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Everything posted by momee

  1. I'm doing the K version with my first grader because she hadn't had any art other than coloring books. We just love it. Affordable, quality materials if you order through their suggested resource, and the projects are just adorable. I keep record of them by using the app = Artkive. Simply click and take photo. Can even share with Daddy while he is at work ;) Wanted to post because I was always looking for an art program we would actually DO and this is it. By far our best option in a busy household with a younger who tends to get overlooked at times in this subject.
  2. I'm canceling both because I can't take my 6 yo looking at them anymore! Man, seriously I can't take looking at them anymore! So many are provocative, violent and some are just.plain.disgusting.
  3. I've never had anyone clean my house and I've been married 22 years. There are many, many new things I could learn. There are many, many times we've had people over and I've watched a cobweb blow in the breeze, lol. So what? I do the best I can each day. No one has higher expectations of me than I do :( Learning to care for my own home has been a GREAT gift - not easy - but a gift. Just today I spent two hours on my hands and knees cleaning the tile floor grout for the first time since we moved in 22 years ago... never even knew that was an option, lol. I went to our local sanitary supply store and bought a Bona wood floor system and this grout cleaner. Turns out I've been doing my wood floors all wrong - water is not a friend of wood :) supposedly...but hey, now I know. Trying to say just do what you think is right. Learn a bit at a time and take joy in knowing it is yours. Learn WITH those 5 kids...I posted before about the blessing in teaching kids self care and housekeeping. What better way to spend some time than all of you blessing Daddy by learning a new way to care for the house he's at work all day helping pay for. My 2 cs anyway...hope it helps, if not, toss out with the bathwater :)
  4. "It's my experience, at least in my neck of the southern woods, that when asked politely, gentlemen rarely (if ever) decline a request from a lady. They like to be helpful. " Absolutely the case. These men are true southern gentlemen - I honestly don't know that they realized. The one on the roof did me in, though. After asking my builder, I got a "I was going to do so" text and there was a sign on the front door that afternoon. I call that a great response to my need. He has been like this from day one. Never an unanswered text and if he doesn't answer my phone call right away (even on a weekend) he is quick to call back within an hour. As far as the trash on job-site, I've thought about it and it seems to be more from the subs that come in and go out quickly. I have noticed quite a bit outside, they must figure it is a mess out there anyway with the dirt in heaps and spare lumber here and there...I dunno. However, like I said builder comes along each weekend and cleans everything. The everyday team that framed and hand built this home have been super. They even turn down the "man" station on the radio that talks "greasy lunch" trash as soon as my daughters and I come into the house - although that isn't often since they're working and we don't want to disturb. I was just torn on the validity of asking. Don't want to be too fussy. Off to get the donuts, lol.
  5. There is now a no smoking sign on the front door - along with my child's rendition of happy workmen working on our new house. I'll bring donuts Monday morning :)
  6. Ya'll have made me feel much better about asking but it's still like I'm being picky. It is my house and I am the boss :) however, I'm still a female around country boys and they might not take it well. Unless I bring donuts. Lots and lots of donuts. :coolgleamA:
  7. I do see tons of trash but our builder is always so great to come behind them and clean up every Friday. They're for the most part very conscientious. I don't know what happens when I'm not around but everyone ALWAYS shows great respect for me personally whenever I come around. Except the cigarette butts :) those find their way everywhere. Even on my roof!
  8. It's at drywall now and I've constantly noticed cigarette butts around our home site. Lately I've been finding them inside. I know we still have tons of chemicals and drywall dust and paint fumes to come but it. just. bugs. me. I don't smoke and can't handle the smell of cigarettes anymore. If I'm being fussy please just say so. I'd hate to appear pretentious to guys who are doing a fantastic job.
  9. That's teaching :) Provide opportunity and let her learn. Teaching doesn't always mean correcting :) Good for you, mom~! You didn't scream, hit her in the head or make her do it all over again. You used patience, wisdom and submitted to your hubby. I say you did perfectly~ and I've learned something myself.
  10. http://www.plantoeat.com/recipes/886689 My fave go to recipe to share with young moms on a budget looking to make a healthy meal. So easy, so good and super cheap :) Have fun - what a great ministry
  11. "Gosh, I'm beginning to think maybe I should take 3 months, train my girls to clean to my level (maybe wishful thinking ;)), and then pay them according to the tasks (not as much as a cleaning lady, though. Shhh. Don't tell.) They'll be here the next 8+ years, and I can nag them all I want to get it right and they can use my stuff." I just wanted to comment here having one child now married and three daughters behind... I feel like I want to shout this out - that's how important it is to me... The above statement is a BLESSING to those girls. NOT a curse. Don't let the world have you think for one moment that pouring into them for the future is a problem. They need to learn to work and work hard yes, but they also, definitely, need to learn to clean and care for a home and those who live in it. As a daughter of a woman who didn't teach self care or how to clean a house - these things are crucial. The lack of having them as ingrained habits affects me deeply - every day in ways I still haven't plumbed the depths of. (self esteem, being able to be hospitable, peaceable spirit in midst of daily life, etc.) I'm not blaming all those things on my mom, but having been taught habits and methods would be a blessing to me now in my own home. Just wanted to throw that out there, sometimes we think making our kids learn new things is a mound of work for them and not worth it. Yes, it is a mound of work but SO WORTH IT :) hope this encourages and not condemns
  12. I like Ruthie and Macey and Chloe and Birdie and Lacey \ not mythological, sorry. Just very, very southern :) All friends from Junior High lol
  13. I probably shouldn't ever pay someone to deep clean my house. "Deep clean" - to me, in all honesty, is a vague puffy dream that I'm not sure is even possible. If I were paying someone to do it I'd expect to come back home to new furniture, refinished hardwood floors and all new bathroom hardware. Everything would sparkle and there may even be fresh flowers on the table. :) Just kidding, kindof... Seriously though, I've never had someone fully clean my whole house. Some folks said you were being too picky, I don't think so at all. I hate that soft scrub residue... I have hired help giving them specific jobs as we went along. This way they were basically helping me clean to my level of "perfectionism" and I was then able to keep my finger on how thorough the job was done by all of us together. I paid them well but we only got the kitchen and living room done in a day. I should have had them back regularly, it worked nicely for all of us, they said they learned alot. I was clear with what I wanted at the forefront of any discussion though, very clear that I wanted help doing what I needed to do - getting through my list - and my list was thorough and we put it on a white board and crossed off each item as a celebration, lol. Worked for me at that stage of life though...I"m considering hiring my own daughters now, letting them earn spending money while secretly teaching them how to deep clean like I wish I was at their age. We're about to move and they need to see what has been neglected (behind the dryer!) and now is a good time to learn. I wasn't taught well when younger. Mom got mad, we rushed to keep her from hitting us. Not a good method. As I came into my own as a housewife, I learned too painfully how inept I was at cleaning. So I read old housekeeping books from the dusty corners of the library (the old, old ones no one ever checks out - not the flashy shiny ones). I'd get a new book each time I took the kids and learned to do things like make a bed the right way, air out a room and clean a window. Sadly, I don't think alot of people even know how to correctly clean. I have alot to learn myself, it's hard work.
  14. I agree, they are in style. My teen girls and adult daughter in law love them. Bright blue? Sounds fab~ What a sweet mom you have. Mine sent me a picture of myself at 16 in a Coors beer hat blowing out a candle, lol.
  15. And I just remembered she gave! me the tapeset for free- as in "here girl, you need this. Don't bother paying me. Just take it and learn all you can." You just never know how a kindness will reverberate through time :))))))
  16. Shelly Hendry God bless her, she must've thought I was a lost cause. I should find her in person somewhere and give her a hug~
  17. I found her. I won't say who it is because my original post sounds like I'm bashing her. I should have been more clear that I was trying to speak from where I was - not something she did wrong to make me feel bad. I was googling her and up came a bunch of bible verses on her google plus page. This was one...I'm posting because it was the same one I read as a devotional this morning and describes perfectly the mom I was before Christ and the mom now. I sing praises for the loss of anger and the rejection of dysfunction from my past. I hope this gives a younger mom who struggles with anger hope and joy in knowing that you aren't alone. Psalm 5:11 11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
  18. Looking for her because I'm looking for a specific word she used to describe getting angry with kids... I would have described her information as VERY legalistic as a new Christian. I remember feeling self conscious because I was wearing a sleeveless top even though it was my best and most tasteful outfit! Her booth was filled with lace and tea cups and everyone wore dresses and no makeup. Here I was saying bad words to her that I now realize were probably very offensive to her ears. One thing that has always stuck with me from my interaction with her though all those years ago (18 or so?)...was that it is not okay to lose it on your kids. New mindset for this daughter of a single alcoholic mom. How my anger toward them was devastating and there was a much better way to parent. I'm prepping for a talk I'm doing and I can't for the life of me remember how she described "losing it". She had many kids (okay THAT narrows it down!) and a few of them recited historical prose about character. I used to have a tape set where she talked about lots of things homeschooling but I was soo immature regarding spiritual things I heard everything she said as "DO this, DON'T do that" and I was definitely doing all the wrong things. I might have a completely different description of her now that I'm older - which just goes to show me how prideful I truly was to be embarrassed and stop listening :( Anyway, thought you all might be able to help me find her website...
  19. "that there are currently over 7000 spoken languages in the world, and that within the next 100 years it is expected that 50% of them will disappear." Let's pray they aren't replaced by one that centers on the "words" lol omg and ttyl
  20. Today I learned that my bad temper scares my children even if it seems to motivate them to work. The result is awful and not at all the intended effect. What I also learned is that sorry goes a long, long way toward restoration and teaching by example is powerful. On a far less deep note I learned to download TOG and that they've made great improvements since 5 years ago on year 1.
  21. I'm trying to order year 1 digital with only the Map Aids and Poetics both in digital versions. I get to the end and Poetics isn't in my cart. They don't open until 10 am. Might anyone waste some time to help me and give it a try on your end?
  22. "There isn’t a better time to invest than today. The way to build real wealth is by living well below your means and then saving and investing the difference. The poor buy things; their homes are cluttered with them. The middle class buys liabilities like second homes and boats, and then they are obliged to make payments and upkeep on them for years. In contrast, the rich buy investments that appreciate and pay them dividends and interest for decades." Hi Quill, just wanted to say I couldn't help but post this after I'd just read it. Sounds like you're doing all that :) As far as that stuff with ynab, you can do a screenshot and ask tech support. They're just awesome. I've never used off budget accounts or I would try to help. I might offer just on off chance that you re-do the transactions as a transfer instead of how you've done it. I think you can transfer from off budget accounts, actually I think that is one of the reasons for the transfer option...just a suggestion, I don't know.
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