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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. So sorry , Dawn! I do agree that though it is bad timing, your dh going now makes more sense than going later for a funeral. Go while the person is alive and can be comforted by your presence is my motto. So many of my father in law's relatives and friends saved their paid vacation for the funeral and never saw him in person during the last year of his life. That was really hard on him, on my mother in law, and then later they said they regretted their decision. I hope you can find someone to help with A.
  2. Oh ugh! You need to discipline them. Maybe swat them with a rolled up newspaper! 😁
  3. We are having a lot of temps in the 70's with an occasional few hours that hit 80 or 81 but not high humidity. Basically it is really nice outside, and I love it, but I feel really sad for so many of you because you are absolutely hammered with heat. Many hugs from me. The Amish Paste are ripening, but we have had too much rain in the past week, and so they decided to absorb it all and split their skin. All of the ones with split skins have been brought inside to finish ripening so that they don't attract bugs or begin to rot. I found one split skin bad one on the vine. This out freaked me out causing a flurry of my freakiness to take over and compelling me to root around for all the split ones while cursing them for not being smart enough to know not to drink water when they don't need it like morons taking a tiktok water guzzlers challenge and frying their brains! Mark says that I now remind him of Crowley from Good Omens, "GROW BETTER!!!!!" 😂 My 2nd sowing of carrots will be ready in two weeks along with the scallions. I am anxiously awaiting the celery, but I still think it will be Labor Day weekend before it is ready since the stalks still seem thin. I did harvest just a few of the leaves for some veggie broth I made, and those leaves were so fragrant. Let me just say that I didn't know that gardening was a romantic gesture. 🙄🙄🙄 But apparently, when you come inside from harvesting tomatoes, celery leaves, basil, and oregano, you smell like food men like to eat, and the husband is suddenly all goofy. I think modern perfume companies have completely missed the boat. If they made women's fragrance called, "Marinara Sauce", women would be able to rule the earth!
  4. Are you getting Jurassic World Dominion mosquitos? That is what we seem to have and somewhere in this world there is a paleontologist/geneticist/whackadoodle mastermind that we need to find and feed to his creation!
  5. Yes. My dad taught me when I was 15 and got my learners permit. My brother, four years older, was trained to do it when he was twelve because my grandfather still owned a gas station at that time. It was sol by the time I began driving. That year we lived in Oregon 30 years ago it just seemed weird not to do it ourselves.
  6. My instinct is that it is now indelibly etched in his brain to never walk into a bedroom with out knocking and waiting for a response for all time, in every dimension, cross his heart, the blood oath has been made. I think that at 14, the last thing he wants is for one of his parents to bring it up, and if you do, all he will want is to stick his fingers in his ears, and yell, "La la la la la, I can't hear you!"
  7. MEMama, I am so sorry! Weather stinks. We had drought, literally zero rain from May 7 - June 13. Now we get deluges. In one of my beds I was bailing it out like a boat. Good grief! I feel for farmers. Sure would be nice if mother nature would cooperate.
  8. I am glad to hear not Lymphoma, and now I just want to light a fire under them to get a diagnosis so they can make a plan and get that treatment amped up!
  9. It is The Sun. They make up a LOT of crap. A lot. She was seen a lot last fall at her sister's house and church in Texas because she lives about an hour from Seagoville. Then he got stuck in solitary for six months due to the smuggled phone charges. My guess is the paparazzi for The Sun have seen her in Texas again, and are making up stuff. She is probably just spending the summer with her sister and visiting Josh whenever he has earned the privilege.
  10. Thanks! I just looked at your link. I have eggplant, tomatoes, celery in my garden and olive and capers in the fridge, so I can make this. I think it would be nice with savory polenta for a light lunch or supper.
  11. You can also look up that Seagoville wiki page. They have prominent inmates listed on it.
  12. Ha ha! Me know something about plants???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Thanks, Rosie. I appreciate the advice.
  13. Sneezy, I am in awe of your pepper collection! You are inspiring me try more next year. Can I ask what caponeta is? All of the carrots are out now, so I think I am going to fertilize that bed with a small amount veggie food mixed with compost. It is supposed to rain Thursday which should get it breaking down nicely, and then on the weekend, plant radishes for fall harvest. Mark helped me pick green beans about half an hour ago. We got a whole peck. But the best part was the neighbor lady who is fairly reclusive and never smiles was walking by the house, and I called out to ask her if she would like some cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. She actually smiled and said yes. I loaded her up, and she smiled very wide. I have never seen that. It made my day more than the taco/enchilada sauce. I know not to make much of it. It was a chance encounter, and not like we have a relationship. But I know where she lives, and I might drop produce on her front porch next week. No one knows what her story is but she is such a hermit a lot of the time that it makes me think there is some serious trauma there. Hopefully a little thing like fresh garden veggies will lift her spirits briefly. This was the 24th and 25th cucumber I have given away in two weeks. I don't know if I should continue to be supportive of my cuke plants or begging the universe for them to wind down!!! 😂
  14. I wonder if he was in a state with three strikes, and already had other run ins with the law. Even if the other convictions were minor felonies, that third would be an automatic life sentence.
  15. Right..it is so problematic trying to pay bills this way. POA makes more sense.
  16. I don't know specifically about Michigan. I know someone from another state with the same issues so she keeps $500 in an account for the debit card and doesn't have her name on the account, but does have the password so she can monitor it, and make transfers to it from the accounts that do have her on them. It is a pain. It might be possible to give a budgeted amount in gift cards from Amazon per month for packages.
  17. I DID A THING!!!! This is a picture of a huge amount of taco/enchilada sauce cooking. Four green peppers, eight jalapenos, four red chilis, and many lbs of Amish paste tomatoes all from my garden with garlic and one large candy onion purchased at the farm market because I didn't have room to grow those. It has some zest. Mark thought my jalapenos seemed mild, so he told me to put one in there with the seeds. Ha ha ha! Now he thinks it has SOME HEAT! But the flavor is good and it isn't too much heat, a medium sauce instead of mild. I am letting a bit more water boil off before I pack the jars and cold bath them. I am not going to bother with the immersion blender, and we can just run each jar of sauce through the ninja before we use it. This way if one of the boys wants to use it as picante sauce, it hasn't been fully sauced. Now to make wood cages for the tomato plants. They are just laying over on top of each other from the weight of all the fruit, and have mangled the metal cages.
  18. This. We turned down a perfect property for us up north because of an easement.
  19. This was as the chef's kiss on my day when it was announced yesterday. The appeals routes that are left open to him are extremely dicey and rarely successful. This was his best chance. So the odds are super high that he is now going to serve his sentence. He also served six months of solitary confinement for the smuggled phone incident, and had some of his good behavior days stripped. The feds assume good behavior so when they list the initial release date it includes 15% off the sentence for being a decent prisoner. He didn't last a year at Seagoville before he got in trouble. His original release dates was mid August of 2032. Now that has rolled back to October 2032. It wad also reported by a prisoner who was released last fall that he had been assigned a job and was fired from it within 30 days because he was insufferablly smug to the other prisoners and caused issues. Now, I don't know that there is any way to confirm that since it was a prisoner who was interviewed, not a guard, the warden, or multiple sources giving the same info. I do not have a hard time believing that this could have happened because SMUG is exactly who he and JB are. It is a defining trait of those two! But again, who knows if it is true or not. I think there are excellent odds that he is in there for the long haul, and I doubt he will stay out of trouble completely so it would not be shocking if he ended up serving the full 12.5 years. It should be noted that his probation period will be 20 years, meaning he doesn't come off restrictions until he is in his sixties, and his restrictions are huge. Very very hard for someone like him to manage and not screw up and end up punished. Four of his six kids will be adults when he gets out, he cannot have unsupervised visitation of the two remaining minors, cannot be in the presence of any other minors except for in the course of working a job, such as retail, where children might be present, and has all of the restrictions of sex offenders, plus no devices without the federal tracking software (spyware) on it, and he has to pay monthly fees for every device to be monitored, can have his domicile and person searched randomly and often, and no adult porn,not a magazine, no strip clubs, you name it. A lot of Seagoville prisoners go to strict halfway houses when they are first released and can remain there up to two years. So I would not be shocked if he doesn't mess up and end up back in prison. It is going to be harsh, and I am 100% here for that given what that scum bag downloaded and watched, repeatedly. Go feds!!!!! Rah rah rah!
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