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Everything posted by momee

  1. Thanks, I see lots of posts on here (now that I've posted myself, sorry - should have searched first) about easywdw. This is our first vacation in our youngest's whole life. I am SUPER excited. Thx
  2. I've only been once, 10 years ago. We're going to be in the area right after New Years until the 10th. Where do I start planning, what do I need to know? How are crowds then? Ack. (And of course - yayyyyyyyy!!!)
  3. I've read I can make them the night before and let rise on counter in am before baking. Instead though, I hope to do as much as possible tomorrow morning so Christmas Eve evening is cooking free.
  4. Wow Rosie. I didn't think of that option, lol. That's one sure way to deal with some pent up frustration though! I have never heard of that.
  5. I'm thinking I should take it out at maybe 140 ish degrees F instead of waiting until 165 - or maybe not a good idea? Still considering that one... I was concerned about it getting dry - basically continuing to cook a bit. Also worried about the skin getting wet and flabby-ish. WHY? did I say I'd do the turkey - so stressful.
  6. That's funny, lol. My dilemma is that I am to bring the 20 lb bird to a function that begins immediately after another event we are attending. Do you think if I were to roast the turkey and put in a cooler (with aluminum foil in it) until the time we are to eat (roughly 2 hrs after it will be removed from the oven) it would be ok?
  7. momee


    Think they're products are worth it? What about comparable products - like this one? http://casabella.com/microfiber-glass-cloths-set-of-2/
  8. http://www.cleanmama.net/cleaning-favs I'm just curious. I'm asking because I was reading some amazon reviews and saw that the reviewer was given the product for the purpose of review. Makes me leery even IF it is a request for non-biased reviewing.
  9. "I am surrounded by Target stores" This must be lovely for you. It would be very expensive for me though, lol.
  10. So our Target Debit Card was used for fraudulent activity a couple of years ago. We were refunded the money taken from our account and our bank was excellent about the whole situation. I really! would like to apply again because Target is about an hour from us and their card promises free shipping. I'll save gas money, eating out money (we always eat out on a big trip to town like that) and get the benefit of sticking to the "list" type shopping. Do you think they've rectified the previous fraud issues and have you found the card to be worthwhile?
  11. I... came on the boards to check for a recipe and ended up Amazon ordering something I hadn't thought about in months
  12. If I were to post I have an old bag of agar agar in my cabinet - help me use it. I have no idea how old it is, nor what on earth I bought it for, lol. Toss, use? And if use - in what? I'm guessing it is fine to use and is a sub for cornstarch???
  13. nm - edited because no one wants to hear a whiner. Wedding cookies, neiman marcus 250 chocolate chips, peanut butter, royal frosted sugar cutouts, and the cute sugar cookies with kisses stuck in the top are my preferred ones. I'm seriously toying with buying some fancy kits from Wms Sonoma though, always wanted to and just don't have the umph right now with everything else to do to plan, create from scratch. We'll see though once I get into the store and laugh out loud because the red velvet cupcake kits are over $20.
  14. "but I think he is a bit too doctrinaire and borderline abusive toward people making some adjustments to his program." Agreed. It's a shame too because I like his instruction except for that part of his demeanor. Like the term "idiot". We don't say stupid here, lol.
  15. "The other issue is I feel like I can't win. At one point early in our marriage we decided that we wanted to save X amount of money, and after that we'd do a house repair. Well, we got to X amount, and he decided that he wanted to get to XX amount before we did the repair. On and on it went. That's his style. I need a little celebration after each goal. He is very much internally motivated, while I am externally motivated." DH and I were the same way, and he just opted out of budgeting. Not intentionally, I think he just decided I could handle it and he could do his part by earning it, lol. I have no advice if you've already watched Dave Ramsey. He was helpful in our realizing we're just going to be different and that's ok.
  16. This is from the YNAB website as well. Thought it might encourage you with re: to OP No Budget Failures, Just Lots of Adjustments Let’s say you give your money a job to replace the leaky toilet in the bathroom. You’re not a plumber, but you guess that the repair will cost $100, so that $100 goes into the ‘Leaky Toilet’ category. It’s a guess. You’re not naming children or picking a spouse. (Setting up a category just for leaky toilets isn’t considered a best practice. You’d usually want to be a bit more general with your categories, such as “Home Repairs.†Unless, of course, your toilets leak all the time.) The plumber comes and, wouldn’t you know it, it rings up at $150. You suppress your instinct to collapse in a heap on the floor and wail that budgets are a failure. Instead, you look at your budget, see that you have $30 you can move from ‘Squeaky Toys for Fido’ and $20 that can be spared from the black-hole category known as ‘Miscellaneous.’ You make the adjustment, bumping up your ‘Leaking Toilet’ category from $100 to $150. This type of adjusting is normal, expected, and encouraged. It means you’re setting a plan, then adjusting that plan as new information arrives. You may simply want to spend more money on entertainment than you originally thought you would. Because every dollar has a job, the extra for entertainment will have to come from somewhere. You look things over, get a gauge on your priorities, and make the adjustment.
  17. YNAB video on the whack a mole rule. This undoubtedly is something I find helpful when I stress over getting my budget amounts "wrong". They're not wrong necessarily. A budget is based on an idea of what you're going to spend, giving your dollars a job when you get paid. It's a plan. Plans do change. Especially with a growing family. I don't think I've ever once hit my estimated amount on anything as I budget, except monthly fixed expenses. Even the phone bill occasionally changes. Have you heard of YNAB? It has seriously changed the way our family lives today. I am a MUCH better financial manager because of it. http://www.youneedabudget.com/method/rule-three
  18. Carol in Ca - thanks much for that reply. It was a gift to me to read today of all days.
  19. I would guess he has anxiety about money as well. I do all the budgeting, bill paying, anything regarding managing the house. I get squirrely about things sometimes and it comes out in the oddest of areas. Money is alot of pressure. Communication would be very helpful. Our situation is different, all the input (and pressure really) is on me if I overspend. DH makes it, I'm responsible for everything after that. I use YNAB. I find it helps me to look longer term than 1 or 2 months. Also, never look at holiday spending months. Those are always wonky. Even electric bills.
  20. You could set each of the levels up the same way, with one for each class. Kind of bullet journal ish style with washi tape-ish? tabs in each section if you needed it? say for To Do, Syllabus, Etc...
  21. You seem to have a solution but I was looking at a new journal cover from Levenger and saw this... http://www.levenger.com/CIRCA-326/CIRCA-NOTEBOOKS-339/Circa-Next-Level-Notebook-12958.aspx
  22. "I have to check Amazon to see if I already have the butler books somewhere. I am such a disorganized housekeeper that I may have bought and misplaced them" Well, disorganized or not, I'm impressed that you THINK you may have them :)
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