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Everything posted by tdeveson

  1. I know! I got an email from our library. Mind you, I live in South Florida most of the year, so I'll only use it sporadically, but I love it!
  2. I don't know about H1N1, but I was prescribed Tamiflu years ago when it first came out and it did exactly nothing for me. Instead of seven days of the flu, it cut it down to just one week. :glare:
  3. We are going to read The Man in the Iron Mask for history. What version do you recommend for a fifth grader who is reading at grade level? I know he'd love something with colorful illustrations, if there is one. TIA.:bigear:
  4. I'm sorry your friend is going through hard times. She is in my thoughts.
  5. Same here. If she's grossed out, invite her to shave. It's not a big deal like when we were girls (waaaay back when). With a little help from you, she won't have any nicks or cuts. She's really too young for waxes or chemicals. I'd let her shave until she's old enough to wax. Another alternative is laser. I had it and it kept me hair free for five years. I have very manageable thin, light hairs now. It works best on light skin with dark hair. It's expensive, but I've seen home units on Amazon that purport to be good. I probably wouldn't go there unless I heard good reviews from someone trusted.
  6. Point taken. Myths are good. Joseph Campbell said, "Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths." They're certainly part of our human discourse and our collective wisdom. I just don't want them confused with science. Not the same thing.
  7. Dian, Thank you for the great review. That was very helpful. I'm waiting for the 5/6 package to come. Can't wait! I'll post as soon as I get them and have a chance to review them.
  8. :ack2: I had no idea! I'm so glad I ran into this thread before we break out our frog kit this year.
  9. Oh, yes. This gives me very, very bad vibes. Yes!
  10. I'd just walk up to him when he's alone and very gently with a smile on my face tell him, "I'm watching you like a hawk. Stay away from my child." And just walk away.
  11. Intelligent design is a myth based on an old compilation of books written by uneducated bronze age people who had to explain their universe somehow. Evolution is a theory based on evidence, research and data by modern, educated people who do not have an agenda, and wish only to know the truth of our origins without having old mythology inserted into the formula. You can spin ID any way you want, but you can never call it science.
  12. That's ok. My tax dollars are supporting the public services for your church which does not pay any despite leveraging a HUGE amount of political clout. Every dime you put into that basket on Sunday is tax free. They can then turn that tax free money into lobbying to promote their agenda. Screams double dipping. As to why children should not also be taught intelligent design in public schools, it's for the same reason they are not taught astrology and numerology. Schools are for education, not religious indoctrination. That's what your tax-free church is for.
  13. Oh, you gave me a good giggle before going to bed. Thank you. :)
  14. You should read this thread before you buy. It may or may not make a difference to you. An informed customer is a happy customer. ;)
  15. This post and some of the comments about the things we do to get our funding for homeschooling made me think. I'd love it if we had a forum to exchange goods and services. Darn right I'd buy from a homeschooling mom before I went to a corporate store! The same for services. I wonder if there is such a forum, or even, if we could have one here... just my mind rambling, shell-shocked after teaching all day. ;)
  16. Do you get provincial funding for homeschooling in Canada? Because you get exactly nothing in the states after you pay huge school taxes on your home. That's always bugged me. Maybe if they actually did a good job with the money I wouldn't mind, but schools here in the U.S.... they're not for everyone, believe me.
  17. I teach from the big bang to the first appearance of homo sapiens in science. This includes all our ancestors after our branch separated from the other primates. Once I get to homo sapiens, I teach it as history, or more properly, as anthropology/archeology tucked into our history lessons. I teach it the year I teach the Ancients and tuck in the information before we get to the nomads.
  18. I won't abandon the work I began this year. Lots of people are counting on it. I won't ever use it again. But don't worry. I'll come up with something equally delicious for science next year. :)
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