honesty is one thing (and good and right!!) but stores taking the $$$ is not :(
  3. I wouldn't do storage under steps... I'd be afraid of them not in all the way and tripping...
  4. Oh yes!! You're right! When I did it, it was like, "You BETTER have eaten that empty box of raisins!!" I wouldn't let raisins come in the house to snack on inside... again! In fact, they are only a "in the van or out at lunch" item, even now. (4 years later)
  5. Oh my gosh... when I saw this I figured your child was in Highschool!!! It's not even practical to think that a 6 year old will do it themselves. Don't worry!! All is normal!! You wish he could (normal to wish) and he just can't (normal). It'll get better.... ask someone else when. My son is 8.5yrs and it's not even close.
  6. Hmmm.... Not sure what the vet will say.. I think it's hydrogen peroxide that will make them vomit. You're suppose to make sure that your vet recommends this. http://www.petplace.com/dogs/how-to-induce-vomiting-emesis-in-dogs/page1.aspx Sorry :( (Saw the post below.... our vet actually told me to do this, so sometimes it's an option. My pup had eaten raisins. I'd ask if it's an option. It was quick... easy... and effective.... and free and low in stress for the dog)
  7. It'll be great to hear how the decision works out for you. I'm sure you can get references for how she teaches, seriously the money seems minimal to me. We do $105.00 for Jr High/Highschool and $140.00 for the Primary and under... for the 30 week year. All parents stay on campus and help or teach during classes...so.... :)
  8. Hey Michelle :) Looks like a co-op I would join. Have you met any of the parent teachers? On paper, it looks great, and as long as your prep time for the class/es you'll be teaching is minimal.. sounds good!
  9. I have to say, that I appreciate it when people say "Enough... is Enough!!" There is someone out there that will LOVE to have this child in their family! Seriously!! They won't be overburdened... it will be a DESIRED blessing, versus a blessing that you're not asking for.... I would pray for this child. Pray for healing for the siblings... and bonding.... and consider having a "cousins" relationship if possible with the sibling's adoptive parents. (if they end up open to that) Hugs for the hurt, but I'm also very happy that you're not extending yourself past what is best for your current children. You can carry the child in your heart and prayers, even if you can't be their parent.
  10. Totally am not comprehending the info. It's not Ashleighla or whatever, right? Because if that's his name, I would totally go with Asher Jeremiah. I LOVE Asher compared to many names, and like it in it's own right :) I'm not much into initials as names, so personally I'd be going for something that you can see him actually using as an adult, if he chooses. :) Asher sounds VERY masculine to me :)
  11. How did Handwriting Without Tears get in?? There are all sorts of people on the list who don't seem to be specifically Christian.
  12. I'm curious about how her posts are "Un Christian".... I understand them not supporting her as a Speaker, if they are Christian (Christ followers) and she does things like.... I don't know.... is going against one of the major Christian points. I wonder if they look at everyone's personal blogs. Again, I wonder what was so horrible :( (And actually kinda wonder if they are right; generally public speakers/people don't post anything that would cause them loss of profit :()
  13. That is truly weird!! Glad no one got hurt! Maybe you can get an inexpensive one from the junk yard? Good Luck!! :)
  14. We know an Ansen (not sure if it's that or Anson) Kinda sounds like Hansen.... I like Ansen Jeremiah or Aiden Jeremiah??
  15. I actually have been trying to treat her for a year and a half. Different antibiotics..... etc. I went to a Vet in town who did acupuncture and all sorts of things. I took her in town to someone to put her to sleep, and he did a "senior bloodwork-up" ($250.00) and said nothing is failing... Then she kinda kept going down hill, but I had made sure she was eating... just kinda waiting for the antibiotics to kick in (a shot) So, I called on Tues, but they didn't see her till Thurs. They gave her the cortisone shot, but she stopped eating yesterday... So I fed her the kitty formula... and a bit of karo. I've been doing the kitty formula since yesterday.... kinda as much as we can get down. So, I went in and her head is actually staying lifted now. She hasn't gone 24 hrs without food at anytime that I know of... (I was worried about dehydration and lack of calories/organ failure) So, seeing her sit with her head up (where before she was lethargic and laying down) makes me think that there's a slight job that I just need to keep forcing the food down. She also seemed mildly interested in the tuna, even though I watched and she didn't eat while I was there.. Both of us (cat and me!!) have gone through so much that I hate to see her die, now!! (And of course I can't help but think about that extra $300 I just threw her way...)
  16. Wow!! I'm thinking it sounds incredible!!! We'd like to come any time!! My daughter is allergic to peanuts and shellfish, only. I am so willing to bring any dessert I can make... (ok, so just a few choices, I make a great Peach pie and also Apple Crisp. I usually use store made Icecream.) My son is a bit hyper, but we make him listen up. Can I be your next guest?? :)
  17. So, my kitty who I thought I was putting to sleep(last Tuesday, so a week and a half ago)... but vet said to try one more time... and then I went back a 9 days later for a cortisone shot (first time shot of antibiotics for infection)... is still having a hard time breathing, but I can't tell if it's better... or not. On Thursday she had been eating... Yesterday I started feeding her kitty formula because she didn't seem to be eating. I just added Karo syrup in case she needs it. She was actually sitting up last time we looked. We have a cold air vaporizer going for her in the restroom. I'm wondering if anyone here has had a cat that seemed almost dead...but for whatever reason it came back. Anyone? I've been basically forcing formula (kitten) down her, I hear that she willingly ate it a couple of times when I was gone. (all fed with a syringe, but not trying to spit it out) Hmmmm..... obviously on Monday she'll have to be put down if she doesn't make a come back, but I'm wondering if there are any good stories..
  18. Thanks for the ideas so far! :) I'm still willing to hear more, as I can't handle thinking about Spam :)
  19. So... I'm suppose to take a dish to a Hawaiian party. I could even take 2! :) The catch is that it's on a day when I can't prepare it right before... I have to be able to prepare it ahead of time. The hostess is making Pulled Pork, which I can't eat, so I'm hoping that one of what I take I can kinda eat as "a meal" :) I'm excited to go, and she asked me today what I'm going to bring... so I need some ideas :bigear:
  20. :grouphug: Just wanted to send a hug to you, it's hard when things like this happen :( It's even harder when you don't know what it is!! :(:grouphug:
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