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Everything posted by momee

  1. Just a funny... this "arguing right now because she swiped my copy of Inferno and doesn't want to wait until the school year for the next two volumes " is one argument we will not be having :)
  2. This is great advice and I appreciate your taking time to list resources. Thanks for the reminder it is very pliable and easy to match to my needs!
  3. This makes my kids seem lazy, which isn't what I meant. How about I redo and ask, might someone be so kind as to give me a week glance at how you handle TOG rhetoric?
  4. DS 1 did TOG. For many outside reasons, he came to resent the rigor and wasn't at all a great books type kid. We got through years 1 - 3 and I feel he learned alot. His heart wasn't in it but I was impressed with the material nonetheless. DD 2 watched all that happen, attributed the rigor to TOG and so chose SL for her 4 years of history and did very, very well. My oversight in making sure the work was done was really all she needed as she is a very independent learner and was highly motivated to do all asked of her. This fall I'm beginning 9th grade with DD 3 and she has chosen TOG for history and literature (we will do Intro to Rhetoric with WTMA for writing). Would any of you who use TOG at the rhetoric level give me a bird's eye view of what a typical week with a kid who is willing but not a super stellar classically motivated learner should look like? I have to be honest, I could use some help in watching for that fine line of challenge vs. overwhelming. We've done about 9 weeks - she does the reading just fine, but has no interest in the literature vocabulary cards or thematic study (so this is a challenge to teach her) of the literature component. Her answers for the history questions are fair, not as deep as could be and I think we need to step it up a notch there but don't want to overwhelm her. I welcome any thoughts...
  5. Were you doing the TOG together or with a class or co-op? If just doing on your own, I'd love to read more about how MUCH of TOG you actually were able to accomplish. This student wants to do TOG and the last time I went through it with a high schooler, I assigned way too much. Thanks in advance if you can offer any guidance there.
  6. I'm not positive I'm going this route for dd 9th grade year but if I do...would these two classes be sufficient for 2 credits, or just 1?
  7. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/554515-whos-ready-for-another-puppy-thread/?hl=%2Bpuppy+%2Btraining&do=findComment&comment=6410875 found this full thread but if you have other suggestions, post away
  8. Daisy Mae's arrival is much anticipated. I'd like to take this time before she comes home to gather materials we'll need to train her. What are your favorites?
  9. I'd like to chime in with so much about how regret and expectations are stranglers of joy. I have an annual struggle that happens almost without fail in August regarding my decision to homeschool. Those back to school blahs where I feel like I'm failing my kids - I don't do enough - I'm not structured enough - how will they become functioning adults? etc. I have one who has left the house and basically checked out in high school. He still blames me for waking late, for his not possessing study skills, etc when I know very much that he quit learning at 14 and is still battling to grow up and take responsibility for hard, bad choices he's made. I left the conversation with him about how if I'd "put (him) in school, those things wouldn't have happened". That's very hard to hear. For a day I accepted it then reality of those hard years came back with truth. At the same time, with lots of emotion, my compliant kid #2 comes in and reminds me of the good I'm doing and how even though at times #1 and #3 aren't exactly thankful now I sacrifice as I do, they will be one day. She reminded me I need to look at it for what it is when they complain - regret from them that they aren't doing better as well. I'm just the closest target that isn't them personally. So I have to refuse to pick up blame where it isn't warranted. My biggest joy killer as a homeschool mom? Taking my kids' sin on my shoulders and bearing the consequence and the responsibility - because honestly the line between mom/teacher/cheerleader/friend gets so blurred at times. Their education is their responsibility too. Hugs to all of you who are trying to do well in this race. This may not be the case with you but I know it is with some others reading this. Ten years of homeschooling has proven...none of us wake up every day to happy compliant kids. I don't think any of us wake up chipper and are eager to battle arguments and complaints about anything yet it is a VERY real aspect of homeschooling. Teaching an unmotivated kid day after day is exhausting. Teaching every day to anyone at all is exhausting (and lonely) (and hard). Just. Hard. You may read this (not having the whole story) and think he should have gone to school. Maybe...but we felt, as his parents, school would have exponentially compounded issues he was having. We decided it was in his best interest and even though it meant great cost of time and effort for me personally, he would remain at home. We wouldn't give up and would continue to try to motivate, direct and love him. I don't regret that choice. I did have to do some of the things in the previous post upthread about sucking it up and doing what was hard because it was the right thing to do. But honestly it was definitely the most difficult thing I've ever had to do - to do what was best for my child. Standing behind him when I want to toss him out a window is very very tough. He's still making hurtful decisions for himself yet my husband and I have chosen to show him grace and love and affirm who he is (but not what he is doing). That is even tougher than trying to wake him or get him to do math facts when he didn't want to. But that was important then, and this is important now. Parenting isn't easy. Homeschooling isn't easy. (edited because I had multiple grammar issues, still do, sorry)
  10. Closing credit card accounts and trying not to have a hissy fit over what it may do to our hard earned good credit score. Also - while closing said accounts, I'm trying not to be derailed from the job even though the company is enticing me to stay with coupons or $25 restaurant gift card offers.
  11. IF we keep only one card open for emergencies, what would be a fair and reasonable amount on that? Enough to...say...pay to have car towed, transmission fixed, and an overnight in a hotel till it's on road again? I'm seriously looking for a number. I don't see why I need a credit card when a debit will do fine. That's two questions in one post, lol. (hate debt, hate debt, hate debt!)
  12. Don't dump it until you get your rewards in February tho.
  13. 1)How strange that I am allowing my FICO score to dictate my financial decisions. 2)TBH - I realize the problem I used to have with debt. Now that I know I have those cards, I'm feeling like I could go to those stores and buy something. This is off topic from my original post but just wanted to share how unhealthy debt can be...long lasting effects.
  14. Called back to get more info. The rep didn't speak english well, asked to speak to someone else and he disconnected me. So frustrating!
  15. Does anyone have personal experience with closing unused accounts and can give me info on what you found happened after? I've read credit scores can take a temporary drop (I'm totally fine with that) but then it rebounds after a short period of time. I'm all into Dave Ramsey and getting rid of credit cards but must admit...I'm hesitating taking this step. If I do so my plan is to cancel all but my two oldest accounts.
  16. So called Amex to get update on changes with their canceling Costco AMEX cards. IF they are the ones to close, the rep couldn't say what the ramifications to customer credit will be. IF I close, I lose my rewards points (unless I close right after I get my rewards dollars which isn't until February). She advised I wait until March to see what will happen. I'm sorry but I'm not too keen on "waiting" to find out what they will do. Just curious if anyone on here knows anything about what will happen with credit scores if a creditor closes an account verses a member request to do so. Not happy all around with AMEX right now. Rep used a marriage analogy to explain sometimes two come to irreconcilable differences and that's how AMEX and Costco are right now. Really?
  17. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/555055-is-rightstart-worth-the-money/?hl=rightstart&do=findComment&comment=6421572 There's a money saving post in this thread that may help...
  18. http://www.officialhomeartstudio.com/kindergarten1.html LOVED this.
  19. Not an omelette but one of our very favorite Sat morning treats http://www.kcet.org/living/food/the-public-kitchen/wheatless-wednesday-asparagus-ham-and-gruyere-frittata.html
  20. After a lot of money, alot of time and alot of hard work I am stepping back and taking a good look at what we did for middle child's high school. She can't really explain democracy, how the systems of government work nor remember what were some of the factors/causes in World War 2. She did the work, read the books, etc. How might I better determine if it was my lack of discussion with her or lack of taking tests (this company doesn't require tests - just read and discuss), if it was the books, or just a matter of her simply not remembering?
  21. "Girl, you're looking so young and happy lately. What are you doing?" and "Wow, you must be losing weight!" and "You're just so serious and all frowny today, I was going to joke with you but now I better not." and "Are you feeling sick?" All said to me yesterday at church - funny thing is I was only there for 30 minutes before I had to leave and bring youngest home because of a headache.
  22. Just thought you all might like a BAM chicken recipe. Sooo moist, flavorfull! and this cookbook is just a gem. Here's the book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1451626010?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 and here's the chicken recipe. Wowsa! http://www.kdhamptons.com/parmesan-panko-crusted-chicken-black-bean-avocado-salsa/ And this blog says she was Ina Garten - Barefoot Contessa's mentor. hmm. interesting. http://www.seriouseats.com/2008/07/cook-the-book-summer-on-a-plate-anna-pump.html I also made the blueberry crumble and topped with fresh whipped cream - oh my goodness the moans from my peeps!!! http://onceuponaplate.blogspot.com/2008/09/individual-blueberry-crumbles.html
  23. I'm looking for ones that are a little more eclectic - industrial?rustic? than these https://www.pinterest.com/pin/328762841519965264/
  24. "I'm considering MP for one child and looking at the first and second grade programs right now. Is the phonics part easily skippable for a child that already knows how to read? Or is is incorporated into the literature and everything else. How much writing is required without the phonics? Thanks! " Any of their parts is easily skippable. I like the amount of writing, that is so variable I can't answer for you. You can leave off anything, make anything oral discussion, etc. So if you are leaning towards it, I say go for it. I love it, really. It allows me to live and homeschool instead of school taking all my time to plan/buy/prepare/etc.
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