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Everything posted by Murphy101

  1. People. Seriously. I’m the last to judge about commuting. Or trade school. Or CC. I’ve done them all with my kids. But, imnsho, for my area, commutting only works when it’s a short commute. All my kids commute!! We can’t afford dorms! A 2 hour a day commute is not likely to bode well for his outcome there. If nothing else, bc that’s 2 hours or more a day he can’t study, work, or be in class. I could be wrong and should they take this route, I sincerely hope I end up wrong. But I wouldn’t think the odds in his favor, and I would rather he stack as many odds in his favor for success as possible.
  2. It may help to know, woolysocks, that I agree with you 100%. Im not demeaning other avenues of education. I know exactly what resources are available to her son because she lives less than 2 hours from me. And one of my sons went to the same trade school she mentions. (Though it was several years earlier.) My advice wasn’t based on a general opinion of all online or commuter situations, but of what is available in my area. I’ve been there. In fact, scarlet, does your son know that he can transfer some of his tech school classes to the state university towards an applied science degree?
  3. Define serious? I’m kinda okay with serious imposing on people who KNOW they live with someone unhinged and thinks it’s okay to stockpile an arsenal for that person to access. But some of my suggestions might have helped. If nothing else, it might have reduced how much he had access to by limiting how much she could afford to get permitted for and how quickly she could get permitted for all of that. Listen. It’s insane to keep doing something and expecting a different result. Doing nothing doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe we should try some of these entirely reasonable things that might reduce the problems.
  4. Make it 10 years and I’d take that deal. Yes. The devil is in the details. But we have to start somewhere. That’s how actual policy is actually made. Someone A puts forth some possible solutions. Someone B puts forth a counter solution. Someone A takes that and considers how to work with it and recounters. This everyone just yapping about policital parties and screaming about guns doesn’t seem to be working. So maybe we should try something new. Like genuine policy making efforts.
  5. Okay. That’s just ridiculous. Yes murder is illegal but that’s doesnt mean we don’t have laws to make various means of doing so more difficult. There’s nothing to stop someone from taking a plane or truck and slamming it into buildings/people. Or making bombs out of fertilizer. But we sure as hell can and do make it a lot harder for those things to happen. And for the most part, without undo hardship on people in general.
  6. One thing might be that home owner insurance have to notified of permit holders. They shouldn’t be allowed to refuse coverage, but they could charge a higher fee for it and offer discounts for safety measures like safes. I’m not suggesting I have all the answers. But to act like there is no possible way is ridiculous. There’s many reasonable things we could do to make this safer without needing to ban anything or demonize anyone. The biggest problem is money. That’s one reason I suggest the courses, permits and taxes. It should be onerous. But we need those funds to have staff to do background checks, give courses and such. Money to implement sound policy on anything is a problem these days.
  7. Sure. I’m simply saying there are various laws that could be implemented or made for gun inheritance to deal with this issue. It’s really not that terribly complicated. Inheriting something doesn’t mean one has no obligations to fulfill in order to keep that something. If I inherit a house, I have to deal with the property and pay taxes on it or what all else. So it’s not like inheriting something obsolves the state of any ability to legislate how it may be kept.
  8. I’m not for making access to a gun they lawfully own difficult. To many, the entire point of owning a gun to feel safe disappears if access is difficult. But again, we could incentivize safes. Making the use of them a part of the training courses. Especially with children in the home. Offer discounts on permits if they have a safe. There’s many ways we could incentivize good gun practices, same as we incentivize good driving or other hazardous activities.
  9. What about inheritance? Just because it’s inheritated doesn’t mean there aren’t requirements. I could inherit a car and I still have to pay for a title transfer. Even if I never drive it. And it wouldn’t stop everything. But it could hamper some. And though it wouldn’t have stopped sandy hook, it might have reduce how much ammo or guns he had access to. Bc a permit per gun and for ammo for his mom would have limited her stash for him to access.
  10. I get so frustrated by these threads. People say what can we do?! Pro gun people (like me) say they’d be okay with these changes and lists several possible options. If I’m lucky, I get one response. Maybe two. It makes me think no one actually cares about discussing change near as much as they care about nipping at each other. So that’s why nothing changes and I sometimes wonder why bother. And why this will probably happen again.
  11. Which is why I prefaced with idk what to do bc this country doesn’t even treat mental health care. But at the least, for those who have any kind of felony or have any kind of violent offense documented, regardless of mental illness factor, a background check should bar them from legally buying a gun.
  12. I don’t think commuter classes work unless it’s a very short commute. They don’t get any of the energizing from fellow classmates interested in the same thing. They can’t participate in before, between, after school study session or social activities. They miss many last minute opportunities. They just don’t get as connected. And if they don’t connect, they don’t invest. And if they don’t invest time and energy and heart to it, they probably won’t get much out of it. Said as a mom who does value the variety of education options while seeing that they aren’t all equal. Choose wisely and know thy child/student’s needs well.
  13. We were impressed with the gun permit course here. But it varies so much by state. A better job of what should be covered would be good in other states. There is stockpile for hunting and to have plenty on hand. And then there is psycho stockpiling for Armageddon. There could be a very liberal per season ammo limit that could easily accommodate hunting for main food source and still not be an Armageddon quantity.
  14. My pov We don't enforce the laws we have. I'm all for starting at that point. I think a gun safety program and gun laws course should be required to get a permit. I think a background check should be required to get a permit. And that anyone with a felony of any kind or a violent offense of any kind - should not be given a permit. I think those who sell or give a gun to someone who does not have a permit or who fail to properly attain the permit - should be prosecuted as an accessory to any crime committed with that gun. I think they should have to do that for EVERY gun purchase. A 30 day permit turn around wouldn't hurt. No one NEEDS to buy a gun right now this very second or else. They can wait 30 days to get their permit/gun. I think they should give financial incentive to register permits. (Bc I'm iffy on requiring a listing of gun owners.) For example, if you don't register your permit then the cost is $200. But if you do register your permit, it's 50. A current gun permit should be required to buy ammo. And the permit could include an ammo limit per gun per season. Even a very liberal number of bullets and still not be what these mass killers are getting. Or a separate permit for ammo purchases. $50 for so many rounds bought in 4 months. $100 for so many more rounds. This would allow people to buy more during their favorite hunting season for example. And they could still stock pile, I suppose, but at considerable expense. Or instead of limited ammo permits. we could charge an ammo tax of say, .10 a bullet. Either way, the point is that it would be more expensive and thus their dollar wouldn't buy as much. I don't know what to do about mental illness. We don't even provide mental health care in this country, so I'm dubious about how to even decide who is unfit mentally. Most of the obvious would hopefully be covered under the proposed background check. Such as drug use, domestic violence, and other either felonious or violent crimes. But most people with mental illness aren't interested in hurting anyone.
  15. Being in person helps, but, seriously, he is going to need lots of coaching to be willing to stand out. Because they want to fit in and if they notice, and they do notice, that almost no one goes to study group or math lab or whatever - they will be hesitant to do it for fear of looking like the dumb kid or the teachers pet. But if they stick it out, they will quickly notice nearly all the returning students are students who did those things. All the kids who don't? They drop or fail their courses and don't come back. By the end of sophmore year, at a decent school, most of the students are pairing up for success and talking about when to study and who the most helpful teachers are.
  16. Well to be fair, most who take a gap year don't go back. And the general ed requirements are mostly the same everywhere, so there's no need to have a major set in stone yet even if he goes to college now. And, since we live in the same state, let me assure him that most of the students graduating high school here at not even getting a 25ACT. Now I don't think that's necessarily an indicator of smarts, but it's an indicator that he isn't as bad off academicly as he might think. Go to a college. Or even just the community college. Pick 3 classes of gen ed and one class for fun. Be active there. Make study groups. Go to social events. Failure is assured to those who don't even try, so go try it. ETA: The. biggest hurdle for many students is asking for help. Go to the math labs. Go to the study groups. See the professor during office hours for help. Those are not for the stupid kids. That's what the smart kids do. Drives me bonkers how many students just won't take advantage of all the help available to them bc of some misguided pride notion it will make them look stupid.
  17. The why didn’t someone in the church shoot him to stop him comments.... Maybe people making those comments should take a moment to consider that Gun owners don’t fit that stereotype Church goers don’t fit that stereotype Texans don’t fit that stereotype
  18. I have noticed this a lot lately. It's like someone thinks the only way women will be truely equal to men is if woman can emulate the worse men out there and get away with it just like men often did/do. This seems especially true in things that claim to portray "strong female characters" and it really irks me. Heck no to all of that.
  19. I agree. I don't think it's always scripted and I don't think it being scripted is okay either. Especially on a "reality" tv show, bc the implication is even strong that it's really okay. And yeah, the double standard of "cougars" is nauseating to me too. Nope. Not okay. Not acceptable.
  20. Wait. You think we don't still have those tropes on tv shows? I think we do. Everywhere. What I do like about these videos is that women viewing it might be given the encouragement that similiar situations are harsassment and that no, it is not just them, they aren't being too sensitive or confusing or anything else.
  21. I think men like that aren't going to get any of that from this video. They KNOW she isn't actually okay with it. Heck, in the boss one, she said she wasn't comfortable, so he ramps up the intimidation. He purposely blocks her from the exit until she convinces him that basicly she isn't going to rat him out. I'm really tired of the excuse that men are just too stupid and hormone driven and just need some woman-splaning to help them figure out they are committing assault and harassment. I think that's total BS. The photo shoot one? I think all that did was feed some sick fantasies for men and reenforce for women that they shouldn't expect anyone to speak up for them. Look guys! There was a whole crowd there that was okay with it, so even if it is harassment - well obviously people don't really care much. I don't think the type of men who do these things are the type of men who are going to view these videos and suddenly become enlightened.
  22. It really was nauseating. And that the majority of onlookers in the background were women. What the bleep. I both like these videos bc yes, these things do literally happen like that. But yet I hate these videos bc there’s nothing empowering about them. Every single woman laughed nervously or just looked politely confused or became very placating. In many (most?) cases, I think this is a defense mechanism to get away ASAP. Don’t risk making him angry, Kwim? But dammit. Kick the jerk in the nuts and tell him to shut the hell up. And also, basicly don’t ever be alone with a make coworker. Sorry guys. Bad apples exist. I’m. It saying I’m blaming women bc they didn’t do that. I’m saying we need to reach a point where women don’t have to avoid being alone with men or worry about needing to kick or flee. And to speak out for others. The photography one..... I kept waiting for anyone in that photo shoot to ask, “what the hell? Is this supposed to be your private porno? This isn’t okay or appropriate.â€
  23. Me either. My parents never treated anything unless it got terribly serious. I still get ear infections. Only one of my kids has ever had one. But I find mine are excruciating painful. It feels like someone is constantly knifing my eardrum. And the drops in the ear? Burns like salt in a wound. I don’t think antibiotics are for every sniffle, but I always fill antibiotics for ears.
  24. I think you should have poa, bc waiting until things are worse can be problematic since things can take a turn for the worse quicker than anticipated. But also you have to consider how far to take this. Are you willing to have a stranger (to their mind anyways) physically force bathing them? How stubborn are we talking here? I'd ask the staff what your options are and be sure you get details. The clothing might be less forceful, presuming they will change clothes to clean ones if the clothes are cleaned.
  25. The dr and the bartender are very well done. I can totally picture a woman in either situation feeling boy like she needs a hazmat shower and yet it "wasn't a big deal to complain about".
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