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Everything posted by LadyR

  1. Dd did MUS up until, and including, pre-algebra. There she hit a wall. Used Lial a couple years and then hit another wall. We had to backtrack a bit using TT and now she is understanding it. So far.
  2. My dd had Lyme disease about 8 years ago when she was 8 years old. We never saw a tick. She had a high fever for at least a week with no other symptoms. Her pediatrician said it was viral and to just wait it out. Then after a week or so she developed red circles all over her body - and they were expanding. Took her back to the doctor's office and two pediatricians told me she had hives and to just give her benadryl. I knew something was not right. I went home and called my dermatologist and got my dd in right away. She took one look at her and said "Lyme disease". She had her tested and the results were "sky high" for Lyme disease. Three weeks of antibiotics - can't remember which one. Thankfully, she's fine now. (We have a new pediatrician, by the way.)
  3. A layer of hummus on the tortilla. Then add shredded carrots, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and maybe some thin slices of avocado. A little lemon juice, salt, pepper and roll up. Yum. Oops, just noticed that you don't care for hummus. Hmmm. How about guacamole?
  4. We went through Level 8 but skipped all the writing Lessons since dd was using another writing program. Trying to remember...but we may have even spread the grammar over 2 years for that level.
  5. Hmmm. Anyone else have any information on how these new generic cd's might be different from the older ones? Do you feel that the older ones would be better to use with BJU chemistry or are these newer ones just as good?
  6. I wish it was for 9 months! It was just 1 dose each. Add in the exam, Lyme test, a couple of booster shots, bio-hazard fee, eye flourescein stain and meds and the cost gets up there. It was also suggested I start taking her twice a year because she is getting older. I thought I could save money by skipping this year's exam since she doesn't need major shots; but even my husband, who just tolerates my dog, is telling me to make the vet appointment for her. Reminded me of the time our beloved goldfish got ick and needed medicine. Oh, the things we do for our pets.
  7. Anybody get their dog's medications online at Petmeds? Any problems? My dog needs her Heartguard and Frontline meds and I'm wondering if I can just buy them online and save some money. Also, she was given antibiotic eye drops last year for an eye infection. It looks like she needs the drops again and I see that Petmeds sells the exact same drops for half the price I paid at the vets. Would it be a bad thing to skip her annual exam (I think she was scheduled for another leptospirosis booster, no rabbies shot) and buy these three items online? Last year it was nearly $200 for her annual!!
  8. Thank you for the laugh! That was just priceless. Your blog is very enjoyable to read. Loved the part where you blow dry the chickens. :lol:
  9. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm not sure I have advice but just wanted you to know I can sympathize with you. Dd has trained in classical ballet for 10 years and we've had our share of up and downs. Just recently one of her beloved teachers pushed her too hard and since she had had a really, really bad week and was already on the verge of tears she broke down in class and asked to be excused. She stayed out the entire class saying she never would take his class again. After class her teacher sought her out, hugged her, and asked what HE did wrong. (I so much appreciated that.) They were able to talk about their misunderstandings and everything was back to normal. Other times over the years I've had to choose my battles. Sometimes a good teacher has a really bad day and ends up taking it out on the kids. I can overlook that occasionally, but if a teacher was consistently harsh on my dd then I would need to say something. We are so fortunate to be in a school where the administrator puts the STUDENTS first. Dd has taken classes at a school where the teachers pit the students against each other and think that ridiculing the students will somehow make them better dancers. I just don't get that. I think you should, at the very least, make yourself very visible during your dd's remaining ballet classes. It might help your dd to know if she has your permission to excuse herself from class if things get too difficult for her. She could say to her teacher "my mom wants me". Maybe there is another classical ballet school in your area that you may have overlooked? We are in a very small school that not many know about but it has the best training in the area - even compared to our city's ballet company school. On the other hand, if you are already in a good school with good teachers and it's just that one you are having problems with, maybe it's worth it to stay and try for that meeting. I would be concerned that the admin is saying she doesn't believe your dd. Keep us posted. Hope all turns out well.
  10. I went to one baby shower where each person was given a raffle ticket as they came into the room (you can purchase a roll at a party store). At various times during the shower the mom-to-be was asked to pull out a ticket from a basket and read the number. The guest who had the matching ticket won a small prize (prizes included things like a small picture frame, scented body lotion, pretty stationery, etc.) I think they gave away about 5 prizes. All the guests were given party favors so everyone received something, but the prize giveaway was fun.
  11. 1. For those who have used the DIVE cd's for BJU chemistry, did you feel it was more work for the student on top of an already challenging program or did you feel that the DIVE cd's helped to manage the course and give direction that made it seem less overwhelming? 2. Can the DIVE cd's be used for either 2nd or 3rd edition of BJU Chemistry?
  12. I have a king-size Deluxe Tempur-pedic mattress. I love it. I can sleep on my back without feeling pain in my lower back. I can sleep on my side without feeling pain in my shoulder. There are many different kinds of Tempur-pedic mattresses - some more luxurious, some more firm and dense. The mattress is deceivingly squishy if you just sit on the edge or press your hand into it. It is really quite firm, yet conforming, and is always supporting no matter which position you sleep. It's best to spend some time lying on the mattresses in the store to decide which style is right for you. I think Sealy also has a foam mattress and may be less expensive than the Tempur-pedic.
  13. Just yesterday we had a pit bull show up on my backyard deck. My own dog happened to be stuck under the deck or else she would have gone after it - probably a good thing she was stuck. I was very surprised that the pit bull left my dog alone - it even went under the deck. I called the animal control officer but it was gone by the time she arrived. I'm afraid to let my kids play in the yard. I am praying for the finances to buy a fence.
  14. Oooooh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Nutella!!! Especially on fruit. But I prefer to eat it right out of the jar. :001_smile:
  15. Our pediatrician says never, never, never purposefully expose children to diseases. He had one mother who exposed her baby to chicken pox and the baby died. (This was a baby - not an older child.) Deaths are rare, but still. I wouldn't do it.
  16. Can someone give me the correct pronunciation of some of Orion's stars? I'm getting different info from Google. Betelgeuse Alnitak Alnilam Mintaka Saiph Rigel Thanks!!
  17. My dd came down with a fever exactly 2 weeks ago. It lasted nearly a week. It spiked at 103.? but was mostly low grade for the rest of the week. Her other symptoms were congestion, post nasal drip, aches, sore throat, upset stomach, fatigue and loss of appetite. She lost several pounds. The symptoms mostly were gone after a week, but the fatigue has not gone away. She is sleeping about 12 hours a night and still taking naps during the day and feels tired and a bit dizzy when she's awake. Is this normal after the flu? It just seems to be going on too long.
  18. Olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic powder OR olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and raw pumpkin seeds. These are my two favorites.
  19. Can I ask what brands of humidifiers you are using? Cool mist or warm mist? I bought one at Target but it is very loud on the high setting and doesn't work that great on the low setting.
  20. When I was a teen I traveled with my best friend and her parents. We laughed at her mother for bringing the Lysol spray to disinfect the hotel room. Then several years ago I watched a report on some news program (maybe Primetime or something like that) that showed some pretty disgusting video of what they found on hotel room walls, bedspreads, chairs, etc: body fluids. Yuck!!!!!!!! Now I bring disinfectant wipes and wipe the remote control, door handles, phone, light switches, etc. We all wear shoes or slipper socks and we wear flip flops in the shower. We don't sit on the bedspread but pull it down out of the way. I don't use the glasses or coffeemaker.
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