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Everything posted by tdeveson

  1. She is so full of it. She needs a subscription to Nature Magazine and she needs to bring her information up to speed. Not only are there viable theories, they have been creating functional proteins AND dna-like structures in the lab from chemical precursors for at least six months to a year. And not just in one lab. In several. She's going to need a new argument to shore up her belief in evolution. But she won't have any trouble -- these people are a moving target. Prove them wrong and they'll have a new argument tomorrow. I'm sorry, that's not science.
  2. He was also wrong about the only thing he brought god into. He said "god doesn't play dice with the universe," about quantum mechanics. Yet we now know he missed the bus on that one. Because he held on to his magical belief in god, he was unable to see the truth. Just my opinion, but a scientist who posits god first, is incapable of true scientific inquiry. For that you need an open mind and the ability to accept data on its face, whether or not it fits in with your world view. You cannot be a scientist and be in it to support your pre-existing views simultaneously. Just mho. I have absolutely zero quarrel with people of faith. I have a quarrel with people of faith who try to pass off their beliefs in the supernatural as science.
  3. Yes, the conventional wisdom is that hypertension doesn't have any signs. That's not true. Ask me how I know. Get your BP checked and talk to your health care provider. He or she will help you figure out where the headaches are coming from and the best way to deal with them. It could be something as simple as tension or hormonal issues. Also, there is one quick fix for getting rid of a headache. Ladies, cover your eyes. {{{ have sex }}} Yeah, I know you've got a headache! :) But it really works.
  4. Happy Birthday, Emily! They grow too fast. You do everything you can to help them grow strong and independent, then they do... :( My oldest baby (27) is now grown and independent. She's sitting at the dining room table today teaching her brother (10). Where did my baby girl go? She's a grown woman now. I'm so hapy/sad.
  5. Thank you! I needed that reminder today.:grouphug: Your new daughter is a very fortunate little girl. Blessings to your family.
  6. We're using History Odyssey for the first time this year. We did the first rotation using only SOTW and the AG. This year we're in fifth grade and we needed to flesh it out, so I downloaded the free trial lessons from Odyssey to see if it worked for us. It has. It suggests using several books, including SOTW. You don't have to use them all. All I use is SOTW, the Usborne Encyclopedia of World History, and a time line I created. We're also checking out some of the extra books suggested just for fun reading. I recommend the History Odyssey. We're loving it.
  7. We listen mostly in the car and at bedtime, although we do listen to SOTW on the iPod during lessons. In our case, ds also looks like he has immediately tuned out. He walks around, picks things up, draws, etc. But if I ask him what he just heard, he knows everything and is able to discuss it. So even though at first I thought he was tuning out -- sure l:blink::blink:ked like he was tuning out -- he was listening and understanding everything. You can never tell with the little nosepickers. :tongue_smilie:
  8. I see people describing their children as one or the other. I myself describe my son as a visual learner because he enjoys colorful pages and videos for learning, and he refuses to work on cramped black and white pages. I literally have to retype most of the exercises on JAG because the pages are so cramped. I'm assuming he's a visual learner. On the other hand, he loves listening to books on his iPod. Does that make him an auditory learner? Last, he's a wiggly boy, as many little boys tend to be. If he's moving around, handling things, he can often concentrate a bit better (although sometimes it just takes his attention away). So how do you decide which best describes your child? And then what do you do about it? I've read a book or two on this, but it seems terribly subjective. I'd love to learn more about this from the experienced mommas on this forum. :bigear:
  9. You got a lot done! I remember those days. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." :grouphug:
  10. This is what's coming out of Dr. Keller's Gravitas Press on that forum. She's asking people to get the word out so Dr. Keller will be invited to speak at different places about... "Fighting the Culture War: Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design": In this seminar I describe the two main worldviews behind the culture war, the politics behind them, and the impact each has on our lives and on our effectiveness as Christians, outlining a strategy for Christians who want to successfully engage in fighting the culture war. "Reclaiming Science for God": What does science really say and not say? What is the new data, and what does it mean? In this seminar I will discuss how the average Christian can understand the implications and results that have emerged from scientific laboratories over the last 30 years, how Christians can use this information to battle for the Gospel in the marketplace of ideas and how we can get the next generation of Christian kids to reclaim science for God." I just don't see myself ever putting a dime in this woman's pocket ever again. She's no scientist. I find this kind of duplicitous behavior sneaky and disgusting. Is this a Christian value? I thought Christians were supposed to be honest. (I'm not judging all Christians by her -- I'm just wondering what kind of moral ascendancy she has with this kind of behavior.)
  11. No, the housekeeper isn't skimming. ;) The bill also includes cleaning supplies, which makes up a big portion of the bill. There are liquids for cleaning this and powders for cleaning that, and dog food and cat food, and wild bird food. I guess we could save on meats. We have seafood three times a week -- that adds up. I should tease out what is people food and what is "other."
  12. My housekeeper has always done all my grocery shopping. I never look at the receipts. The other day she came in from the supermarket complaining bitterly about the price of things. I know prices have been going up, so I took the receipt and looked. I went like this :svengo:and dh went like this :eek:. We had no idea! My grocery bill is unbelievable. We're spending $2,500 a month for a family of 3 (plus our nanny who has lunch with us daily. We don't buy expensive, exotic foods. Just meat, vegetables, fruit, eggs and dairy and a minimum of processed foods (frozen, canned). I make my own desserts and ice cream, we don't eat chips and junk food. No idea what I'm going to cut. How the heck does one cut costs at the grocery store? My first thought is to cut meat consumption and eat more lentils and beans which are better for us anyway. Do coupons work? Are they worth the time and effort? Make my own bread? I can do that, but I'm not sure it's very cost effective. How do you keep your grocery bill under control?
  13. I've just ordered the whole kit for 5/6. I was finding RS4K way to light on content and depth. I had already come to this conclusion last year, but this year the colorful books sucked me in again. I should have trusted my first decision. :tongue_smilie: I'll post as soon as I receive them.
  14. If I may interject gently, Dr. Keller purports to sell secular books on her website, and in a different website she states that she hopes to convert atheists. In my opinion, that is duplicitous and would be sufficient for me to not want to do business with her. Her opinions would be irrelevant. Perhaps this is what some posters find objectionable.
  15. We had a nerf gun party recently. It was a Pizza/pool party and during play time ds passed out nerf guns and they all went outside and played Capture the Flag and just regular war games. The kids had a blast. Unfortunately, I lost a friend over it. She went completely postal because the kids were playing with guns and my sun (gasp!) pointed a gun at her. She said she was "scared" of him and she thought it was very unnatural and aggressive to play with guns. The kids had great fun. The old friend was too high maintenance. All turned out well. But I would check with all the moms to make sure it's ok for the kids to play with the nerf guns. Some people have very strong feelings about guns.
  16. This has always been the case for us. :( I rationalize my vegetable garden by reminding myself that my veggies are fresh and organic. That no emissions are being created by hauling my veggies around - (ok, ds is always creating "emissions" but those can't be helped.) I'm trying to find a way to make it more cost effective.
  17. We have a wood stove in our cottage in Canada. We live in South Florida, so when we arrive, we're SO READY for cool weather and a fire. The first winter we spent there, I was freaked out every night thinking my house would catch fire while we slept. Coming from an urban background in the deep south, it takes a while to realize that FIRE IN THE HOUSE is not always a bad thing. ;) I love the way it warms up the entire house, even though the stove is in the living room. It's a pretty open plan. We sleep with the bedroom doors open and the rooms are warm and cozy all night. Like the pp, we also have a mill across the lake and we get the edges (I guess they all do that). Three years ago we bought a cord of wood. Part of it is still in the woodshed since we're only there weeks at a time. Now that I'm not askeerd that the house is going to catch fire, I love my wood stove. We never turn on the electric heat.
  18. Why give kids a tetanus shot if they aren't hurt? I've always known people give their kids tetanus shots preemptively. I never have. Is there a reason why it's better to give the shot before they need them? Also, it seems like an awfully painful shot to give someone when the disease itself can't kill you anymore. I can see getting a tetanus shot if a kid gets a deep wound -- why take a chance. Can anyone clear this up for me?
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