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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Shortbread thumbprint cookies and Pecan Zander's Chocolate Chip Peanut butter This year I am trying Vaniljekranse and Honninghjerter. Not sure if they will turn into favorites, but I am going to give it a whirkl.
  2. Being a holiday week, people may be traveling, shopping, etc. and nor paying attention to FBmarketplace. Hopefully when things return to normal on Monday, you get some bites.
  3. I have to say, I am not a football fan. I just only watched her show. One of the things I loved the most was that she just sang. She showed the joy of singing, of offering a service of love to her fans. It was rather pure of soul really. No crazy put on wild show, no trying to one up anyone, just pure Dolly with her love everybody and be kind natural personality giving of herself to others, and showing what heartfelt music can do. She is a force for good.
  4. Agreed. My brother and his wife and one of the nieces was actually mad at me when I was in the cat accident because how dare the strong one, everyone's personal crutch, be out of commission. They did not care about me as a human at all, much less a family member. So many families I know are like this. One person is expected to shoulder the entire family world. It feels so crushing at times. It is one of a myriad of reasons why I had to cut my brother, sil, and niece out. I couldn't so it anymore. I broke. The rock shattered into a lot of pieces for a while. I eventually pulled it together, but with a hard boundary after that I feel so bad for SKL. I can tell she is really feeling the weight right now.
  5. I love the look of your place. This will be so nice with the kids. Bright and airy. I am glad the neighbor was nice. This seems like a lovely situation even if the distance is not ideal.
  6. I am very sorry, SKL. Lots of hugs. That is a very tough spot to find oneself.
  7. Also, a wife would be great. I don't need a husband. I have one of those. But a wife would be quite awesome. Possible a grandmother rental as well. I have supervised enough trampoline time to last me a good, long while!!
  8. Many, many hugs Ottakee!
  9. SKL, I get it and am not offended by your adjective. You are venting here, not directly to your relatives. And yes, some people, like my eldest niece, just keep making the most awful choices compounded on top of bad circumstances that she didn't ask for, but also will not make strides towards improving. The end result is it just does look like a landfill of mess is perpetually burning. I love her! I am sure you love your fire starters as well. However, love doesn't change the fact that they take so much, drain us so much emotionally and physically, that in the end, they are pushing us to have to stop assisting. They may not mean to suck the life force out, yet that is often the reality. Humans have limits. And to take care of our own immediate family, we can be forced to allow others to fend for themselves even if that wouldn't be our preference in a perfect world.
  10. Does anyone think this phenomenon may be related to those old notions that better off relatives are socially bound to assist their less well of kin? I was just thinking about Pride and Prejudice, trying to marry the girls off well so their son in laws would be obligated to take care of them. Seems like a lot of social obligations surrounding family have been much abused.
  11. I am in that boat myself. My brother and his wife are dumpster fires, two nieces are dumpster fires, my father was a jack knifed semi truck fire, and several cousins have been raging forest fires. Everyone somehow thinks it is my job to put out their infernos. It gets very, very old. We finally said no, we are tapped out. Worn and tired, need to save for retirement. So now, for the most part, none of them talk to us. We existed in their lives so long as we always cleaned up their messes. At least we know where we stand with them.
  12. It might be nice to have the kids at the library to see what you are doing for a living.
  13. Is ma so happy for you, Heart. It must be such a relief to be moving forward. I look forward to hearing that you have decorated for Christmas.
  14. And that is somewhat unusual. Most female voices show significant loss of strength and control at her age. She is quite the lady! Love her a lot.
  15. Beach for me. I would be thrilled to head to the US Virgin Islands. But it isn't going to happen. sigh.
  16. No losers. But we kept it simple and stuck with tried and true recipes because Mark, dd, and I really wanted to have a low key but yummy celebration. My test will be Christmas Smorrebrod. I currently of honey dough aging in my fridge to make Honningjerter, a cookie I have never made, and also Vaniljekranse which I have also never made while simultaneously trying to plan the decorations for a woodland themed two tier cake. I am not normally a baker so that is going to be a significant challenge.
  17. I would probably do a wait and see. If it was broken, you probably would be in more pain. Also, I don't know about your urgent care, but ours does not do x rays. You have to go to the E.R. or wait until business hours of your physician who can order one at the hospital or imaging center without going through the E.R. we have to pay out of pocket entirely for the E.R. if we are not admitted. So something like this would cost us $2500.00 vs an office call on Monday and a non emergency x ray which is about $150 if they don't have to take a ton of images.
  18. We have a neighbor, retired, who spends his every waking moment April - December, making his very boring lawn perfect. He probably hates us though he never says anything about it. We do no-one May so I am sure he has to fight dandelions because we refuse to treat and keep them cut down. We have let milkweed pod go bananas because it attracts butterflies which we have enjoyed immensely, and I noticed this year he had his first large milkweed plant which is was viciously murdering. We mulch the leaves and don't rake except for the small amount we want to compost. I wait until the trees have dropped A LOT before mulching so on windy days, I am sure they blow across the road. He has NO deciduous trees on his property - cut all of those lovely carbon sequestering beauties because leaves - and only has a couple of small pine trees. So he has to have a leaf blower because of us since we refuse to cut ours down. I guess that makes us very rude neighbors in his eyes. But I consider it a moral thing at this point due to the current conditions on earth. I won't become a polite neighbor by sacrificing what I know to be better practice. And he burns his leaves. He could compost them or he could put them in the paper bags the trash pick up provides so they are taken to a compost facility. He burns them because he can't stand to have them around for even a few days. It just seems like it would get so old to be that stressed about short grass and leaves on it. Thankfully most of this little town love their tree lined streets and while many do mulch the leaves, they don't get obsessive about removing them, only two or three people burn them. We do have township rules about burning leaves due to some folks years ago making massive piles next to the road and creating visibility and breathing hazards on top of not having the common sense to not do it on high wind days. My angst is that I wish they would compost faster without my intervention. I want to be a lazy composter. 😁
  19. Still with the grandkids and not worrying about it. I will say that the roasted green beans and broccoli were very very good so combined with the potatoes, I probably had 6 servings of veg. As far as digestive track, I am feeling really good this week.
  20. 10. 10 different places. So I tend not to feel sentimental about houses.
  21. This. We have holidays that we celebrate very differently, new ones from doing more research into Mark's ancestry, and some we do not observe for personal reasons. It really gets old having people be self righteous jerks about our choices. We don't crap all over their family traditions. They should have the manners to return the favor.
  22. Eldest ds and daughter in law are quarantined..sigh. They let an old college acquaintance crash with them for a few weeks. College acquaintance is a dingbat, no common sense, and doesn't think of others until it is too late. Went out over the weekend, went to a huge concert out of state in an area with high number of cases, didn't mask, then came down with covid yesterday. Ds and dil are livid and told him he has 48 hrs after testing negative to be out of their apartment. Jerk also expected them to cook him a Thanksgiving dinner today. They gave him a hot dog on bun and some chips. And of course, they had planned to be at my mom's for T Day with Mark's mom and some cousins (we are in Bama with the grands), so they didn't have any T day supplies. Thankfully, dil had a roasting chicken in the freezer which she pulled out to thaw, and they had potatoes and carrots as well plus some rolls in the freezer. Ds is NOT a good candidate to get covid so this is extra upsetting. He and dil have been wearing N95's whenever they exit their bedroom, and have been staying hunkered down in there watching movies on laptop as well as eating in there. They hope that by relegating the couch surfer to the half bath, and running fans, using the full bath themselves, that maybe it will be okay. But they were breathing this idiot's air before he came down with it, so I think there is little they can do. Either their vaccines hold and they manage not to get sick, or they are sunk. I would like to pound this person so it is a good thing I am not around!
  23. My grandsons. I have been getting lots of snuggles while reading to them. I love that!
  24. We had a small turkey. I stuffed the cavities with diced onion and celery tossed in herbs, and then rubbed the skin down with herbs. It was in the oven by 9 am CST, and was perfectly cooked and golden by noon. I made a loaf of bread that actually rose and tasted great. Mark made the mashed potatoes and gravy. Dd made stuffing, and roasted green beans and broccoli. We made a small bowl of fruit. Everyone ate well, and it wasn't such a huge meal that it was overwhelming to prepare or clean up. I washed mixing bowls and pots as we went along. So the kitchen was half way decent when we started eating. I am sitting in the recliner for a while, and then will go unload and load the dishwasher. Later on they want me to make Danish Rismalande`. We will see. I am tired since I didn't sleep well last night. Mark made homemade ice cream, both regular for everyone but son in law, and then coconut milk/cream based for son in law. So it isn't as though no one has a dessert to eat. We will help the kids decorate the tree this evening.
  25. I will defend the Oxford comma with my life. I pledge my all. I am the Arthurian Knight of the Oxford Round Table. 😁
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