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Everything posted by momee

  1. I want her to have more manipulatives. And this is a relatively easy thing to do. It was in the curricula I bought to add in more hands on/exploratory play to her school times because, as you can see, I am challenged in that area, lol. I know there must be things she can do with it, I just can't think of what. I'm just going to take about 10 cans, have her work with Paw Paw on nailing them to a board and use for math time. They can be on a grid/in a row/whatever. I'm thinking sticks/rocks/etc as the counters but besides just putting one to one correspondence, I can't come up with anything else. Maybe a number line...skip counting...math facts? I don't know.
  2. I'd like to use a piece of board with tin cans nailed to it for some type of math manipulative for my second grader. Trouble is I can't figure out what to do with it :( (seriously uncreative momma here) The original idea was to count the number of objects, like sticks, and put in the can - but this is too simple for her. Any alternate ideas?
  3. Sarah, that link isn't working for me. I'm going to look for it elsewhere so I can make and compare. That food network recipe upthread is our and many other testers' fave. Tried and true. Interested to see how Jamie's compares and possibly learn a new technique to make it. Thx
  4. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/winner-aarti-sequeira1/chicken-in-creamy-tomato-curry-chicken-tikka-masala-recipe.html our family fave for years
  5. I said someone is very sensitive = that to you means I'm saying they're a "big meanie" ? I don't at all mean to insinuate I didn't do anything wrong. I have apologized profusely. You know, this is extremely frustrating. If you don't want to hear the apology in what I'm saying, you won't. I can't do anything to make you hear my genuine apology. And with that, I have done all I can.
  6. Thanks, Jean. I really, honestly, want to say - stick up for me. You know me from the old school days and I am really a polite poster and surely must not have meant to offend so many but...lol...I'm out of high school and won't. Your point is great, maybe my beef really is with YA lit? I was looking for books at the time I posted and having great difficulty finding something that didn't include drugs, sex or violence. But I've noticed the same theme in movies, tv, etc. I appreciate the suggestion.
  7. I had no idea at all what I was entering into upon posting this thread. I am raising daughters only. As far as "slut shaming" the only reason I didn't mention boys was because my now grown son is off and on his own and I no longer am responsible for helping choose his literature. I find it hard to believe the heated argument came from such an innocent statement of mine, so someone obviously is very sensitive to the subject and for that I respectfully apologize for the impression I gave. I found the other statement I responded about unnecessarily snarky - and if I misread that and should have taken it as respectful disagreement, I again apologize There seriously should be a general rule that we give each other the benefit of the doubt before attacking. Things have sure changed around here in the past 8- 10 years in that regard. We haven't always gotten along or agreed but in my experience, there has (almost) always been a desire to share knowledge for the sake of helping each other grow. Yes, it may offend some that I don't want my girls who are going to one day be women reading about cutting, sex, abuse, violence, bullying etc in a way that glamorizes it and no I'm not banning everything that is negative but some stuff is just too much and I don't see the need to glamorize evil. I could have worded the OP better, point taken. But I do have a right to that opinion - just as - say albeto - has a right to hers/his. I don't agree and am not going to take a point by point rebuttal but I am surely not going to respond with an attitude of...I don't know. I again apologize and have learned a great deal about stating my opinion.
  8. This is going downhill fast, ladies. Apologies all around and totally not what motivated me to post.
  9. "You don't know the term slut shaming?" No, I don't. just ignore the thread, my goodness.
  10. "I'm so sick of hashing this out about YA all the time." I've never hashed this out and guess I don't read the boards enough. Ok - I'm sorry again. Before I slink away probably never posting again, why such a rude comment? "And this is an age when kids can read adult books too, you know."
  11. #slutshaminglives I'm sorry but what in the world does that mean?
  12. I have daughters and was shopping for them. I am concerned about this issue - for everyone. Even my 90 year old in laws who don't notice the smut so much anymore since they watch so much tv and it's everywhere. They don't notice my youngest in the room when the news is talking about rape or a commercial about a sexual tv show is on. Sorry to offend.
  13. Was looking for some young adult audiobooks on scribd during my free trial and came across these descriptors. Okay, I'm going to admit it. I am disgusted by the lack of propriety displayed publicly of late. Call me a fuddy duddy, old fashioned or prudish but the sensuality, occult and downright violent nature of books, music and movies has me worried about our young girls. What in the world are we teaching them as a society?
  14. alot I could ramble about but can be brief... just keep in mind things will change when you get to your third cycle. The workload is heavy.
  15. Just wanted to update for future reference of someone looking to decorate their porch. I went to the local-ish famiily owned country market that was selling adirondack chairs/swings etc. and bought a black wood paint stain from Benjamin Moore called Arborcoat. They turned out absolutely gorgeous and are super high quality.
  16. Are people no longer posting to these? I was looking at the geography forum for year 1 and the last post was in 2014. Just curious...
  17. ive signed up for saltedtv and have had a hard time breaking myself away. LOVE watching the chef interviews, really gets me inspired to hear how others began cooking or listening to the benefit of a good meal towards bringing people together. I am loving it. Free subscription for first two weeks, I think. Made THE BEST hash browns I've ever made and my eggs in my stainless skillet were perfect three days in a row! Bam.
  18. I've been playing around with the America's Test Kitchen cooking school free trial. Besides that - and buying a cute chef's coat :) what else can I do to kick my skills up a notch? On a 5 star rating scale for skill set, I would say I'm roughly at a solid 3 if you compare me with most working moms who grew up with chef boyardee and are now just trying to get dinner on the table. Now if you compare me with moms brought up in cooking homes with years of experience and high level of interest, maybe a 2.
  19. I think the wrong edition must have gotten mixed in. Thanks for information.
  20. I went onto Amazon and bought what I assumed was the correct edition of DD's first college textbook. However, once shipped it was the wrong edition and wasn't what was shown in the picture advertised. I realize she can contact the professor to ask if that particular edition would work but how can I avoid making that mistake again? I incorrectly assumed if the picture was the same, all used editions on that page were the same as shown.
  21. I'm hoping to do some fun stuff with narration this year...if you wanted to do some voice recordings...what would you use? I don't want video...too distracting. Audio only.
  22. I'm looking to do bible memory work on strips and laminate them to pull double duty as copywork...
  23. Need rockers and swings but am having quite a hard time finding things that are quality. We don't want to buy these pieces of furniture again for a long time. Does anyone have experience with Wayfair? Hayneedle? They're coming up every time I do a search.
  24. Can't seem to find any, like to pack homemade muffins or something like that in...?
  25. I think it demands higher than 40 - 50% of sales price - we are non smoking home and most books are in almost new condition. No broken spines or writing in any of them. Just curious what you all would ask for it...(it will cost about $30 media mail, there are a TON of heavy books)
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