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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. In seminary, I think that a "good sermon" not too long or too short :) was considered ... I think.... 12-17 minutes.... Not have that much... and I suppose you could study more... have more... and you needed to more to the point and concise.... (When My dad studied in Seminary.. not me :)) I've never heard of a pastor not having enough to say.... :D
  2. Does she have anger problems? Could they have been trying to kinda get her to settle... and not really to hurt her? Otherwise, that is SOOO sad!! If they didn't want to upset you... because the behaviour is typical... they might not have thought to tell you?? Sorry :(
  3. Yup, the good food is important. I feed raw and then have been using the "Honest Kitchen" ...the one with fish. I honestly:) won't be able to afford it all the time... But I will be buying a box... and then giving him some every few days... or a bit with every meal or something. It makes a lot!! (dehydrated food) but is too expensive for my large dog to eat all the time... This box... I won :) Especially because he is so big... I'd think of feeding raw. It's the least expensive... best food you can buy. When your dog is fully grown, you would still probably be around $2.00 a day... which is pretty good ;) (I'm figuring you'd feed a couple of pounds of meat a day... just a guess... there's a pretty easy formula) Or a little less... and then throw in something like the Honest Kitchen.... stuff... just to add some "things" even though most will tell you that "extra" is not needed. I fed raw because my dog was just suffering with horrible skin etc... and he's doing great now! But, when I went back to price out Taste Of The Wild... cuz I wanted kibble... Wow... so expensive... (compared :)) Here's the other thing about big breeds... dog food is known to make them grow too fast... With meat only... it's a steady growth.... And... they smell less :) (And usually you don't have to get their teeth cleaned.. which is VERY expensive :))
  4. Classical Conversations (CC) is a supplement at the younger ages... (under 7th grade) and full ... at the 7th-12th grade :) I do CC... and yes... I direct a program... It's just on that one day for us... and then the rest of the days are ours for other things.. :)
  5. I think that's what I'm planning to do. I like having my kids listen to the cds during rest and other times. I have to see where are suppose to be with the Latin Centered Curriculum. I've tended to have many history things going at the same time.. :) I really like SOTW... as well as other books.... I'm reclaiming my own education :) I may be going through the American History with Artner's I think??? OK.. I guess I haven't decided :) I just love history :) I also have a ton of books that I picked up autobios and bios of people from the "Modern" cycle.... and I'm sure we'll read those too. And... it's a great cycle to pick up lots of Jim Weiss cds on various people!! Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson are two of my favorite. :) (Less TV... more books!!)
  6. I think your husband should respectfully, calmly contact the church authorities himself. That's just crazy. Sounds like he feels unsure of himself.
  7. That's so exciting!! As a Mom with a daughter who is allergic to peanuts and other things... if my daughter ever did have a problem... I'd want her to have one of your daughter's twins !!!! :)
  8. Variables... gonna see how I can do this :) With families having as many kids as they can... or only having one or two... how it works out for most families... after their kids are grown... Of course, I'm sure that it's easy to think that we're raising our children differently... and they'll all wanna be best buds.... But, I'm thinking... If you have kids... forever... and never get to "drink in" their cuteness... because you're thinking of having the next... Course... perhaps.... that's my bias... and I know... Each one is precious... and there's not one that you would "send back". Just curious.... My brother and I... well... we're not close.... I love him... but just nothing in common except for parents ;(
  9. Variables... gonna see how I can do this :) With families having as many kids as they can... or only having one or two... how it works out for most families... after their kids are grown... Of course, I'm sure that it's easy to think that we're raising our children differently... and they'll all wanna be best buds.... But, I'm thinking... If you have kids... forever... and never get to "drink in" their cuteness... because you're thinking of having the next... Course... perhaps.... that's my bias... and I know... Each one is precious... and there's not one that you would "send back". Just curious.... My brother and I... well... we're not close.... I love him... but just nothing in common except for parents ;(
  10. WOw... perhaps they'll be in trouble over this stupid move. I'd document it... and then see if there's anything to do with the info. :(
  11. Just a thought... Check out churches and spots to see if he can "rent a room" from someone... :) That might work out better... financially... at least ;)
  12. Pendleton wool shirts are great... from the Goodwill... if you wanna make them. I, too, taught myself to crochet and knit so I could knit and crochet... soakers.... and leggings :) Just make sure you get soft wool.... All kinds of patterns on line to find... to either cut them out of sweaters or shirts... You can use the sleeves of the shirts to make "leggings" too :) Fun!! Almost fun enough to want another baby :)
  13. Office Max... Well... I got the soft cover... and my kids were fighting all year to do their work, while trying to keep the book open... until we spiraled it :)
  14. I had problems with this while younger.... It's still not perfect.. anyway... did a mixture of lecithin and a bit of olive oil... (or whatever kind)... put on hands... put in plastic... insert into socks... next morning... no blood :)
  15. The Core The one on how to do Geography... and for a great follow up visual to is... The Draw to Write Book that had "blobbing" in it... Can't remember which one ;(
  16. and... while they're babies... I saw that some people use these kinda tubes for the baby... goes from waist to perhaps knees... and makes it easy and quick to lift... change... and then bring down over diaper again... no fitting needed :)
  17. Of course :) Sorry if it looks like I think all public school teachers and administrators are secular in thinking. I merely meant that I don't think there's much of a thought about the contrast between what Public school is teaching and a Christian Worldview. I really don't think that most of the teachers I know, even Christian, see anything wrong with the curriculum. :)
  18. I think my daughter has a decent grasp of English grammar.... through her use of Latin..... She got through LCI&II and Unit 3 of Henle... :) I'm sure that she might know more English Grammar if she cared.... She also did Essentials with the CC group... but, it's not as though she would use her brain :( My son... I'm not sure the route I'm taking... he's 2nd... :)
  19. What is she thinking? She should move to a spot where no one will bother her... and finish already :)
  20. Sorry... step parenting is hard... parenting is hard... and this sounds... even harder... Sorry :(
  21. My step daughters call me "Mom" and their bio mom, "Mama"..... when I write my MIL I put "Mama K" like my husband's brother's wife started... :) My husband thinks that sounds... stupid.... I could call her Mrs. K :)
  22. Funny!! My husband is offended that I don't like him calling my parents Mom and Dad. That's what they want to be called, too. I feel like it sounds like an incestuos relationship... I mean... if they're my mom and dad... how are they yours, too?? (Are you my BROTHER??) They all think I'm crazy... and have actually been a bit peeved at me. :(
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