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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I have a word for this doctor. Prick. That is what he is.
  2. Jill and Derrick have a book, "Counting the Cost" being released in September.
  3. That just sounds so weird. When I had an insanely high risk pregnancy with my last, the OB actually pushed quite hard for permanent measures. I was able to have baby vaginally, and was not even remotely a candidate for an elective tubal. My OB did Mark's vas, and showed me that he removed literally inches of the tube...not reversible, and doubtful it could ever grow back together. Then he tied the ends after he burned them. That man was serious about me NOT having another baby. But this thread makes want to make Mark go get checked. I think you want to listen to your instincts. If his sample comes back suspect, I think you should follow your heart and have a dye and scan to confirm the tubal.
  4. We have managed to get back on the healthy bandwagon now that all of the houseguests and sailing and kayaking festivities are done. We kind of loaded around in food comas for a couple of days. But now things are better. Today we each slayed a battalion to coffee beans, and had two boiled eggs. Salads for lunch Dinner was beef and broccoli or with carrots (from our garden, so yummy), over fried rice. Light on the beef. Heavy on the broccoli. I used garlic, ginger, a small sprinkle of brown sugar, gf soy sauce, and peanuts in the sauce.
  5. I have been planning our vacation menu. We are going to eat out twice. Once at a well reputed barbecue place, and usually I can find GF options at good bbq places. We are also going out for seafood once, and there is a bakery with GF options and really good coffee, is one breakfast as well. Other than that, we are cooking at the vacationing n house. Picnic lunch on Saturday - broccoli pasta salad, hummus with veggies, and homemade GF cookies. Dinner - ziti and large salads. Some of the other meals: Grilled steaks, mushroom rissoto, roasted broccoli Black bean enchiladas Portabella burgers Sheet pan roasted veggies with chicken breast Sandwiches and fresh fruit when we go kayaking, we keep that really simple and everything has to fit in waterproof bags. My nephew is cooking two evening meals, and I am not sure what he is planning. Right now I am "cooking through the fridge" in order to get it emptied out. We had a small steak in the freezer that I wanted to get used up and a head of broccoli in the crisper, and a cup of rice left in the bag, so I made beef and broccoli tonight - carrots, garlic, a little red pepper flake, just a hint of brown sugar, ginger, GF soy sauce, peanuts, all served over fried rice. Last night I used up all the eggs except the two I need for making scones before we leave. By Thursday night it is going to be slim pickings around here! I warned Mark that he does NOT get to raid the groceries earmarked for the trip.
  6. I have to send this to our son, P. He is an archaeologist, and is going to laugh his non existent fanny off! 😂😂😂
  7. Please do. This sounds like so much fun ! I hope it is a blast for them.
  8. This thread has me nervous. My stupid ovaries refuse to give up. I am 55 and have managed to have two periods.this year. Stupid ovaries!!! Dh's vasectomy was 23 years ago. Do 20+ year old vees fail? Is that a thing? If men had ovaries, these daft things would have an on/off remote control switch by now!
  9. I have never known anyone who had a failed tubal. I have known of three failed vasectomies none of which were with the same provider. So I don't blame you for being suspicious. I wouldn't trust the medical record because it sounds like he has a personal probpem, and is not professional. This makes me think his notes also be unprofessional, potentially even lying. I think you need a scan with dye if you need the confirmation. But, testing your dh is a lot less invasive and expensive. Back in '81 when my surprise sister was born, my mom told her doctor he had to remove her actual tubes, and show them to her after surgery. I was a teen and thought, "Gee mom. This what the doc does. He isn't going to mess it up." Now I am thinking she was spot on. I don't remember her ever saying if he actually showed her proof he removed those tubes.
  10. Yes. Having done three teenage boys in my house, I can confirm that Air Guitar skills are da bomb! 😂
  11. For the little girls: He's a Tramp - Lady and the Tramp Everything is Awesome - Lego movie Walking on Sunshine I am having a harder time coming up with good ones for the younger age.
  12. My brain read this as lip stick! 😂😂😂 Probably not the recommendations you are looking for! Thriller Bohemian Rhapsody Ghostbusters I Want to Rock and Roll All Night Weird Al - Spend One More Minute With you (This one is kind of hilarious. I saw a foursome of teen boys do it dressed up like the Fonz, really fun.) Stayin Alive - BeeGees - a little disco is always good. 😁 We Built this City - can't remember who did this one, was it Starship? As you can see, I do for the oldies. But some of the best music was 70's and 80's.
  13. Coming in late to this party, but I just want to say that I would not go to Florida in July/August for all the gold in Fort Knox. But I hate heat. Go to the lake. Run to the lake. Get into the lake. 😁
  14. I don't have a lot of advice. But, if heat is a trigger, given climate change, it might be good if your daughter looked at colleges in the north. Yes, you deal with winter. However, that might be better for your health. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Central Michigan University is fairly reasonable tuition for out of state students. She would not be eligible for in-state until you have resided in state for a couple years. These states are very good for folks who cannot handle heat, and of course, the farther north you go, the less heat. CMU has a medical school, and some pretty good profs/doctors. Just a thought. I am not sure where you are now.
  15. Wyoming - Devil's Tower and Medicine Wheel National Historic Monument. Wind River Wild Horse Sanctuary. Not sure how far you are going into Wyoming. If you make it as far as Cody, the Inn and pub (Irma? Can't remember the name for sure) had some of the best fried bread we have ever eaten. You really want to partake of fried bread. There will be manyr restaurants that offer this throughout South Dakota and Wyoming. I can make a recommendation for S.D., but it doesn't sound like your route will take you through there. Still, if anyone is going, the Lakota tribe operates a restaurant on their reservation that is part of Badlands National Park. It very much worth a side trip, loop drive, visitor center, and lunch or supper at the restaurant.
  16. Same. We discussed these things before we got married and actually submitted a list of deal breakers to each other. I can handle him if he became completely self involved. I would resume finishing my aerospace engineering degree rapidly, and focus on my career, simplify everything at the house, and take his cue, and focus on myself. It would be easiest, so close to retirement, to remain married but function as roomates. But if he were to start up with another person, then I would cut the string. Don't expect me to remain faithful, and then do the opposite. I do feel very fortunate that after 35 years of marriage, we are still best buds and manage to live together well.
  17. I agree with you. In the case of my husband's niece, they remain legally married, they do not have a marriage. They manage to equitably raise their child, but do not have a relationship with each other beyond their child. They do things like family Christmas, family birthdays, family vacation to D.W. or wherever. They make memories for his sake, and give him a stable home with each living in their own half of the duplex. When he is grown, I do not imagine them spending time together except when he requests it...family funerals, weddings, his birthday maybe. I have no idea if they will stay married once he is raised. Right now it works very well to have their own arrangement and not involve the legal system in order to dissolve their marriage. But, she works and has her own retirement savings so finances later are not an issue she needs to think about. I am a VERY relationship oriented person so it would be hard for me to do it. However, I can see it working temporarily if both parties are amenable. In the case of the OP, I don't think he truly cares much about her feelings, does not respect her, and feels he doesn't have to respect her because he knows she won't leave while they have a child at home. He is resting on his laurels. If he doesn't care about the quality of their relationship, and he can continue to treat her this way while having all his needs taken care of, housework, laundry, groceries, cooking, childcare, etc. he may be very content to continue to not give a crap. OP one thing I urge you to do if you have not already done so is to get a job even if it is only part time, evenings when he is home with your 4th grader, or some work remote data processing something. Open an account in your name only, and have some spending money for you and some savings. It is important if you are contemplating living separately to get used to having your own money and budgeting it out, setting goals, etc. If you are already working, then just disregard this advice. Beyond that, kids are not clueless to the tensions and relationship dysfunction of their parents. A lot of people think staying together for the sake of the kids is admirable. However, there are situations where this is definitely not the case. So spend some times contemplating that. Can you get him to create an equitable arrangement that will diffuse the tension enough to be worth staying until youngest graduates? If not, think about that impact. Are there mitigations? If not, is it healthy to continue to be under the same roof?
  18. I agree. In addition to the two raised beds Mark is going to add to my growing menagerie of raised beds, I am going to use our small rototiller, and grind up some grass in another sunny spot, actually two spots. One is getting sweet corn, and the other sun flowers. Less mowing, more food and pretty too. Both of those plants are lovely to look at. I am also going to plant all 10 of my 5 gallon buckets to broccoli so I vacate the bed that had 8 broccoli in it this year, so I can grow more oregano in between more celery or carrots or something, anything. Now that I am having some success, I have this desire to plant more. I think the small planter that had the four dwarf snow pea plants and the scallions will get butter crunch lettuce. I have been sketching on graph paper trying to work out all the spaces I will have next year. Even my bell peppers will need to be companion planted with something else because they are getting huge, and competing with my eggplant. The chili peppers have gone wild, yet are shorter so I am thinking about bell peppers, chili peppers, jalepeno, and basil in the one 13 ft bed. It is 3 ft wide so I think I can get all of them together and not get to crowded. Then I have a 4x4 bed, and a 6' long, 3' deep, and 3' wide water trough. I think these will be tomatoes. I have a 2' wide x 6' long raised bed for carrots and radishes. One more pallet bed will be added for green beans which should get me up to 40 ish plants. So the two new beds can be other things which will include broccoli but also have to decide what else. Ya'll, I have something hilarious to report. Remember when I cut the rest of my broccoli heads and baby crowns, and then pulled the plants? Well, I was in a big hurry, and though I knew they would need to be chopped up in order to compost better, I thought, "I am going to toss them in now, cover them with a few leaves, and then run the rototiller through their later because I do not have time to deal with it." Ya. I did. It. And then I totally forgot to go do anything about those plants and their roots. Can you guess? Oh yes. I have broccoli plants that rerooted int he compost and are growing. 😂😂😂😂😂 I am such a ridiculous gardener!
  19. It's raining so I can't take a pic right now. But if yours have S spines, that makes me feel better! 😁 I never thought about the weight of the fruit contributing to this.
  20. Well, they get 6 hours of sun pretty directly and then they habe some shade but not a lot. The cherry tomatoes which are interesting the same bed have lovely, strong stems. I swear these Amish paste have secret meetings behind my back just to plot all the ways they can make me go crazy! It is penance for years of being a serial plant murderer. 😂 I can't move the dumb things. They are in a raised bed that is 2.5' deep, 3' wide, and 13' long. Next year, if I grow them again, I am moving them to a new bed that will be 8 hours or more...very strong sun. My peas and carrots are going to go into the Amish Paste current bed.
  21. Question, and I recognize that this might be unanswerable because my plants seem to defy logic. Are Amish Paste plants supposed to have scoliosis? Mine have the most amazing S spines, and frankly, it is bugging the tar out of me because I spend so much time trying to tie them up to their cages. My moms Early Girl tomatoes grew up nice and tall, straight and strong. I am very jealous. She put tomato cages over them before they got very big, and they too them just fine, and are well supported. But mine look like they need orthopedic surgery. I keep saying I am not going to let them bother me anymore. And then they manage to annoy me again. I may need therapy.
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