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Everything posted by momee

  1. Was reading Forbes (money management overload there! but I say smart girls read FORBES, lol) and saw this article. In it the author was quoting someone I thought you all might like to read...he said, ‘In my generation we earned a quarter, spent a dime and saved 15 cents,’ †recalls Pavini. †‘Your generation earns a quarter, spends a quarter and then borrows another quarter at 25% interest.’ †sooo true! Goals: DEBT FREE - I always fall for dumb credit offers (Costco rewards or 15% at Eddie Bauer, whatever) and end up back in debt even if small piddly stuff I hate paying them off. My mind is not correct in this but I think I have free money when I'm charging something and I always end up buying more than if I were paying cash. *I am for the first time in my life following a "sinking fund" - better known as saving for a rainy day in YNAB - budget in which I am really putting money aside for things like insurance deductible Christmas Auto repairs *I also did a meal plan and stayed under budget for groceries so far :) This is big, gals. "Changing the family tree" in terms of financial practices over here~~
  2. My students are high school age so they'd be all over this, I bet. https://asana.com/guide/videos/plan-your-day?utm_source=inproduct&utm_campaign=videobar
  3. I love that Redwood book. We're using it now with my non-mathy student. I wouldn't say it is easy. What I would say instead is that it is thorough. Something can be easy and shallow or it can be understandable and complete. We have not had one problem with the mathbook itself. The problem we had was that I handed it to my teen and she glanced over the material and attempted to do the problems. Saw that, rectified it by sitting with her EVERY day doing the lesson together (I think this is absolutely how their school does it - bad me for not doing so from beginning!) and she is getting it. She's confident and EVEN said math is probably her favorite subject, IF she had to pick something school related, lol. HTH.
  4. Folks could be using their higher level materials though, like City of God, Book of the Ancient Romans, Sir Gawain, Henry V, etc.
  5. I do. I have made the same realization I have come to every year. My kids aren't as self directed as I think they can be... I chose MP because of it's workbook focus but it is so much better than just workbooks ;) We are slowing down, doing alot more together and attempting to start the Iliad. I'm reserving judgement as to whether to use MP 8th for 9th grade (definitely enough to quantify a hs credit, I think) until the end of this year. If she soars doing more with me, we will probably stay with it. I plan on adding some literature and history through MP online though. We're doing SF Latin and HS comp II with her and big sis right now. If not staying with MP, I don't have any idea what we'll go to. I was pining away after TOG over Christmas break and dh reminded me how much work that was. Far more than what I'm doing now.
  6. What is old wives tales and what is truth is foggy in my mind. I'm washing hands, making kids wash hands, keep hands out of mouths, etc. However, we have one old person (the other old person is the one puking!) who insists he is sleeping with the sick one so why bother (is there a knock head smiley?)!!! Thanks for reaching into the bag of veggies and helping yourself after being in the room with the puking one and not bothering to wash your hands - ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Soooo...in my situation, how freaky can I get? He did wash hands AFTER I sternly asked him to do so explaining I know he can't help sleeping with her but he can help spreading it to the rest of us...but it's not instinctive for them (they are NOT hand washers on a healthy day, I constantly remind EVERYone to wash before they eat a meal so you know they aren't doing it before a snack). I've warned my kids upon threat of death, lol, to keep washing hands. I'm spraying everything with Lysol once he leaves the kitchen...but...he just dumped a new bag of oranges he had in his room into our family fruit bowl - ok - it is an orange so the peel will help - but really I'm getting paranoid. We're all going to be puking soon aren't we? I am not mean, I am not a freak normally but when you're talking about cleaning up throw up from 7 people a woman can get a bit head twitchy so give me a break :)
  7. I am using their 7th grade core and interested in how others who are further ahead of us are faring.
  8. I have some very old (8 years or so) transcript boot camp material and am looking for something more current. Please share if you have a favorite.
  9. I'll go first http://www.plantoeat.com/recipes/184243 This was really good with some Italian bruschetta for the bread wanters and a great salad. Kids and grandparent approved.
  10. Deleted because I am venting about something which none of us has direct control over. Said venting will lead to arguing and I'm too tired for that already this morning :) So off I go whistling a happy tune and plugging my ears to the roar that is frustration with government~~
  11. We just became friends on PTE :) my user name is different... but if you go there you can save this recipe - Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake The recipe is listed below. It's fancy - very very special - I made it for Christmas dinner and it really was the BEST dessert I have ever made! It is THAT.GOOD :) Requires some fancier chocolates and a springform pan but oh so worth it! INGREDIENTS Bottom Layer 6tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces, plus extra for greasing pan 7ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped fine (see note) 3/4teaspoon instant espresso powder 1 1/2teaspoons vanilla extract 4large eggs, separated pinch table salt 1/3cup packed (about 2 1/2 ounces) light brown sugar, crumbled with fingers to remove lumps Middle Layer 2tablespoons cocoa powder, preferably Dutch-processed 5tablespoons hot water 7ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped fine (see note) 1 1/2cups cold heavy cream 1tablespoon granulated sugar 1/8teaspoon table salt Top Layer 3/4teaspoon powdered gelatin 1tablespoon water 6ounces white chocolate chips (see note) 1 1/2cups cold heavy cream Shaved chocolate or cocoa powder for serving, optional (see note) INSTRUCTIONS 1. FOR THE BOTTOM LAYER: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Butter bottom and sides of 91/2-inch springform pan. Melt butter, chocolate, and espresso powder in large heatproof bowl set over saucepan filled with 1 inch of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth. Remove from heat and cool mixture slightly, about 5 minutes. Whisk in vanilla and egg yolks; set aside. 2. In stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, beat egg whites and salt at medium speed until frothy, about 30 seconds. Add half of brown sugar and beat until combined, about 15 seconds. Add remaining brown sugar and beat at high speed until soft peaks form when whisk is lifted, about 1 minute longer, scraping down sides halfway through. Using whisk, fold one-third of beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture to lighten. Using rubber spatula, fold in remaining egg whites until no white streaks remain. Carefully transfer batter to prepared springform pan, gently smoothing top with offset spatula. 3. Bake until cake has risen, is firm around edges, and center has just set but is still soft (center of cake will spring back after pressing gently with finger), 13 to 18 minutes. Transfer cake to wire rack to cool completely, about 1 hour. (Cake will collapse as it cools.) Do not remove cake from pan. 4. FOR THE MIDDLE LAYER: Combine cocoa powder and hot water in small bowl; set aside. Melt chocolate in large heatproof bowl set over saucepan filled with 1 inch of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth. Remove from heat and cool slightly, 2 to 5 minutes. 5. In clean bowl of stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, whip cream, granulated sugar, and salt at medium speed until mixture begins to thicken, about 30 seconds. Increase speed to high and whip until soft peaks form when whisk is lifted, 15 to 60 seconds. 6. Whisk cocoa powder mixture into melted chocolate until smooth. Using whisk, fold one-third of whipped cream into chocolate mixture to lighten. Using rubber spatula, fold in remaining whipped cream until no white streaks remain. Spoon mousse into springform pan over cooled cake and gently tap pan on counter 3 times to remove any large air bubbles; gently smooth top with offset spatula. Wipe inside edge of pan with damp cloth to remove any drips. Refrigerate cake at least 15 minutes while preparing top layer. 7. FOR THE TOP LAYER: In small bowl, sprinkle gelatin over water; let stand at least 5 minutes. Place white chocolate in medium bowl. Bring ½ cup cream to simmer in small saucepan over medium-high heat. Remove from heat; add gelatin mixture and stir until fully dissolved. Pour cream mixture over white chocolate and whisk until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth, about 30 seconds. Cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally, 5 to 8 minutes (mixture will thicken slightly). 8. In clean bowl of stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, whip remaining cup cream at medium speed until it begins to thicken, about 30 seconds. Increase speed to high and whip until soft peaks form when whisk is lifted, 15 to 60 seconds. Using whisk, fold one-third of whipped cream into white chocolate mixture to lighten. Using rubber spatula, fold remaining whipped cream into white chocolate mixture until no white streaks remain. Spoon white chocolate mousse into pan over middle layer. Smooth top with offset spatula. Return cake to refrigerator and chill until set, at least 2½ hours. 9. TO SERVE: If using, garnish top of cake with chocolate curls or dust with cocoa. Run thin knife between cake and side of springform pan; remove side of pan. Run cleaned knife along outside of cake to smooth sides. Cut into slices and serve.
  12. Time - it takes a while to make a healthy filling dish and Cost - it is expensive to make a healthy, filling dish Example... Stauffers lasagna and cheesy texas toast (not that we eat that...just in my mind it's a quick meal I personally daydream of serving on lazy days, lol) vs veggie vegan lasagna and a full salad - much more expensive and MUCH more time consuming Things with preservatives, fillers, and added sugars for taste are what I consider junk food. YMMV... I'm trying to stay away from alot of red meats, cheeses and breads. Leaves me with grass and beans, both of which no one likes! So I guess I should add taste. Everyone here (except dh and I) would be thrilled with take out chinese because it's filled with oils, sugar, fats etc. When I make a lentil soup it seems like there is some salivatory letdown that happens in the old folks and the kids. :)
  13. We're watching sugar - any ideas besides air popped popcorn and fruit/veggie tray that we could have after dinner? Everyone has the munchies and looking at me for a solution :)
  14. I have the same attitude. I just read Isaiah 29:13 about not being devoted to God. Trying desperately to be a Mary - not Martha. To teach from a "state of rest". Lol. Then I remembered my task as mom/teacher is to help bring these kids up in the nurture and training/admonition of the Lord. Gave me a quick attitude adjustment. One kid sick, one kid avoiding me in the bedroom and one laying on the floor playing. No one of us instinctively wants to do hard work. So off I go to prod, cajole, tease kids with the pleasures of education that's so good for them (and me). Hanging to Galatians verse of the year for last year - maybe it needs to be my verse again as I haven't really soaked it in yet... Do not grow weary in doing good for you will reap a harvest in due time if you do not give up.
  15. MP uses a strange program for their schedules. I know that because I've asked them if I could have a digital copy to manipulate (we were doing a different form of Latin than what came with our core). They weren't able to share a file that could be manipulated because of that particular program. I asked for and got a digital download, I just wasn't able to change the data inside of it. I agree...having used the lesson plans for 2 years now, they are very clear to understand. I'm thinking of toying with my 7th grade core as we are doing quite a few add in subjects and the lesson plans are a bit off for us.
  16. "and yes, I should enter everything in manually as I spend it. Won't happen. Also, hubby is spending money, lots of bills are on autopay, etc. I want to check it everyday or so, assign transactions to envelopes, etc. but don't want to type each one it. " Just bumping this because this is the thing that changed our spending habits and made me more aware of how we use the "tool" called money than anything else we've ever done. Don't know what you decided on but if you have some free time you may want to read about the "rules" of YNAB and why it is so important to know where your money is going instead of just reacting to where it has gone. With the method above, your spending is controlling you. With YNAB's budgeting system, in all due respect, I have to concur with their opinion, YOU are actually the one controlling your money. Every dollar has a plan. Sorry to bring up something that may have been resolved for you but if you haven't found a solution, you may want to reconsider. (I wasn't trolling for someone to bother, lol, I was searching for posts about YNAB to see if others have been using it here and trying to glean some new ideas/tools about financial management and came across your post. When I saw it had no responses, I thought I might be of help, if not, feel free to ignore :)
  17. "I disagree that the lower level guides only ask comprehension questions; I distinctly remember having fairly long discussions with my oldest during her reading of Robin Hood on whether his actions were right or wrong and requiring her to justify and support her position." Same feeling here. I think the guides have been very beneficial and you know, it is good for kids to learn to do some worksheets. We come from discussion based history programs and I can tell you it requires some new skills to sit down and make a well worded response. (a skill which you can see by my responses I'm not well trained in)
  18. It is beautiful, delightful and organized :) This can work for you or be a detriment depending on what you're looking for. Don't let the prettiness derail you from what you're trying to accomplish. My best advice is to think hard about what are your goals for this particular student. I needed to instill discipline, good work ethic, and learning to follow a schedule independently. MP helped us get there! After two years though, I'm finding some subjects a bit - "workbookish" so we're going to try switching up a bit and see how that works. Yes, the grammar is great but only because we're also doing latin alongside of it. Yes the lit guides are good but beware of the tendency to just assign workbook pages - that can make the schoolwork become monotonous. What about the science and history? history is definitely workbookish - no biographical fiction really and a far far cry from something like TOG or SL in the reading assignments and the way they check comprehension. I'm not thrilled with the science after the very schoolish type work required with Apologia. I think it is very, very light. That said, there is a fantastic looking physical science online class through MP that we will try next year. Anyone order the total pkg and have good or bad to say about it? We are real life whole package users for 2 years now. MP met my desire to instill the skill of learning to follow a daily schedule, get her "caught up" in some of the basics, and has allowed me to do alot of other things personally that needed to be done in my day besides school (in an ideal world I would sit for hours and teach but tis not to be right now). I would say the good/best thing has been the materials being on hand, it includes a schedule that is easy for students to be independent, and many subjects can be supplemented by using online classes or DVDs. Downsides? Can be (but does not have to be, with input from me her day is much more enjoyable) a temptation to push books at a kid because it is self directed. This can be a good thing, such as in my case, though. Also if you have a school resistant kid this can actually work in their benefit. In/out learning. No endless bunny trails, no fluff. There are direct assignments that allow them to gain success if they just do the work and they easily see each day what is left to complete AND each lesson is clear in what is required. I'm all over the place here because I've got kids in my space and construction project noise happening. I would say go for it if for nothing else than satisfying the curiosity. I looked at their things for quite a while and wish I'd made the move sooner. What I would say to you specifically given this comment... "I am kinda using a mish mash of curriculum( I already had or could get cheap )this year because funds were tight last year. This year I will actually be able to buy what I would like, within reason of course!" is that MP gave me a clear vision for what worked for us personally and what doesn't. Latin? I need an online instructor - that is not for me to teach. Math? I need! to sit beside my student almost every problem right now and she needs a solutions guide and lots of patience and that means the schedule falls by the side until she gets caught up. That has to be ok~she needs extra time. So what if the schedule gets out of whack regarding math? They are a fantastic company and have very rigorous expectations of each grade level. My 1st grader is doing spectacularly with work and I believe it is because of MP materials for K and 1st. My 8th grader may or may not continue next year. I see her wanting to branch out to a different style of learning for some subjects. Best to you as you discern what your kids need. That's not easy. Any way I can be of further help, just ask. Hope this helps.
  19. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60134049/ we use something like this
  20. With a description like book hugger that is saying something! Good for you!!!
  21. I would just like to share how this challenge is already helping me... DH and I took a day trip to a very large city. We could have shopped at expensive stores and ate at any number of restaurants. He took the day to do some side work and I just sat with him, enjoying the quiet and beauty of some very nice homes we visited. We chose to do that instead of buying stuff I really didn't need and eating outrageously expensive food that provides a fleeting pleasure (but adds to the waistline). We ordered simply at a very nice restaurant on the way home and window shopped a couple of surrounding stores. I did stop at our favorite fancy french cafe and brought home $30 worth of goodies for the family. All totaled under $150 including gas and dh made more than that in sidework. YAY! One more positive to mention = no post shopping guilt, no more STUFF to find a place for and I had a very quiet, restful, reflective day instead of one spent bargain/window/post Christmas sale shopping. The whole day would have been different for me were I not in a "no-new" mindset so thanks, ladies.
  22. Ok so if I stay, what are the rules again? And do we just keep posting here regularly about what we do end up spending, or share the success when we decline a purchase? I just want to know the parameters before I commit because I'm starting to sweat. Just kidding.
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