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Everything posted by sweet2ndchance

  1. I'm currently working on a book/scrapbook to record what little I know about my family history. It is an informal project, it's not going to print or anything like that, I'm just making this for my own personal use and to share with future generations. The format I decided on for the pages are a cross between an encyclopedia style entry and a scrapbook. Not quite as formal as an encyclopedia and not quite as artsy as a scrapbook, somewhere in between. The page I'm currently working on is for my great grandmother who had an interesting story from her childhood. I've included all the details that I know personally and that I can find online on various genealogy sites. I've included what pictures I have/can find. But I have half a page left to fill. For other relatives, I've included historic events and people from their lifetime to fill empty space but I've already covered her lifetime pretty well on other pages. She lived from 1906 to 1991. So what can I fill the space with? Something decorative maybe? But what? Here is a picture of the page in progress in case you need a visual.
  2. Since it was a text, I probably would have just assumed it's text short hand and not thought much else of it. If it was in any other format than a text, it would bother me but probably not enough to say anything. I hate when I see text short hand spill over into other types of writing but I know that's just me.
  3. Dh and I both have the type of sunglasses that fit over your eyeglasses. For us they are the best option and the least expensive. I just got a new pair of sunglasses from Walmart because the pair that I have had for over 5 years now finally broke. Even our little country Walmart has quite a selection of fit-over sunglasses. My sunglasses live in my purse just as they always have even when I wore contacts and could wear any old pair of sunglasses.
  4. I love Teeccino when I can't have coffee. I only like cold brew coffee anyways but I really like Teeccino even hot so it becomes my winter go-to drink. My favorite flavors are Vanilla Nut and Hazelnut. It's just herbal tea so it should be easy on the stomach. It is definitely low acid and caffeine free. Teeccino on Amazon
  5. My ex is the same way with his family. I was still on good terms with his mother until he and his new wife found out and told her that she was either with them or against them and if she kept talking to me that they would cut her off from them. Obviously I understand she chose a relationship with her son over a relationship with her ex-daughter-in-law, I don't hold it against her at all. But his behavior and the idea that he can forbid people from having a relationship with me is all the more reason why we are divorced. It certainly isn't new behavior, that's for sure. I'm sorry your dad is being difficult about this when he shouldn't even have a say since he isn't there. I hope you can find a way around it. ((hugs))
  6. I was babysitting out that late at that age. I would be perfectly fine with any of my kids at that age staying home alone if they had experience already staying by themselves which all of mine had/have. Day or night wouldn't make a difference to me. The maturity of the child and how they handle themselves is what would matter to me. In today's world, just because I can now but it wasn't a thing when I was a kid, I would probably check up on them periodically by text. It would ease my mind and probably the child's too.
  7. All the cats we ever had were allowed in and out as they pleased. All lived to old age except one. No idea what happened to her, she just didn't come home one day. Maybe a wild animal got her. Maybe someone picked her up thinking she was a stray (we tried many different kinds but never could keep a collar of any kind on her despite trying since she was 6 weeks old.) even though we live on 7 acres and are no where near the main road. All of our cats have always been fixed. One cat I had when I was a kid in Arizona liked to bring home gecko lizards and king snakes. Obviously, in her opinion, we weren't nearly capable enough to get our own food. 😆 We lived in the Phoenix area but, at the time, the area we lived in was "out in the county" She had lots of desert to roam in and very little traffic to contend with. She lived to somewhere between 15 - 20 years. She was a "young cat" when we got her from the animal shelter hence the imprecise age.
  8. Every year that we could file 1040EZ, it was always the free file option. Usually on TurboTax but we also used H&R Block and some local tax places a few times. Any place with a free to file option should allow your ds to file 1040EZ without any problems.
  9. Our smart TV does some weird stuff sometimes sort of like you describe. Unplugging it for 30 seconds and plugging it back in usually fixes it. No idea what is causing it exactly. 🤷‍♀️
  10. My last therapist asked me if I thought people with NPD could change with time. Change their story? Sure, everyday if it suits them. Change their stripes? Not a chance. I've had this proven to me over and over again in real life. I got a new therapist because from our resulting conversation it was obvious that she did not understand or work with NPD. The other problem with this question and ones like it is that it assumes the NPD is formally diagnosed. I remember reading somewhere that NPD is one of the few mental health disorders where you (as the therapist) will treat everyone the NPD comes in to contact with but never the NPD themselves. There is nothing wrong with the NPD in their own eyes, remember? They could write a rather convincing book, to the untrained eye, on how everyone else is the problem, not them.
  11. It looks like none of the tick broke off when he pulled it off so that's good. It's fine for it to look a little angry for a while. A day or two, (maybe even three if he is prone to reactions to bug bites in general) and it shouldn't look angry any more or at least look a lot better (again if he is prone to bug bite reactions, it could take longer). You want to watch for severe redness (really angry looking like an aggravated pimple or a bee sting), rash (bull's eye or any other kind of rash which may indicate he's allergic to them), swelling (the permanent marker trick mentioned above is good for that) and feeling like you are coming down with something. If any of that occurs, then it is time to go see the doctor. At this stage, there isn't much to do without symptoms. They can just tell you, "Yup, it's a tick bite. Here's what to watch for..." I've pulled more ticks off my kids than I care to count and, knock on wood, no one has gotten sick from them ever. Infected a couple of times when the head of the tick broke off but we've never dealt with tick borne disease even in tick country. Yes, you can get really sick from tick bites but not every tick bite will make you sick. Just like not every mosquito bite will give you West Nile virus. I hope you're able to calm your son down a bit and his tick bite ends up being nothing to worry about. 🙂
  12. I'm a little late to the party so your cake is probably already finished but Dh just came back from a run to Walmart for me. At least here in my area of the Bible Belt, they are open.
  13. Translation: Multiple brain regions show low blood flow on (x-ray like scanning tests) in marijuana users. The brain region most often distinguishing marijuana users from healthy individuals is the hippocampus which is also heavily affected by those with Alzheimer's disease. The study raises more questions about the damaging effects of marijuana on the brain. My take away is that this study set out to confirm the damage of marijuana use is similar to that of those who have Alzheimer's and other brain damaging diseases. And the study showed that more research in this area is warranted because the scans those with damage from marijuana looked similar to those with damage from Alzheimer's disease. The study didn't really set out to prove anything new, just to confirm that marijuana use can cause brain damage. Shrug. I wouldn't bother to send it to anyone, especially not anyone who already thinks marijuana is a miracle drug. If they straight up asked my opinion, I would tell them and let them know where to find information one time, unless they asked again. They are adults and can have their own opinion, even if that opinion isn't based in proven fact.
  14. My doctor gives doxycycline for infected tick bites but we've only ever been to the doctor for bites that look infected or where the head of the tick broke off and we can't get it out. If it doesn't get all red and raised or a rash around it, we just treat it as a normal bug bite.
  15. Amoxicillin is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for dental infections like an abscess. Sometimes Augmentin is prescribed if it is a particularly nasty infection or resistant to amoxicillin. If the abscess is visible, they may drain it before giving antibiotics which gives instant pain relief usually. Amoxicillin and Augmentin are prescribed to infants, even newborns, for infections so I wouldn't think there would be a problem with bf'ing while on them. At least I don't remember there being a problem with it and I know I was prescribed both while breastfeeding. If there is a history of penicillin allergy in your family, I would be wary though. Do you have a pediatrician or lactation consultant you could call after you leave the dentist? You could always run it by them for your peace of mind. If the ped or LC doesn't think the antibiotic prescribed is a good idea, you could always ask the dentist to prescribe something else. Preferably something the ped or LC recommended instead. One of the reasons I got dentures was because I was constantly getting abscesses. I know how much they hurt. I hope you get some relief soon!
  16. My older kids used cookbooks regularly and we cooked most things from scratch in the kitchen when they were young. Life has changed a bit now and I'm no longer able to stand in the kitchen long enough to cook even most things from scratch. I have cookbooks but I don't really use them anymore. So I had no idea if ds10 knew what one was. So I asked him. Me: "Do you know what a cook book is?" Ds10: "Ummm,yeah." Me: "Ok, so what is it?" Ds10: "It's a book that you cook with. It's literally in the name." Me: "But what is inside a cook book?" Ds10: "Recipes. Duh. Why are you asking me?" While giving me a look that clearly he thinks I've lost my mind. lol So apparently I haven't completely failed ds10. He knows what a cookbook is and what they are used for. 😆
  17. I hit my breaking point with a so-called friend (who coincidentally is also from NC) and I just cut it off cold turkey. No confrontation, no trying again to make it work. I just walked away from the situation and never looked back. Can't say I regret it either. I just don't have the emotional bandwidth anymore to be treated like, as you so perfectly put it, a second-class friend. Just because she and I have a lot of history together doesn't mean I have to tolerate how she is choosing to treat me now. If others like your dh can see it too, it is definitely time to pull the plug on the relationship. In my situation, I was suddenly too busy to reply to her for anything. I no longer took the time to contact her. And finally, I unfriended her on what little social media I am on. It weighed on me heavily when I was still trying to decide whether or not to do it, but once I did it, it was like a huge weight was lifted from me that I didn't even know was there. Very freeing feeling. I wish you the best of luck in your situation. It's hard but hopefully you will find that freeing feeling too once it is all said and done.
  18. No it's not something that needs to be corrected for every child. I will say however that ds who is tongue tied was bottle fed due to dysphagia with silent aspiration. He could not breastfeed but not because of his tongue tie. He still had feeding issues with the bottle though. Some of it due to the dysphagia, some of it, looking back now, might have been due to his tongue tie. Bottlefeeding doesn't mask or hide lip or tongue tie feeding issues. It's just that we assumed all of his feeding issues were due to the dysphagia and now that we know he is also tongue tied and had childhood apraxia of speech, it's amazing he could eat at all as an infant. ETA: I think the advent of the internet and social media has brought a lot of things into the light that are fairly rare problems. Out of 6 children, only one of mine had tongue tie. It's something to look for because it can happen to anyone and it does cause issues regardless of feeding method but I'd say it's still not a common issue. The internet and social media just heightens awareness of everything because of the vast amount of information and anecdotal experience that is accessible through it. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.
  19. My son is tongue tied. It wasn't detected, or at least not mentioned to me, until he was 10 years old. He has been through multiple swallow studies and speech therapists since he was an infant and it was just now brought up that he is tongue tied. It is not affecting his speech at this time but the SLP said it might help with his food texture issues if we get it clipped. He used to gag and throw up with certain textures. Now he just self regulates and avoids foods with textures he can't handle. We've always just assumed he was a picky eater but apparently texture issues can be caused by the inability to use one's tongue effectively to move food around the mouth. We had no idea until his current SLP explained it to us just a couple of months ago. So far, I've put off getting his tongue clipped. I've been thinking the same thing you are, it's not causing issues that majorly interfere with things but it is something I plan to bring up with his dentist since that is who would clip it at his age. If his dentist doesn't think it is severe enough to warrant clipping, we will wait until it does or he is old enough to decide for himself if he wants it clipped. Right now, he doesn't want to do it because he thinks it will hurt (probably rightfully so) but if he changes his mind, that will be his choice. For your older children, I would bring it up with their dentist. Have them look and see if it may cause future problems or if something you just considered to be a normal part of childhood is actually something that can be helped with clipping mouth ties.
  20. For the first year or two after my messy divorce, I couldn't sleep at all. Even when I did sleep, it was so light due to hypervigilance and stress that a pin drop would wake me up. After we moved over 8 hours away from where my ex lives, I think I finally felt safe enough to sleep. My body took full advantage of it and I slept more than I ever have in my life. I was so tired all. the. time. It felt like I did nothing but sleep for about 6 months. Seriously, I was sleeping around 16 hours a day on average at that point. I couldn't keep my eyes open to save my life for those 6 months. Since then, I still don't sleep normally due to (formally diagnosed) PTSD (which mostly stems from my first marriage/divorce). Some of my sleep issues are due to nightmares, intrusive thoughts and anxiety. The rest of the time, it is just abnormal sleep and wake cycling. I read somewhere that some crazy high amount of people with PTSD, like 85 - 90%, have trouble with abnormal sleep wake cycling in addition to things like nightmares that interfere with sleep. I've tried things like melatonin and OTC sleep aids but none of it worked for me. I have a prescription for klonopin that I call my "dreamless sleep pills". I don't take them very often because I'm afraid of becoming too reliant on them (probably silly but PTSD does silly things to the brain) but when I absolutely need to sleep or my anxiety is getting dangerously high, they work like a charm. They knock me out cold for 6 - 8 hours or more depending on the situation. My doctor is fine with me taking them every night if I need to but like I said, I worry about dependency/addiction so I take them as needed which my doctor is also fine with.
  21. Doubtful on the smell. I think all hypoallergenic formula smells a bit weird though. Since you don't have to deal with WIC to get formula, you could just see what is available to you locally and try a brand and see what Nectarine tolerates best. Ordering sounds good in theory but with supply chain issues running rampant, especially with infant formula, you might want to see what you can get close to home.
  22. Ds that had dysphagia had to have Nutrimigen. As I understand it, the milk protein is super broken down until it almost isn't milk anymore. I smells horrible, like old mac and cheese we joked lol, but it was the only formula ds could tolerate.
  23. Not if it's a murder suicide. They would likely go to the state until it can be decided which family member can take them. If he just killed her, then yes, they would automatically go to him most likely.
  24. Courts do not give out emergency protective orders at the drop of a hat! Many, many more requests for them are denied than are given. She obviously had evidence enough to persuade a judge to give her one because the judge believed she really was in danger! I just cannot emphasize enough how lucky she was to have enough of the right kind of evidence to get an EPO! They are HARD to get even in the worst situations. I received an EPO but it only included me, not the kids, because he threatened to kill me but didn't directly threaten to kill the kids too. It was just implied. I was (hell I still am over 10 years later) terrified of him and what he will do to get his way. Did I love him? Yes at one time I thought I did. Did I want a divorce? No, I wanted him to change and be the person I knew he could be all the time. It has taken YEARS of therapy for me to get to the point I am now where I can look back at it all and say, "I didn't actually love him, I loved who I wanted him to be and our messy, nasty divorce is truly the best decision I could have made even if it didn't work out the way I hoped it would." Oh and when I did finally escape my ex but before the divorce, I tried to go to my own father for support. He told me I f'ed up leaving my abusive (now ex) husband and that I should go back to him and ask for forgiveness because I didn't realize how good I had it since (now ex) husband "allowed" me to be a SAHM. Still shaking my head over that one. I left his house the next day and haven't spoken to him since. All this to say, I understand how crazy and insane things get in these situation but do not believe for even a second that this situation such as it is can be this easily fixed. This is just the calm before the storm.
  25. If you look or feel under your own tongue, there is a bit of skin that attaches the tongue to the bottom of your mouth behind your teeth. When someone is tongue tied, this piece of skin is too short or too tight to allow proper movement and positioning of the tongue. In extreme cases, they cannot stick their tongue out at all. All babies have a "tongue thrust" reflex when they are less than 6 months old. It the babies can stick out their tongue when something is pressed to their lips (like when they are refusing a bottle) then they probably aren't tongue tied. At least not severely enough to interfere with infant feeding. My ds for instance is tongue tied but only slightly which is how it was missed for 10 years. There is also lip tied where it is the same thing but the lips are tied to the gums and make it difficult for the baby to flare their lips properly to suckle. Both conditions can be identified by a doctor or the LC. They should have checked at birth but it is easily missed.
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